《Just a Lowly Monster》An Uneasy Alliance


Without a word, Yuri Alpha conjures a magic scroll recording Shalltear's experience and hands it over to Momonga.

As the events unfold in a perfect, high-resolution rendition, questions begin swirling in Momonga's mind.

'Not only is this player able to withstand one of Shalltear's blows, he's also using blood magic purposefully as a way to subdue her?'

He watches on as the devil-like man rips his hand out of her mouth.

The recording cuts off after Shalltear falls unconscious and Momonga feels an emotion he hasn't felt in a while.


He barely interacts with the NPCs and other characters of YGGDRASIL so why is he so mad?

Is it because Peroroncino, who he saw as a brother, was her creator?

These are merely useless thoughts, all that matters is this anomaly is taken care of immediately.

A virtual screen, suspiciously similar to a system, appears.

On a keyboard display, the large skeleton looks almost comical as he begins typing a command.

With one final tap of the keys, the command enters.

Satisfied, he raises one of his bony hands. A ring on his finger flashes and he vanishes from the suite.

He reappears in a wide, high room, large enough to fit hundreds of people. There are exquisite decorations and countless flags draping from the ceiling, but he is in no mood to admire the view.

His attention is solely focused on the six monsters gathered around him, in two lines, all in a respective kneel.

Momonga barely gives them a glance, taking note of the one noticeable absence.

At the center of the room, resting above a short flight of stone stairs is a massive throne, high enough to touch the ceiling. A red banner hangs down it, displaying a symbol in gold tint.

He sits down on the throne with a thud and opens the virtual screen once again.

All the while, the six monsters remain in their kneeling positions.

With quick typing, he finishes another command.

For daring to intrude into his beloved tomb, only the blood of the guilty will satisfy him.

One of the monsters, an enormous insect wielding a silver halberd and crystal-like silver armor, bows and walks out of the throne room. His heavy footsteps echo long after he disappears.

Momonga silently watches the back of the insectoid and rubs his skull with a sigh.

Considering how Shalltear was merely taken down and not killed, perhaps the player doesn't have the means to kill a max-level NPC.

With such thoughts in his head, Momonga turns his attention back to the display.

Entering another command, an item appears out of thin air.

A mirror that distorts and begins to show the scene of a cavern.

Adipocere Chamber >

Little by little, the entrance into the cave begins to fill up with his subordinates. The insectoid has already arrived as well as the units he gave.

Seeing them get into their battle positions, Momonga sits back on his throne and folds his arms.

Now, all he needs to do is watch the show about to unfold.


It hasn't even been long before I sense the presence of multiple beings outside of the chamber.

At first, the power fluctuation of one of them made me think the leader had come, but he seemed to be just another servant.


Is this guy really that antisocial?

Looking at the weapons they're holding, these guests are clearly hostile.

As much as I'd like to just do a little dimensional manipulation and appear in front of the big boss, that was unfortunately a privilege for primordial class beings and up. I sorely regret not picking up regular teleportation magic.


I take a glance at the girl whose lying motionless next to me and frown.

Her behavior's completely changed and she doesn't respond to anything. Even her face has become completely neutral, it's almost like someone flipped a switch in her.

I poke her one last time and she still doesn't react.

For safe measures, I tell her. "Stay put, I'll be back later."

She doesn't answer.

The room is quiet.

The other vampires have disappeared and I shake my head.

I get up from the bed and begin walking on the floor towards the entrance to the chamber.

I'd rather not messy up this place, it'd be a pain in the ass to fix it later.


The pink drapes marking the entrance of the cave brush away from my face and I find myself standing before a small army.

'This scene is a little too familiar...'

This army is strong.

There are several dozen humanoid shapes that seem to be made of ice, floating in the air.

Twenty women with long black hair, dressed in white kimonos surround what seems to be their leader.

A large insectoid, armored warrior hoisting a hefty halberd.

Easily several meters tall, the monster's entire skin looks like hardened scales that glisten in the dim light of the crystals embedded in the walls.

