《A Degenerates Book for Survival》A is for Abyssal


Greetings fair traveler. Haha, just joking.

If you're reading this then that means you're a person that was either thrown into some weird shit. I should know cause I probably sent you there.

Yea, you guessed right. I AM GOD.....Yeah not really.

Im actually just a being thats stuck inside a Vzrymal. Yea yea I'll explain what a Vzrymal is later.

Now back to the point. The reason you have this book is probably because you were involved in something that's powerful enough to bring you to a new place. I recommend not trying to fight against whatever has summoned you because the last time someone tried to get revenge a whole universe was decimated.

The thing to have summoned you could've been anything; a god, a demon, an accident, some kid trying to master dark magic (happens a lot weirdly), or worst of all a abyssal. Now, you may be thinking "What the fuck is an abyssal?" Well I'll say this.....NEVER GET CLOSE TO ONE!

Abyssals are the oldest things to ever exist and not exist. They are beings of pure primeval energy and they don't play nice. Their race has an insane hatred towards anything that's not made of primeval energy. Like seriously, if you feel like your heart is burning, you're not getting any acid reflux and you didn't eat any greasy foods, then I recommend you run as far as possible because that means a abyssal is looking straight at you.

I know that it might seem crazy to believe that the symptoms of heart burn can be seen as the possibility that an ancient creature is staring at you through space. Just know that those guys have "true eyesight".

They can literally see through anything that is in the physical realm and they can smell you soul.....yeah those guys are like seriously creepy. I skipped through 780+ parsecs just to escape those dudes. Like they're really bad news. Seriously, if you come into contact with anyone that follows the abyssal god just look for the nearest gun and shoot someone.


The reason I say that is because the abyssal can eat souls.

Yup, you didn't hear wrongly. The abyssals eat the souls. Their main power source is their energy crystals, which glow white when the abyssal is about to die. They do gain energy from eating souls but it's not a sufficient source. It takes almost 200-300 souls to make a abyssal full for one day. Most realities have tried to exterminate the abyssals but they were soon wiped out by a mysterious force.

The people who worship the abyssals call that force "Anteeg drenn". As in "The Source" also commonly known as "The abyss", "Eater of Life", or how I'd like to say "No no no no no no". The worshippers go by the name of "The Enlightened" which sounds funny to me because abyssals literally have black tentacles as their fucking face. Seems kinda weird, right?

Now to let you guys know, just cause "The Enlightened" worship the abyssals doesn't mean that the abyssals accept them as one of their own. Abyssals hate "The Enlightened" as much as they hate anybody else. This may seem like a turn off but "The Enlightened" see this as a test to show their rulers that their loyalty and love is unwavering. They believe that the abyssals are killing them as a test of faith. It's totally not because their primeval beings that strive off of sucking life from anything.

The appearance of an abyssal is like of a human but instead of a face they have tentacles, tentacle hands, and maybe some more tentacle parts. I fought one before and I'll say this, those dudes have crazy grip strength. Even though they don't have hands they could literally crack the back of a mythral dragon.

I don't recommend teaming up with these guys and highly suggest never getting on their bad side.

Danger Level: 10 FUCKING STARS

What to do if you encounter one:

If you see these dudes, just start running even if you're a god. Pray to your god and kill yourself Sacrifice your teammates so you can survive Beg for mercy (chances of survival = 0%)

Chance of encounter: 0.00000009%

Chance for survival: 0.00000000000001%

Tip. If you meet one that has one arm and white tentacles on its face then know its the only good one.

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