《Milky Way: Story of Eden》Chapter 7: Tears Don't Fall


Ronin and Emily sat by each other on the floor outside of the Canteen. They were worried about everything going on and this feeling was made even worse when the realization that no signal was making its way out of the colony. A meeting was being called in the main eating area by the Division Leaders. Ronin and Emily stayed put, they had agreed if they saw anything suspicious, then they would be the first to investigate.

Ronin received a message from Irene.

Irene Ukasi: Ronin you need to warn everyone about Robert.

Ronin Cotts: Irene! What the hell is going on? Where are you?

Irene Ukasi: Robert just killed Eringi. I saw it on the security cams. He just did something to the power. You need to warn everyone.

Ronin Cotts: Thank god you’re okay. I thought something horrible happened to you.

Irene Ukasi: Listen you need to warn everyone to barricade the Canteen. He’s got a blaster pistol and he’s not going to spare anybody. He’s on my floor.

Ronin Cotts: Get the hell out of there!

Irene Ukasi: I’ve given the evacuation rocket clearance to disembark from Eden. I’m going to try and make it out.

Emily was startled when she noticed Ronin was horrified at what was going on.

“Is everything alright?” She asked.

“No. Robert has a blaster pistol and he killed Eringi.” Ronin said as he got up.

“Oh my god.” Emily said in shock as she followed Ronin to the Canteen.

Right as the two got to the entrance, the pneumatic doors slammed shut.

“Hey! What’s going on?” Ronin shouted through the looking glass of the door.

“It’s not opening.” Emily said as she tried to unlock the door using her security clearance.

Scientists began to crowd around the other door on the other side of the Canteen. They began to bang against the solid door and people began to panic. At this time the temperature began to feel a lot more colder. People on the inside were freaking out.


Just then Ronin received a message from Irene.

Irene Ukasi: He’s here.

Ronin Cotts: What?

Irene Ukasi: Robert is in this room with me. He’s tampering with the admin terminal.

Ronin Cotts: Stay still. I’ll be there soon.

Irene Ukasi: No. Don’t.

Ronin Cotts: Everything is going to be okay. I’m heading down there now.

Ronin walked away from the door as Emily was still trying to unlock it.

Ronin Cotts: I can sneak through the elevator.

Irene Ukasi: No. It’s too late. He’s found me. You need to run Ronin.

Ronin Cotts: No.

Irene Ukasi: It’s going to be okay, but you need to get out while you can.

Ronin Cotts: No.

Irene Ukasi: I love you.

Ronin Cotts: No, I’m going to save you.

Ronin Cotts: Irene?

A few moments went by as Ronin stood still. Emily had to stop fiddling with the door lock. She was getting too cold. The scientists on the inside of the Canteen had stopped trying. They huddled around one another sobbing. Emily began to cry and Ronin went back to the door and began beating the window with his fist.

Zendir went up to the glass, and pointed behind them. When the two turned around they saw that the power was going out for the lights. Eventually the Canteen switched to emergency power lights. Ronin and Emily knew they would die here if they stayed. Zendir placed his shivering hand on the glass. Ronin and Emily began to run.

They ran down the Recognition Hall on their way to the evacuation rocket. The door opened slowly as the power drained from Eden. The two were able to squeeze through. They ran like hell to the rocket. Luckily the Rocket had its own power supply and engine. Upon entering the spacecraft Emily shut the door sealing it from the cold. She sank down to the floor and began to cry heavily. Ronin walked to the ship’s computer and authorized the emergency launch.


Ronin had to lift Emily up, but he too began to sob. They sat in the front row of many chairs and lock themselves in. After initiating a countdown sequence, the rocket took off from Eden. Upon exiting the exosphere, Ronin and Emily’s tears began to stick to their faces and ball up around their eyes.

The two were rescued shortly after. There was a lifescan of Eden which showed no living organisms on the entire colony. Emily and Ronin were questioned and they retold the events from their perspective. Eden was declared a Federal Cover-up. While the work of these scientists were recovered before the incident, The Federation redacted their names from the work.

After a year of therapy, Emily was able to recover from this tragedy. She continued to work for Solare Incorporated, and contributed in the field of Robotics leading to the adaptation of Droids to The Federation’s jobforce.

Ronin refused any sort of therapy, and went out of his way to find out what happened to Robert. He would go on to join one of the last non-droid Special Commando Squads as a combat-medic.

The two wouldn’t meet each other in person for another six years.

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