
On top the village walls

‘’Boss I believe this should be as easy as taking candy from a dead baby, those auras confronting our boys once they are consumed they may all advance to the return origin level, this trip may actually end up being more lucrative than we expected.’ The cloaked figure with a bag swung over his shoulder spoke with so much confidence as his voice boomed and he stood behind the other cloaked figure overlooking the village. ‘Don’t be so complacent, this time these auras seem a bit special and I can tell that the two scariest auras are yet to move it’s almost making me excited.’ The leader of the infiltrators spoke as he sipped his hand in his cloak and took out a blue orb which had an intense pulsating light and it seemed anyone who saw the light would be drawn to it inexplicably. The leader unceremoniously popped it into his mouth and directly ingested it, his eyes lit up a fierce blue while blue steam was coming out of his mouth. ‘Boss congratulations on advancing to the origin apprentice level, it seems our clan will only keep rising now that we have three origin apprentices now.’ The cloaked guy spoke to the leader with a bow and congratulations. ‘Ah this has been long overdue, who would have thought that fighting that old man would reap such benefits although this advancement is not too far apart from the return to origin realm, I should still be able to rip apart any return to origin mages if I put in a bit of effort. Anyways this is not the time for congratulations I hear a rat.’ The leader said with a smile that showed his confidence without him having to talk about it.


‘Ah if I had known it was the vile and repulsive beast dung soul clan, what are you doing all the way out in human territory?’ A lazy voice spoke as a figure dragging a broadsword and creating sparks on the concrete walls of the village walked towards the cloaked figures. ‘Ah I see, now I understand, hello captain of the spatial fortress elite guards, who would have thought I’d meet an elite captain so far away from the fortress.’ The leader said as his eyes shone savagely. ‘Where are my manners? Allow me to introduce myself, the 30th and last captain in the elite squad, you do not need to know my name but who would have known we were so popular that people recognize us on sight.’ The elite captain spoke calmly and mockingly while looking straight into the infiltrator leader’s eyes which seemed like they were looking at prey. ‘ hahaha you’re so full of yourself, I could tell because a long time ago I had the opportunity to taste a shard of the soul of a bigwig from your fortress and I have never been able to get the taste out of my head. Although your soul is inferior but since you’re here that means those two auras must be nobles, which means we’re gonna have a feast once we are done with you.’ The leader replied as his mana flared up and parts of the village walls began to crumble into dust from the sheer intensity of the mana being released. ‘Ah scary scary, I’m not sure I can beat one but I doubt you both are on the same level so...’ before he finished his statement his mana burst and he pounced on the second figure who was carrying the sack over his shoulder but also in that second the leader of the infiltrators formed a mana blade with his hand and casually slashed out slicing the approaching elite captain into two halves, but when he was about to feel satisfied, the captain appeared behind the other cloaked figure and yanked the bag he was carrying while a blade appeared in the captain’s hand, he slashed in the same motion the leader did slicing the cloaked figure in two equal halves from bottom up, once he did that he disappeared and appeared on the other opposite end of the wall.


‘Ah that was so dangerous, I honestly don’t think my pay is worth the amount of risk right now, and why hasn’t the princess started moving yet?’ He stopped to have a full conversation with himself before jumping off the wall and running away from the city while he made sure he was visible to the infiltrators as though requesting a chase.

‘Argh you fucking coward where are you running to? I’m going to fucking flay you before I use your soul as my toothpick’ the guy who had just been cut in two was cussing continuously and rapidly but his injuries were slowly getting better.


An old man with tattered clothes who looked like he had suffered some injuries was rushing towards the city gates with reckless abandon, but as though he was being guided by a radar changed his trajectory as though guided by radar and he began heading directly to the elite captain who was still carrying the sack bag with no idea of its contents. Although it seemed the captain was moving at a fast pace, it took the old man but a few seconds to catch up.

'stop there you stupid punk, return my granddaughter to me right now.' He screamed in rage but did not attack due to the fear that he might hit his granddaughter in the process. 'Old man you're pretty fast but let me just say I do not know what you are talking about and also this place is way too dangerous for someone like you so scuttle back home.' The elite guard captain said as he teleported a bit of a distance away from the old man.

The old man did not say anything but his rage was obvious and in that second he wrapped his body with lightning fire and used it to propel himself which aided him to catch up again but as he stretched his hand to capture the captain, he vanished again appearing in the distance. 'Who would have thought that the spatial fortress was as dispicable as to send the vile soul clan to not only attack my peaceful family and also kidnap my dear and only granddaughter who is innocent. I do not care if I am to die today but if anything should happen to her, I will make sure the 'great lord Ter' also endures some loss.' He screamed in rage as his mana exploded burning his life force and he caught up to the captain but this time the captain did not disappear but stood in place holding his long sword as he pointed it at the approaching old man. 'If you do not wish for this to be your grave, identify yourself 'old man'.' The captain said no traces of his playful nature could be seen anymore and at this point he had put a long distance between him and the village.

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