《A Degenerates Book for Survival》Curses Smurses


Well, I am back.

Fought off a shit ton of little fuckers but I am back.

Ok,the lesson for today will be about…..hmmmm….


The lesson for today will be about curses.

No. I am not talking about curse words.

I’m talking about literal curses. Like “I curse your family with the death of 100 children” type shit.

These things are the real deal.

Curses are super powerful. So powerful that they’re in fact outlawed in almost every reality. God’s even interfere once in a while because of this shit.

One curse could wipe out a whole species. It’s happened in the past. Ask anyone about the Gatarian’s. They’ll all freeze up and tell you to not even talk about them.

Their whole species got wiped out because someone disrespected a Multarian in front of their Curse-Crafter spouse. Literally wiped out a species of 3.6 billion just because one dumb fuck called ‘em a slur.

These things are too fucking strong for their own good.

Almost all of the studies about curses are locked within Dimension X92-BRATH-666.

I’ll most likely never talk to you about THAT place. Don’t want you unleashing some shit.

Here's some history about curses though.


The first curse was speculated to have been made by complete accident.

Crazy how people can even think that but there's a shit ton of evidence supporting it.

During the first years of ‘The Unrilate Symphony’ excursions, there was a discovery made by a group called “The Sunsetting of Fear”. They traveled to a really old reality.

Yes, realities have age. PAY ATTENTION.

They found that none of the worlds within that reality could hold life.

Now, when I say that; I mean that the worlds could not hold life. Not even life that stepped onto the planet.


As soon as an excursionist stepped foot on a planet they would just cease.

That was it.

They weren’t sent to a different reality, a different time or space.

They just ceased existing.

Everything that they had brought with them that could be traced back to them disappeared too.

“The Sunsetting Fear” forgot their very own guy's existence but people outside of that reality who happened to know the guy remembered the dude.

The only reason we know this is because Drklim, The God of Memories, showed up in front of every living being to ever exist and told everyone the exact thing all at the same time.

“Do not touch that place.”

Then he disappeared.

It’s really great when a god just materializes throughout all realities at every point in time, says some shit then just fucking disappears. Everyone loved that.

All realities agreed to pull all explorers, excursionists and even pirates back to one reality because that was literally the best option. It led to a couple transportation accidents but at least everyone didn’t die.

When “The Sunsetting Fear” got pulled back they were fucking confused. They ranted and raved how they were pulled back too early and how no one had even stepped on a planet yet.

After a while, someone who had finally gone through the logs of every reality found a discrepancy. A guy was missing from “The Sunsetting Fears” crew list.

Now, on any other day this would be looked over but if a shit ton of people forget someone and the god of memories shows up the very same day. Somethings gotta be up.

They interviewed the crew and no one remembered him.

So, they did the only thing they could.

They called Drklim and asked him to check it out.

He goes to them directly and tells them no.


Yep, a god said no to just checking some place out.

So, the people of almost every reality agreed and decided to just check it out themselves.

They got to that reality and found some shit didn’t match.

Some mages had found that the mana within that reality was quite almost non-existent.


They found a little moon.

The moon had nothing on it except 2 skeletons.

One standing and carrying the other.

The mages decided to study the skeletons and found that-



Did you seriously think I was going to tell you about something like that?

That I was just gonna tell somebody about [REDACTED] so easily?

Sorry buddy.

I can’t be giving out 10th Star info for free.

But I will tell you some 7th Star for free though.

You’re welcome.

Not all curses are bad.

Crazy, I know.

Some curses are just good things hidden in bad forms.

For example, about 17,000 years ago some guy was cursed. His curse was “You shall always succeed but everyone you care for will fail”.

Seems fucked right?


The fucker that cursed him fucked up the whole sentencing and essentially created a paradox.

The cursed guy's family would hit hard times but all he had to do was go against the hard times and win but then his family would go on hard times.

It kept spiraling so out of control that it got to the point that the guy became immortal and had no significant others left.

He beat the curse one day though.

Don’t know how but he did.

Curses will always have a negative but sometimes they have a positive.

But no worries buddy.

Curses can only be made by Curse-Crafters or people that are just the right amount of angry at the time of their death.

So, you know what to do.

Just don't piss people off willy-nilly.

I don’t wanna see you get a LEGO stuck in your urethra because you called someone a shithead.

It hurts just remembering that.


Danger Level: 1-10 Stars

How to avoid being cursed: Don’t be a dick

Chance of surviving: Varies by curse

Tip: Try not to make enemies out of Curse-Crafters. If you can befriend one, try to get them to curse you with something that will increase your strength but at a small cost.

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