《Just a Lowly Monster》Haah? The Strongest Guild? *spits*


After making Momonga begrudgingly accept our alliance, we immediately began discussing our plans.

I'm sitting at the end of a long table thinking about the information that Momonga gave me.

Apparently, this "world" is in fact a "game" called YGGDRASIL.

Our current location is Helheim, one of seven "worlds" in YGGDRASIL.

The residents are known as either players and NPCs.

The players can exit and enter this world at will but the NPCs are stuck here.

NPCs range from natives, monsters spawned in dungeons and the wilderness, and player creations.

This tomb is one run by NPCs created by the guild, Ainz Ooal Gown.

There are thousands of these guilds run by groups of players and Ainz Ooal Gown, holds the title of the ninth strongest guild in YGGDRASIL.

In terms of strength, the strongest anyone can get is level 100. Momonga told me that he and his other guildmates had all reached that threshold in the first couple years of joining. He says that stronger items known as World Items or Guild Weapons can tilt the favor during a fight between max-leveled players.

World Items. Only 200 such items are known in existence. Apparently, these have ridiculous amounts of power, basically transcending the limits of the game and granting overpowered cheat abilities. After asking Momonga how many he had, he somewhat unwillingly revealed that the guild had eleven in possession.

After going through several more lectures on magic and other items, Momonga finally got around to the "strong" beings.

He's already marked several dungeons and guilds on a virtual map that I can test myself on. He also told me of a legend of the "World Devouring Monster" that all YGGDRASIL players know of. Long ago, the World Tree YGGDRASIL was toppled by the Devourer of the Nine Worlds. A prophecy stated that the Devourer, rumored to be a massive dragon, would return to feast upon the remaining leaves of YGGDRASIL, the nine worlds and their respective World Items.

Though I wanted to fight the dragon, I decided to settle for an easier target. My first priority would be to get back my primordial powers. The lack of targets for [Gluttony] stagnated my level at the bottom and this list would be a great opportunity to possibly level up. Glancing over the list, I randomly choose the name at the top.

Momonga double-takes.

The number one ranked guild, Trinity.

Momonga explains a little about the guild, saying it's ranked at the top of the leaderboards and specialized in hunting players which Momonga termed PK.

"The minimum level for Trinity members is 70 and the executive staff composed of 200 members are all at level 100. I read on a forum that they have three world items, are you sure about this?"

"Don't worry about it, you'll be there to back me up if shit goes down yeah?"

"Hah, as if!"

Momonga gives me a party invitation that appears in a display similar to Pandora's Box.

Apparently, this will allow us to monitor the other's magic and health as well as a means for internal communication.

I don't need any preparation time but Momonga insists on filling up his inventory.

After checking, double-checking, and triple-checking his inventory he sets up a teleportation portal.

Trinity is located in Asgard, the world farthest from Helheim.

Normally it'd take over a year of constant flying just to get there but Momonga said one of the perks of partying is the ability to teleport to each member's location. Though he seemed rather grumpy, Momonga looks quite excited at the prospect of having a partner for a raid.


A gray portal, identical to the one Momonga appeared from, materializes.

Portals require previous experience in the destination and Momonga already has one set up for Trinity's field base. Apparently, in the past, he and the other members of Ainz Ooal Gown had entered into a temporary alliance with Trinity to fight another top guild.

Without any more objections, I step into the portal.

Upon exiting, I find myself standing on top of a large cloud.

Despite being so high up, there is no air pressure or winds. It's rather tranquil and I gaze across the sky while waiting for Momonga.

He appears and begins leading me to a set of rainbow stairs, where we ascend into another layer of clouds before coming across a castle flying in the air. The castle is massive. It's easily several times larger than Hades's castle.

Ten massive, silver towers rise far into the heavens, connected by transparent bridges made of pure ice. Huge obsidian walls surround the building, each intrinsically designed with gold symbols. At the center is a gate made of pure silver that swings out upon our arrival.

