《Bound in the Dark》Shadows Tiny Flame


Shadows POV:

With Illume and Pyro talking in the diner about girly stuff most probably, I decided to do a mans job and said mans job would be to control myself enough to be able to use my powers at will but I'm failing miserably unfortunately.

Inferno: "C'mon kid it's taken you this long and you haven't even made a smidge of your abilities manifest yet."

Aqua then calls her master one side to talk.

Aqua: "Master are we sure this is the same person who had us cornered with no way out? Honestly, he seems like a completely different being. He's too weak to be that demon we fought."

Inferno looks at Shadow with a strained smile as he speaks: "Yeah to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if he's not but frankly speaking I sense something dormant within him begging to be released. The question is, do we actually want that dormant entity to be let loose?

Aqua: "Master do you think it's a good idea that we are helping him? Should we not kill him instead? If he is the same person we fought. He could prove to be a bigger problem if we let him live any longer."

Inferno: "Well you see that's where we might have a problem. Could we even kill this kid? For one, he has his buddy back there who looks like he'd take a life for him and from what I've heard from Pyro, that's not too far off. The other problem would be that we could be unleashing the monster again because it seems that only after his death occurred, he became such a monstrosity. He hasn't lost control before he died right?"

Aqua: "Not that I know of."

Inferno: "Then we can directly tie his death to his powers or rather the being within him. So, let's hold off on killing him for until we can think of a way to dispose of him completely."

Aqua: "Yes master, if that is your wish."

It seems as if Pyro and Illume are done with their conversation so Shadow calls them over.

"So, could you two ladies finally help me to use my powers? I'm starting to get a little bit frustrated."

Pyro: "Who you a calling lady pipsqueak!"

"Well, do I see any other lady besides you around? No."

Illume: "Yeah ha-ha. Do you want our help or not buddy? Oh and Pyro cool it. We're all cool now aren't we? So, jokes like that should go over your head, he's just joking after all."


Pyro: "Pfft fine. I can take a joke if I wanted to."

Illume: "Good. Anyway, Shadow you still having a hard time?"

"Yeah, I feel like giving up bro."

Illume: "Don't worry bro, it'll come to ya. Ooh, how about this? Try and use your emotions, just try and use whatever feeling that's strongest and then try to let it out."


Illume: "Hmm, good question."

Pyro: "You know what? Get really angry and then explode."

Illume: "That might work for you but I doubt it'd work for him. Have you ever seen Shadow angry?"

Pyro: "Good point. He's like a fluffy bunny."

"Hey! I get angry too!"

Illume and Pyro then look at each other, look at Shadow and snicker then look away trying not to burst into laughter.

Illume: "Right buddy. Sure. I believe you."

Pyro: "Yeah I've seen you angry, sometimes, probably."

Both Illume and Pyro continue shaking like cold chihuahuas as they try to hold in their laughter to their best of the ability. Shadow sees this then says...

"Screw you guys! I'm doing this my way."

I then close my eyes trying to find the source of my power but I come across... nothing. There's nothing there! Wait maybe I can use this. Maybe I can use this emptiness within me. Another thing, wasn't there always something within me that wanted to destroy everything? It always said something when the darkness and emptiness were strongest. It said... I should give... in? That I should let myself go into the darkness. That doesn't sound like a good idea but heck if I could harness it then that would make it a good thing then, I guess.

I begin using the void within me, the emptiness I've always felt. I grasp the darkness with both hands wholeheartedly and to my surprise and tiny purple flame appears in front of me.

"Wow! I'm doing Illume check it out."

Illume: "Yeah buddy good for you!"

Everyone else: "It's so tiny."

Pyro looks at it unimpressed: "Dude I could probably fart a flame bigger than that one."

Illume: "Hey let him have his victory. His tiny, tiny victory."

Inferno: "So you might have a flame attribute after all or is it rather that you could only summon a flame at this time? That doesn't matter right now anyway because I was thinking maybe I should take you under my wing kid. You could summon way bigger flames than that if you let me train you."


Aqua then whispers into Infernos ear: "Master, why would you want to train him?"

Inferno responds: "Well that's simple Aqua. I'll train him only so that I can keep an eye on him and if that helps him control himself completely then that's a good thing for everything on earth."

Aqua says nothing, she just nods and steps back.

Inferno then looks at Shadow again and asks one last time: "So what do you say kid?"

"Thanks, but no thanks. I think I'd rather do this on my own. I doubt you'd be able to help me anyway. Heck maybe I'm mistaken. So, I think I'll just call for your training when I need help with the flame stuff. Illume you said I could copy other powers, right? Well then let me try and copy yours."

Illume: "I think I got a better idea buddy. Come with me, I need you to use your powers so that I could see someone."

"Ooh is it a girlfriend?"

Illume laughs and just says "maybe".

As they walk away the others are curious as to what Illume has in mind but Pyro decides to fill them in on Illumes plan.

Pyro: "He's about to confront the angel who's been playing around with us. Apparently that guy's been spectating this whole time and helps us when he wants to. So, Illume and The Angel are about to have a little 'talk'."

Aqua: "So what would he need Shadow for?"

Pyro: "My guess would be..."

Inferno cuts off Pyro from saying anything further: "To use Shadows power to open up a portal, right?"

Aqua: "But wouldn't that mean that Shadow would have to see it first?"

Inferno: "He most likely has seen it before."

Pyro: "Yeah when he was evil. So, I'm guessing Illume is going to try and jog his memory a bit with that light of his."

Inferno: "If he pulls it off then he is one smart kid."

Pyro: "Yeah, he kinda is. Both him and Shadow usually had perfect scores on everything. That is if they both felt like it."

So, Illume takes me into the diner where I ask him...

"So, what's up buddy? What do you need?"

Illume: "Well I just need you to stay still for a couple seconds."

Illume then brings his hand forward, as he opens his fist a light shines from within it which he flicks towards Shadow. The light enters Shadows forehead and for some reason Shadows eyes begin to glow with light. Shadow then falls to his knees and remains still only for a minute. Once he comes back to his senses, he immediately jumps to his feet ready to yell at Illume.

"What the heck did you just do to me? Was that you and I? We fought? How? Why?"

Illume: "Well I just gave you a preview of my memory of that day. I instilled the light with a few portions of my memory and it seems like it worked. I didn't think it would though. Oh and we fought but forget about that it's in the past and it wasn't you. It was but you weren't in your right mind so just forget about it."

"Forget about it? Why would you show me that and then want me to forget about it?"

Illume: "Because I thought it might jumpstart your memory a bit. So, do you remember anything about a portal?"

"Well sort of."

Illume: "Thats great! So, could you maybe use that memory and form a portal for me to a place that looks like the Garden of Eden?"

"I don't know that sounds like a tall order considering I just figured out a tiny bit of my power."

Illume: "C'mon buddy I know you can do it. Just this once, please."

"Okay fine I'll try but don't blame me if nothing happens."

So, Shadow tries to search in his memory for a portal and he actually succeeds in finding it dwelling deep within his almost forgotten memories. It's hazy to him but with a little bit of grit he manages to pull it from his memory and forms a portal.

"Illume, there you go but make quick I think I can only hold it for a couple more seconds."

Illume smiles while saying: "Thats all I need. See? I knew you could do it! You stay here bro; I'll be back soon."

"Stay here? No way! I'm coming with you! Wait, how are you going to get back here?"

Illume: "Nah bro, this is something I can handle on my own. Don't worry I'll find a way to get back. See ya."

Illume then walks through the portal ready to start a battle with the angel himself. Would questions be answered? Would blood be shed or would it just be a battle of words? Read more to find out.

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