《Milky Way: Story of Eden》Chapter 2: Here Be Spies


Eden had many different scientists from all parts of the Galaxy apart of the staff. However, The Physics Division was certainly varied in the species working there. Dr. Eringi was a Joona, an advanced species of Primate native to the Aeila Solar System. He was the oldest scientist on the colony, and he had many accomplishments throughout his scientific career. He specifically was hired in order to maintain the Solar Power Grid. His age might be the reason why he has no tolerance to any of Ronin’s tomfoolery. While Eringi knew that Ronin would pester him soon, he had a lot more on his mind.

The elevator brought Ronin all the way down to the Physics Division. He greeted his fellow scientists and took a deep sense of joy observing their experiments at work. A smirk developed on his faced as he approached the Power Control Station. Upon walking through the door he was immediately met with the eyes of Dr. Eringi glaring at him.

“Dr. Eringi. How are you doing today?”

“Every cycle I awaken knowing you’ll be here to annoy me.”

“That’s nice, but what are you doing down here? So far the lights are still on.”

“There is more to worry about. Not that you would understand Cotts.”

“Go ahead. Maybe if you told me, we could have a decent conversation and perhaps you could actually refer to me by my full title.”

Eringi looked towards his monitor and turned it so that Ronin could see what was on the screen.

Galactic Standard Time: 15/3/5016 6:00

From: The Intergalactic Science Society Council

To: Dr. Eringi of EDEN Colony

Dear Dr. Eringi,

As Leader of Physics please prepare for a complete power station shutdown of EDEN Colony on 25/4/5016. Leader of Invention Dr. Ipina and Leader of Chemistry Dr. Vuw have recieved similar messages in order to shutdown their departments two cycles beforehand in order to safely vacate EDEN Staff from the facility on 24/4/5016. It is advised to set a locked timer in order to shut down EDEN after all scientists have vacated. This is not a drill and it is only out of safety for you and your collegues. Please remind your division to create backups of any work done as they will recieve a message three cycles before the evacuation date during the lunch period.


In The Name of Science.

-The ISS

“I’ve known about this for some time now. I have deducted that there is only one reason for this evacuation.” Eringi said.

“Well isn’t it obvious? Galaxy is at the peak of stress at the moment. With Abreno growing larger and larger and our military is under heavy replacement. Hell there really isn’t much of another reason for this.” Ronin said

“But it’s not that we are in direct threat. We have a spy on Eden you dolt. They have access to all of our research. All of your blueprints and creations. We haven’t received a data breech so far according to the logs. The security system has not spotted anybody onboard doing anything suspicious, but they could just be waiting.”

“Well I would assume that HQ didn’t tell all of us this in order to keep morale up and to have us focused. So you must be only telling me this in order to get me suspicous of everyone and to have me shut myself off correct?”

“Of course. You’ve been a pain in my side for awhile. Me telling you this before anybody else will psychologically tear you apart. It will pit you against your other lackeys and hopefully will prevent you from pestering me.”

“Wow… Just wow. I’m sorry but how long has it been since you’ve had a genuine conversation with somebody? Nobody talks like this.”

Ronin turned away annoyed.

“I guess it’s already working Cotts” Eringi said leaning back and putting his fingers together

“See you in hell Dr. Eringi.”

Ronin leaves the room closing the door on the way out. He begins to message Irene while making his way back up to the Invention Division.

Ronin Cotts: I’ve got some bad news for you and Robert. Your deadline has been cut to three days from now.


Irene Ukasi: How the hell did you find that out?

Ronin Cotts: Don’t worry about it, I’ll help you two with anything you need.

Irene Ukasi: We just need to find a material. Anything at this point. We’ve cut down all the unnessessary parts of the suit but no other material can resist the same standards as the polycarbon used in the series 9 H.E.P.S. Which is a shit load of money.

Ronin Cotts: Swearing like a sailor.

Irene Ukasi: What?

Ronin Cotts: Forget about it. I can see if Zendir can help us. I’m pretty sure he’s finished with his work.

Irene Ukasi: I’m already in the Chem Division. I’ll ask him first.

Ronin Cotts: Ok. I’m heading back up to our labs. Check up on Robert.

Irene Ukasi: He should be picking out colors for the suit.

Ronin Cotts: Really?

Irene Ukasi: Yes. What else is he going to do? Anyways I’ll see you at lunch.

Ronin Cotts: See you then.

Ronin entered the elevator to bring him back to his work station.

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