
The two supporting elders for the formation nodded to each other and then started running in the direction of the village, they did not activate their mana so although they were fast, they were not very fast. Tor was approaching from a different angle and therefore they did not cross paths. ‘Two of the auras are headed to the village and Jin must be getting tired now, I should finish this quickly’ Tor thought as he vanished while in running motion.

Tor appeared on top one a tree very close to the ‘Sacrifice Formation’ he could see the beast struggle and growl while still absorbing the essence being sent to it. ‘what a glutton.’ Tor said taking a good look at the blood red ape which was about 80 meters tall and was continuously beating on its chest creating loud boom sounds that attacked the barrier. ‘Hey who dares to sneak around my back, do you not fear death? Come out you coward’ The senior elder who was seated the formation said in the same tone he used to talk to the underling elders.

‘Do you not get tired of talking like that? Don’t you know one day you will bite your tongue and it will fall out?’ Tor responded as he jumped down from the tree and walked forward from under the shade. The elder turned and surprise could be seen in his eyes. ‘I was wondering who it was but imagine my surprise when a little boy’s feet touched the ground. Boy why isn’t your essence amongst the sacrifice to my clan’s ‘Blood Armour?’ The Elder questioned Tor still underestimating him and felt he may have escaped the massacre and probably snuck his way there. ‘well to answer your question, it’s because your young master IK’s blood is replacing mine right now.’ Tor said with a smile, ‘I’ll be taking that mana core now, it would make a great gift.’ Tor continued as if purchasing something at a shopping mart.


‘Boy you underestimate your elders too much, do you think I’m here to just beautify the scenery while your filthy mouth keeps flapping?’ The senior elder said clearly irritated as he stood up and his aura spiked making the trees around to bend and dance while those close to him got uprooted. ‘Old fart ever since I came here I have been very respectful to you since you came to deliver a gift to me no matter how foul, but you on the other hand have persistently been insulting me. I have therefore made a decision as ‘your junior’ that you do not want to live anymore, so let me help you pass on.’ Tor responded smiling disrespectfully as the trees that were dancing calmed down but the formation seemed paler which meant it was losing its power, This made the blood ape keep banging on the barrier which created small dents.

‘I should quickly add this kid to the sacrifice and continue guiding the formation.’ The elder thought to himself as he pulled out a sword. ‘This is the ‘Frostbite’ sword, if you get grazed even a bit your internal organs will freeze and shatter.’ The elder said introducing his sword like big shots do before they fight. ‘These are my fists that will beat the shit out of you and I guess ‘Frostbite’ will finish you off since you like it so much.’ Immediately Tor was done the elder abruptly appeared in front of Tor slicing upwards vertically, but Tor had already sensed the mana output therefore he took a step sliding back and evading. The elder did not stop there, he abruptly changed his grip and thrust downward into Tor’s chest but he had already leapt above the thrust and landed on the sword. ‘you said you would cut me with such predictable swordsmanship? Don’t make me laugh.’ Tor said still chiding the elder which made the elder get angrier, his focus was also breaking so the barrier was getting weaker by the second while the ape got stronger by the second. At this point Tor and the elder were facing each other one smiling and the other had bloodlust that would make sharks shudder.


‘so senior are you ready for this ass whooping?’ Tor asked smiling but before the elder could pull his sword out from under Tor, Tor ran on top the Sword all the way to the hilt which the elder was holding and kicked him straight in the face. A loud boom sounded out as the elder let go of the sword hilt and flew far away breaking through trees as he flew backwards. This exchange totally broke the elder’s concentration and the formation broke from just one attack from the blood ape. ‘Kid, you just made a very big mistake, I will take care of you before I put that goddamn loud ape to sleep.’ The elder stated as he walked back spitting out blood from his mouth and his nose was bleeding, it even looked shorter. The elder grabbed his own nose and as he adjusted it cracking sounds could be heard. The beast on the other hand seemed to be scoping out the situation since after it broke through the formation it had not bothered to attack neither the elder nor Tor.

Tor stood in the same spot watching the elder adjust his nose with a few facial reactions and then he replied, ‘now that’s better, come at me senior.’ He did a motion like he was inviting the elder to a spar, he then tapped his foot on the floor and the sword entered a spatial distortion that appeared just under it. ‘what the fvck where did my ‘Frostbite’ go you little shit?’ The Elder had no more capacity to be angrier since he just saw his precious sword that he could even trade his own disciples for disappear before his very own eyes, just like the fake magic humans do. Tor didn’t respond but just pointed upwards, as the elder looked up to locate the sword, Tor covered the distance in a second by blinking right to the front of the elder and gave him an uppercut with far less power than the kick which had sent him flying earlier, this time the elder only fell a few feet away. ‘Where are you looking at when your enemy is right here in front of you? No wonder your clan breeds trash like that IK.’ Tor said retaining his composed attitude but at this point it seemed the ape had chosen its opponent, looking at Tor with so much bloodlust as though trying to eat him whole, it banged its chest a couple of times and launched itself in the air, its knuckles turned into spikes aiming for Tor’s face.

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