《Bound in the Dark》The Plan


With a plan in mind, the heroes are carrying all kinds of hope with them. The question is, will their plan be carried out with no mistakes and would it actually help them in defeating Shadow? The heroes might be the last hope of the town, no, the world.

Let's keep our fingers crossed that their plan sees itself to fruition.


The battle uniting Illume, Inferno, Pyro and Aqua is underway. Their plan is about to be thrown into full gear.

While Aqua fights Shadow using nothing but her hand to hand combat skills, the rest of the team begins the next phase of the plan.

Pyro then gives Aqua a signal lighting the wall behind Shadow on fire. As this happens, Aqua jumps backwards to avoid the heat of the immense firewall that's going to spring about. Once the wall forms it completely blocks Shadows vision who seems completely unbothered by it.

With sarcasm Shadow says: "This trick again? Oh, I'm so impressed."

Illume then shouts out: "Yeah buddy! I got something that might give you a real surprise."

Right then Illume raises his hand and the arrow of light which has taken it's time to form is finally ready to be shot.

Illume:" Pyro once it shoots, I need you to control your flames and make them spin around the arrow. Heck, make a tornado around it if you have too."

Pyro: "Yo, that might be harder than it sounds."

Illume: "Just do it."

Pyro: "Sheesh. Yeah. Okay, I'll try."

Illume: "Pyros dad, if you could do the same, that'd help too."

Inferno: "Sure kid. Piece of cake."

Aqua: "What should I do?"

Illume: "Can you use those water whips I saw you used last time and keep him on the same spot?"

Aqua: "Yeah, shouldn't be a problem..."

Illume: "Hey, I know it sounds like a stupid idea but I'll take anything that could keep him still and cause more damage. The reason it took so long was because I had to pour as much light into it as possible. The more light, the more damage and more damage is good."


Pyro: "Okay so do you think it could take him out?"

Illume: "Honestly, I'd be surprised if it even makes him feel a little bit of pain. The last time I tried an attack on him, he bled badly but didn't even seem hurt. So no but I've got hope and that's all I need."

Inferno: "We might need a whole lot more than hope kid but I'm behind ya."

Pyro: "Yeah let's kick some ass."

Once they are done talking, Aqua restricts Shadows movement before anything else. Then Illume shouts out "I hope you're ready." to Shadow who seems completely calm in the situation. Illume then pulls him arm back as if holding onto a bow. He aims through a gap between the walls of flame and releases.

Illume: "Okay Guys, you're up!"

Both Inferno and Pyro shout out "Right!" as they shift their flames around the arrow. Pyro uses the flames he has already conjured and morphs them into a spinning tornado around the arrow by clasping his hands together while Inferno uses both his hands to touch the ground which cause flames to erupt. Infernos flames then fuse with Pyros as they cover the arrow entirely in flame. Hopefully these tactics would increase the damage caused exponentially.

As the arrow draws closer to Shadow, it would almost seem as if he lets it come towards him. He does not move, wiggle or even blink as it reaches him.

Shadows POV:

These losers think that this weak looking object might kill me? The trust in their abilities is so annoying. I should show them that no matter what they'd do, they're all still going to die by my hand. Nothing will stop me.

I then let the Arrow of Light pierce me. As if it has an actual hold on me, it sends me flying through multiple buildings. It doesn't stop until I reach the steel tower that sits right in front of the forest where I found Blight. I look around and see where I am...

"Oh it's this place again. Back at the most painful moment that I can remember. Great. The best part is that it was all set for a reason, just to make me... like... this. Forget it! I don't even care. I just need to destroy everything. Let's get this toothpick out of me. What the? It... stings? Why?"


I try getting the arrow of light out of me but it seeps deeper into my skin. It burns as I touch it. What the hell is happening? This hurts dammit!

"I'm going to kill all of you bastards! You're all dead, you hear me!"

Our heroes are quite far away so they most likely could not hear Shadows cries of rage.

Aqua: "Hey you. Do you think this plan of yours worked?"

Illume: "I'm not sure but we should go check it out. It might take some time to arrive there though."

As they walk towards the forest they see all kinds of destruction which the arrow has caused alone.

Pyro: "Woah! Remind me never to tick you off again Illume."

Illume: "Yeah you ticked me off quite a few times actually."

Pyro: "Well I'm glad you decided not to fight me then haha."

Illume: "Yeah, it would've been ugly. For both of us."

Pyro: "So if he's still alive, what do you think he would be saying right now?"

Illume: "Well... considering how he's been acting he'd probably be saying he'd want to kill us right about now."

Everyone then gave an awkward laugh as they feared that Shadow might still be breathing and yearning for their demise.

After a couple minutes of walking they begin to see the tower stretching out before them. What they see next surprises them. They see Shadow sitting on the ground like an innocent little child with not a care in the world. They're hiding behind a few trees and a bushes to stay out of his vision.

Illume's then the first to speak.

Illume: "Crap! We're in trouble now. We might be dying guys, I'm fresh out of plans and power."

Inferno: "Wait kid. Something's not right and in a good way. That malice he's been giving off is completely gone now. In fact I can't sense a third of the power he's been putting out."

Pyro: "Huh? What do you mean? He's right there. Let's end him."

Inferno: "Pyro hold on. Don't be so quick to jump the gun."

Pyro: "What about all the things you've taught me? He's the one that would kill everyone. You saw what he did to the town. We need to stop him before he kills anyone else!"

Inferno: "Pyro just can it for a second! Hey kid, Illume right? Yeah, I need you to show yourself to him. See what happens."

Pyro: "What, you're just gonna let Illume die now? Nah Illume, stay right here, don't move."

Aqua: "Pyro, I think master has some kind of plan in mind. He wouldn't allow anyone to die on his watch so let him do this."

Inferno: "Thanks Aqua. So kid, you're up."

Illume: "Well here goes nothing then, I guess."

Inferno: "Hey I got your back. I ain't letting you get killed."

Illume says with sarcasm in his voice:" Thanks that makes me feel so much better."

He then walks towards Shadow and what comes after shocks everyone.

Shadow runs up to Illume and talks to him as if nothing has happened.

Shadow: "Yo buddy, I know I'm in the forest and you said you'd kill me if I stepped a foot here but I have no idea how I even got here so please forgive me."

This causes everyone including Inferno to become rather confused. Shadow seems to be himself again but what other info would they get from this 'rebooted' Shadow? Not knowing what to do, they decided to take a breather and calm down. The battle seems to be over but what is it that exactly happened? What would come next? Read more and find out...

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