《Milky Way: Story of Eden》Chapter 4: Runaway Rat


Emily began to make her way to the Hanger, a place where large scale creations are to be built by construction droids. Upon reaching an observation window high up above The Hanger, Emily looked through only to see droids putting together schematics from the other scientists.

Then Emily received a message

Ronin Cotts: Where are you?

Emily Starr: I’m looking for Robert. Where are you?

Ronin Cotts: I’m looking around for him too.

Emily Starr: Well I am at the Hanger. Maybe you could check the Rec rooms.

Ronin Cotts: I’m going to make my way over there.

Emily began to take a catwalk that lead to a set of stairs that brought her down to the bottom floor of The Hanger. She closed her messages from eyesight so she could focus on searching for Robert.

Containers full of building materials were all along the side of the construction zone. A piece of a ship’s hull was suspended in the center. The Droids were constructing some sort of ship room out of this piece of hull. In smaller compartments to the sides of The Hanger were smaller projects. There were only a few scientists in the area, none of which were Robert. Emily kept walking around trying to find Robert. She heard the laughing of scientists behind a few material containers. It was a group of scientists from the Invention Division gathered around a table playing some sort of game. Emily took a look and spotted Ronin at the table.

“What the hell?” Emily murmured. She walked out and greeted the other scientists.

“Uh. I can explain.” Ronin said. Emily took his arm and pulled him away.

“What are you doing down here?” Emily snapped.

“I was working on a project, then I got sidetracked.”

“One of our colleagues is missing and you are down here playing games?”


“Oh come on. Robert is older than both of us. I am sure he’s fine.”

“Age has nothing to do with it. But…”

“What’s the matter? What do you mean ‘but’?”

“But what were you working on down here by yourself?”

“I can show you later, but you are right. We should go search for Robert.”

The two left The Hanger and made their way over to the Recreation Centers. It had pools, exercise equipment, and VR tech for any scientist wanting to relax after working. They began to search only to find that Robert wasn’t there. The notification for lunch was sent to all of the scientists. After a bit everyone was heading over to eat.

“What do we do now?” Emily said

“We could check the Canteen. It’s closeby. Plus we could eat lunch and talk to Irene about this.”

“Alright. Lets go.”

The Canteen was not separated by the science divisions, yet it all gravitated to a majority of the scientists that worked together sat together. Ronin and Emily got their food and went on to sit underneath the stairs that led to the second floor of the Canteen. A little after sitting down, Irene walked into the Canteen and immediately walked over to them.

“Hey Irene” said Emily

“We couldn’t find Rob” said Ronin

“Really? Fuck. Whenever he shows up I’m going to punch him right in his face.”

“Woah” Emily and Ronin said at the same time.

“Wait a minute. Look over there.” Irene pointed at Robert walking by the Canteen.

“I’m going after him” Irene said as she began to take off in Robert’s direction. Ronin and Emily followed.

The three confronted Robert as they were able to stop him in front of an elevator holding a case of some kind.


“Robert. Where did you go?” Irene said angrily.

“I just went down to the Chemistry Division to look for you”

“Why? Why didn’t you just stay at our station?”

“What if I wanted to go for a walk? Picking colors isn’t exactly the best job” Robert said as he glared at Irene. Ronin and Emily joined in.

“Are you alright?” Emily said.

“I’m fine. I’m going to head back to our station so I can finish my work” Robert said as he called the elevator.

“Stay right there Robert.” Ronin said. The group turned towards him with concern.

“There is a spy aboard Eden. Eringi told me when I was down there. It’s such an issue that we are prepared to leave Eden completely soon.”

“What are you trying to say? That I’m some spy?” Robert said with a tinge of rage.

“You vanishing like that makes you seem suspicious. Where were you really and what’s in that case?”

The elevator arrived. Robert entered and immediately hit the close door button. Ronin put his arm in the way.

“Where are you going?” Ronin said.

“Robert… Step out now.” Irene said commandingly.

Robert punched Ronin in the face sending him reeling back. Emily and Irene grabbed him before the elevator shut.

“I’m going to get help.” Emily said about to get up and head to the Canteen.

“No, everyone is going to panic and that’s the last thing we want. He probably went up to our station.” Irene said.

“That asshole is going to get it. I should tell Eringi and the other division leaders to see if we can prepare for an evacuation. I have no idea what he is planning.” Ronin said.

“Maybe he’s here to see what all of us are doing. Maybe he is here to steal something.” Emily said.

“Beats me.” Irene said helping Ronin to his feet. “But I’m going to head down to the security room to see what he is doing.”

The three went to another area nearby. Emily and Ronin took the elevator to their division floor. Irene began to run to the Administration office.

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