All of them have the same expressionless and emotionless appearance as Shalltear.

Just what is going on?

I don't have much time to think about it before they begin their attack.

Without a word of warning, the humanoid ice figures begin shooting out a barrage of icicles, each one finely sharpened and directed at vital points.

The women speak their first words - magic incantations that form several magic circles along the floor. The circles all glow and massive pillars of ice intersect and create a semi-cage around me.

Not a bad plan.

Unfortunately, I punch the nearest pillar, shattering it into small particles.

Stepping out of the cage, I send a weak magic spell towards one of the women to test their defenses. As I expected, the magic collides with a barrier formed of snow and wind. Before I have time to send a stronger attack, the insectoid makes a move.

Cold vapor whistles out of his nose and he leaps towards me with his halberd shining.

He shouts something about honor.

A warrior?

I block his first blow with my arm and the halberd glances off, without leaving a scratch.

He motions to the others and they all back off.

Though reluctant, they listen.

He wants to do a duel?

He points at his halberd and points at me then points at his halberd again.

A weapon?

I frown. Now, I don't have a habit of catering to the whims of every person who wants a piece of me. But I'm in a good mood. Hey, maybe if I beat down this guy, the master will finally come?

I decide to humor him and take out the katana I keep in my dimension.

It's been far too long since this blade tasted blood.

With a blast of vapor, the insectoid beckons me forward.

He gets into a stance with his halberd and his bulbous eyes seem to flash in excitement.

Since this is a duel, I don't see the need to end this fight in a hurry. Who says I can't have fun?

I tone my swordsmanship to his level and begin parrying his heavy blows.

As expected he's strong.

The insectoid moves with surprising speed and thrusts his halberd directly towards my chest.

I block it at the last moment with my katana and immediately go on the counterattack.


The blade sweeps onto the shoulder of the insectoid who doesn't even pay it any attention.

Hey now that's not fair! What kind of crazy material does that armor to not even take a scratch from my katana?

The insectoid snorts and continues raining blow after blow on me.

I'm being pushed back and my hands are shaking slightly from the sheer intensity of each blow. The floor is cracking and the ceiling of the cave rains dust.

After one more blow, I decide to up the speed.

Likely surprised at my sudden burst, the insectoid stops his barrage momentarily.

Now, I begin weaving in and out of attacks, each one connecting with the floor or wall instead of my sword.

We keep at it like this until the insectoid finally begins to show signs of his limits.

I've been dodging his attacks for a long time and though this insectoid might be strong. his stamina isn't endless. His movements are starting to slow and at this point, I don't even have to dodge much for his attacks to miss. Despite this, he's still looking just as energetic and excited as ever.

After another set of missed attacks, the insectoid takes a deep breath and the halberd disappears from his hands. In its place, a gigantic katana appears.

"You. Have. My. Respects. Invader. To. Make. Me. Bring. Out. The. God. Slaying. Emperor. Blade. Bestowed. By. The. Great. Warrior. Takemikazuchi."

Words appear from above his head.

A mute?

I stare at the katana with open jealousy.

It's clearly better than mine.

While mine is well-crafted and good enough for even gods to use, there's just something else to this huge sword.

The blade is simply made but I can see through the heavy enchantments surrounding it.

This blade is one even the gods would envy and looks sharp enough to cut through anything.

After the sword appears, the insectoid seems completely rejuvenated and my assumptions are confirmed when he attacks me with his fastest speed yet. It surprises me how agile he is, even with the bulky armored plates he has on. Even after dodging it, the blade still cuts across my chest. A small part of my clothes is sliced off and the fabric falls to the ground. As I suspected, this shit is insanely sharp and the indentation on the ground proves it.

Luckily, this insectoid seems to already be exhausted and unable to maintain that speed and attack for much longer. He wobbles slightly and judging by his reaction, I can tell he only has a few more attacks left in him.

After two more lightning-fast attacks, each tearing some part of my clothes, the insectoid shakes. The force in these attacks is extraordinary. One of them even penetrates my skin and a slight trickle of golden blood drips out.