There are no guards and we walk into the castle, finding ourselves in a modern-looking reception room. Compared to the outside, this room is rather simple, with an automated robot standing behind a desk and several white sofas spread around. There's even a magazine provided on one of the mahogany tables, reading "The Daily Valkyrie."

The robot blankly stares at us, before giving a slight bow. "Please await a representative to come and meet you. Did you have an appointment with us today?"

We oblige.

At first.

It's been far too long and I lose my patience.

I rage and throw a powerful magic spell at the desk.

It explodes into pieces.

Momonga curses at my outburst and begins casting magic over himself.

He's clearly expecting an attack now.

As if on cue, a dozen people dressed in white armor and carrying various weapons appear out of thin air and surround us. The captain, with a blue star in the middle of his helmet, frowns at Momonga, more specifically at the symbol on his cape.

"The Ainz Ooal Gown guild? Is this a declaration of war?"

Momonga stays silent and I decide to answer him with a spell.

[Dark Tribulation]

A bolt of pitch-black lightning flashes and vaporizes the captain. He disappears into particles leaving behind a scorchmark.

The rest of the security detail attacks after their captain falls.

I fry several more guards then turn to Momonga. He's doing just as well as I suspected.

The guards near Momonga disappear and several distorted hearts appear on the floor, all crushed by an unseen hand.

Nodding at the efficiency, we turn to the sound of some new arrivals.

I can tell that each of these people are at the max level. They radiate the same power I feel from Ainz and I start grinning. This will definitely be fun.

Now I'm curious about whether [Gluttony] will affect players. From what I learned from Momonga, this world is a game and the players are merely avatars created by their true forms in the real world. I summon the all-familiar vortex and it sucks in the first player. Disappointingly, I find out that it doesn't consume their souls. At least it devours their equipment...

This is the first I've used this skill on an item and it seems to work just as well. All items from top-class and up feed my skill and I relish the feeling of my first level gains in this world.


I consume several other high-leveled players and see Momonga in a battle against two.

They are also magic casters and their defenses are so strong that it seems to be more a battle of stamina than anything else. Momonga crushes an item in his hand and I raise my eyebrow while noticing the sudden burst in mana that I can sense in him. Eventually, his two opponents run out of magical energy and he overpowers them both with a final spell electrifying the air and destroying them in an instant.

With their first attack foiled, there are no more assaults for a while.

Somehow, Momonga knows the way to their treasury. Normally, I was planning on using [Gluttony] on the entire fortress, players and treasury included, but Momonga said he wanted to find the World Items. I knew he wanted to take at least one of these items with him and I didn't mind.

I was feeling generous after all.


We stand in a massive hall before a huge stone boulder. After slamming several powerful magical spells against the boulder, it shatters and reveals a vault behind it. There's another layer of protection, with a metal Momonga identifies as orichalcum. I have the brilliant idea of just brute-forcing our way in before Momonga begins to enter a code into a side panel.

The vault clicks open and I only stare at Momonga in surprise.

He shrugs comically in his skeleton avator. "That's nothing. It's easy to guess the passwords of guild vaults. Just put together the name of the guild and their most famous NPC. That's what we do at Nazarick."

I don't say anything.

We silently enter the brightly lit treasury and I gaze upon the literal mountains of gold before me. The ceiling reaches far above us, yet nearly every square centimeter in this place is filled with gold. A designated area is partitioned off and is stashed full with various items. But my senses detect a hidden part of the treasury. Our main target lies behind a false wall near the far corner of the treasury. I break through the illusion and open the small door tucked away.

It opens with a creak and reveals its contents.

The room is rather small, just barely letting us stand without crouching. Three glass cases are displayed in the middle, each containing an item and a plaque.

A torn, ancient, leather book.

A sparkling necklace glittering on a stand.

A crystal watch.

Momonga shakes at the sight of these items and glances at me with a grudging look. "I can't believe I'm letting go of two of these items. What a waste."