Though I limited myself to match the insectoid, these attacks were still deadly from my perspective. Were I just slightly weaker, one of these slashes would have connected and my life might have ended. Looking at the slight laceratoin on my arm, the insectoid makes a noise I swear could be a laugh. I glare at him while healing the wound.

I prepare myself for the next attack, however, it never comes.

The insectoid is standing in his battle stance, with a fierce expression on his face.

However he's unmoving.

Did he pass out on his feet?

I grin at the foolishness of this battle maniac and sheath my katana. Unlike the others, this insectoid didn't have an ounce of malice in his fighting. We were trading blows purely for the hell of it. For that, he has my respects. I put away the sword. I wasn't planning on killing him, but this just reinforced my choice.

I give him a slight bow, something I've never done for anyone, not even the old man and turn my attention to his soldiers, who are scattered about the ground.

Seeing their commander unconscious, the rest of the army moves for the attack. I imagined something like "WE'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU" or "FOR COMMANDER _____" but it's depressingly silent. Is this attack merely out of instinct?

This time I don't hold back and I begin unleashing my magic. I'm about to destroy their essences when a gray portal appears.

I see the maid from before appear, along with five other maids and a butler. I'm about to wave at her, but frown, sensing the same thing from her that I felt from Shalltear. Behind the maids are several important-looking persons. They congregate in two lines and get into a kneeling stance. Each of them has the same expresionless face and robotic movements.

They don't even pay attention to the large insectoid still standing off to the side.

I look around for their leader and that's when I sense it.

A cold aura fills the room, vying for the top with my own.

It's like when two absolute beings are trying to fight for the throne.

Though with a struggle, my aura trumps it. Hah, who do you think I am?

The aura's owner finally appears.

It's a large skeleton wearing a robe.


His deep voice shakes the room.

Right away I can tell he's the strongest being I've ever met. His mana stores are ridiculous for a non-god and the equipment hiding within him is on par with the Olympian's primary weapons. Suffice to say, this guy is basically a god on the same level of Zeus.

In fact, having been crippled to the strength of a regular god, I'm not sure that I'd be able to handle him on my own.

I'll admit I may have been rough with his subjects but surely there won't be too much bad blood between us? Though his tone isn't giving me much hope...

"Who are you, to trample on the floor that I, that we, my friends and I, painstakingly made and molded into our own? For not mindlessly killing the guardians I am grateful, but this disrespect shall not be forgiven."

I do my best silly expression and tap myself on the head.

"Haha. My bad for that. Hey wanna be friends?"

The skeleton's previous deathly cold demeanor has turned into one of rage.




His rage seems more like a reminiscent rant.

It's funnier cause he's saying it so loudly.


"...Look. I'm just here cause I thought there was someone strong. I lost my dimensional travel and now I have to climb a bunch of levels to evolve again. This world is full of shitty monsters that can't even be considered a snack. Let's make a deal. How about you tell me where the strongest people in this world are and I'll leave immediately."

I don't mind telling him my circumstances. Not like anyone can do anything about it. Even if I can't leave this dimension, judging by how weak most of the people are, taking over this world won't be too hard.

The few abnormalities like this Momonga can just be ignored or avoided.

Also, though he might be as strong as me currently, a few level ups will easily allow me to bridge the gaps.

The skeleton calms down and begins to speak in a slightly more normal voice. I can almost hear his brain rattling around in his skull as he begins to consider my offer.

"How do I know you're not a scout of some other guild trying to raid us?"

"You can come with, I don't really care. You said you've been adventuring alone?"


He deadpans at me.

I give him a slight smile. "I'll take that as a yes."

And like that, an unwilling alliance between the Supreme Being of Nazarick and I, the Primordial of Death, was created.


A.N. One thing I want to clarify is that he can't use dimensional magic cause he's not a primordial. reason why he can use his pocket dimension is because why not. how about its because its a part of his soul or something.

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