He picks up the book, titled and it disappears from sight. Nodding at me, he exits the treasury, leaving me alone.

I barely pay any attention. I'm too focused on the power emitting from these items. At first glance, these items look rather simple. In fact, it's impossible to tell how wide its capabilities are. I open the glass case and take out the sparkling necklace.

Glittering words appear out of thin air.

After admiring the necklace, I open the case for the watch.

I put on the watch. The necklace is only good for one-time use and I already have plans for it, however the watch seems like a potential permanent addition for me.

Leaving the treasury, I come across two other players and decide to test out the watch. One of the players, a max-level valkyrie with a bronze lance, instantly dies after I activate the watch. Using it is rather simple. I just have to think about the function I want and twist the knobs on the sides. With that mentality, I look at the other player who immediately stiffens up and freezes. I stop his timeflow and examine the newly created statue. Yeah... Isn't this a little too strong?

I pulverize the player and make my way out of the castle. Several stragglers try to stop me but I kill them without any effort. I find my way out of the castle and look around for Momonga.

I find him floating a slight distance from the castle. He's reading the book he pilfered and slightly looks up upon my arrival.


"One moment."

I raise my hands and create the largest vortex yet.


The vortex grows to the size of the castle and swallows it entirely.

In an instant, the strongest guild in YGGDRASIL disappears.

My level jumps all the way to 95 and I relish the feeling of power waving over me.

My other World Item can be used as a catalyst for the last five percent, but I haven't been in this world for too long. I want to have some more fun...

I turn to Momonga who seems pretty unfazed at the destruction of Trinity. I guess he's used to these situations or is it just that he can't show such emotions like shock?

He mutters a spell and creates the portal to his tomb.

The portal materializes and we both step into it, appearing in the Throne Room of Nazarick.

The NPCs seem to have not even moved an inch in our absence and Momonga sits on his throne with his hands folded under his chin. He doesn't speak for several minutes and finally sighs. He stands up and his bones groan at the sudden movement.

He mutters to himself then disappears, saying something about work in a few hours.





There is quite a commotion in a large office inside a high-rise. The windows that would normally give a view of the artificial skyline are blacked out and the only lights can be seen from the red ceiling lights and the bluish glow of the dozens of computer monitors.

A man wearing a suit knocks on a wooden door before banging it open.

The shadowy figure of a man can be seen reclining on his chair. His oily hair is combed back and he wipes his horn-rimmed glasses with a red cloth. On his deck, a gold nametag stands out obnoxiously. He looks up from his glasses and motions for the man to speak.

The man figets with his wristpiece and a light flashes. A screen appears.

The screen, an excerpt from a popular news source, has a bolded headline: YGGDRASIL's TRINITY HAS BEEN PERMANENTLY DISSOLVED.

The man in the chair puts down his glasses ––– and slams his fist on the table.


He regains his cool instantly. With barely a fluctuation in his breath, he begins calmly speaking.

"Could that be the reason why our landlines been ringing nonstop for the past hour?"

The other man flinches at the sudden question and nervously answers. "Yes sir. All the guild members have been petitioning for a reset to their guild and compensation due to the actions of a reported hacker."


"Yes sir. Seeing the feed from a player who happened to be flying in the area, the entire guild disappeared in the blink of an eye. Over four thousand players were affected and somehow lost all their equipment, including the ones they had stored away."

"Have you identified the player yet?"

"No sir...The thing is, we've scanned the player responsible but...there's no data of such a player existing."

"Goddamn it! Can we do anything about it?"

"No sir. We've tried shutting it down externally, sending NPCs to take it down, and even a world reset. The player seems to be preventing the world resets and shutdowns from finishing and none of the NPCs can even touch him."

The man in the chair sighs. "I'm getting too old for this. Prepare a press release. Keep trying to stop the player and send a small compensation to all the affected players. 100 million YGGDRASIL coins for each of them."


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