《Milky Way: Story of Eden》Chapter 1: Rise to the Alarm


Galactic Standard Time: 21/4/5016 6:00

The doctors of Eden were awoken to the sound of the morning alarm. Within 15 minutes these scientists and inventors would eventually make their way from their dormitories to the Canteen where they would be fed a breakfast consisting of a warm porridge, a cool drink, and a fruit of choice. After 30 or so minutes, these scientists would return to their dorms to get changed into the staff uniform. The Engineers and Technology Experts would wear a dark blue lab coat. The Chemists would wear a dark green. The Physicists would wear a dark red. The only similarity to the uniform that all divisions would wear would be an eyepatch that is worn over the left eye. This eyepatch when worn by a scientist would act as a portable personal computer fitted with a state of the art optical interface that would plug into direct contacts to the brain.

Upon getting dressed and performing basic hygiene needs, the scientists would go to their specified workplace and begin to further their research and development of their specified contracts with the Intergalactic Society of Science.

However, there were a group of Biomedical Human Scientists that were known for breaking this schedule.

Dr. Ronin Cotts of New Earth was 24 years old. He was nothing short of an envelope pusher in the field of applied biomedical engineering. His last creation was an improved synthetic mixture for Medical Chambers that was more effective and nearly cut the time it took for a patient's condition to become stable in half. He was immediately brought onboard the Eden Colony in order to search of a method to create an internally restoring Med Chamber.

Dr. Irene Ukasi of Kuarr was 26 years old. She was brought on due to her previous work assisting in the development of the Series 9 Hazardous Environment Protection Suit. She was contracted in order to build a cost-effective version of the H.E.P.S.


Dr. Robert Orlanga of Interraga was 30 years old. Similarly to Dr. Ukasi, Dr. Orlanga was also apart of the team developing the Series 9 H.E.P.S. He was contracted to act as an assistant to Dr. Ukasi.

Dr. Emily Starr of New Earth was 25 years old. Her resume was extremely impressive. A professional scientist at Solare Incorporated, a company that manufactures Federal Military droids and blasters, at the age of 19. Currently contracted in developing prosthetic limbs that can mimic feeling.

These four scientists would be known in the colony for being off task. While almost all of the other scientists wouldn't mind or would join them in shenanigans, there were a few scientists that opposed their behavior. Nonetheless, there was no authority to shut them down. The entire colony was ran by the scientists.

It was nearing 9:00 when the group had clocked into their work stations.

Ronin was currently on a call with the Chemistry Division, asking them how far along they were on creating the specialized mixture he had asked them to make for him. A modified version of his original Med Chamber fluid. He had already built a finalized version for the Med Chamber he was contracted for. He was technically finished with his job, but he hadn't submitted it to the council for testing back at their Headquarters. He was working on something bigger.

Irene and Robert were behind on schedule. The materials that they had chosen were unsuitable for conditions that had to be met. With their deadline coming up, they were in a bad position. Getting fired would mean that they would not be compensated for their work onboard Eden.

Emily was finished. She had her blueprints finalized, and overall she wasn't too worried. Except for the fact that she didn't entirely know whether or not the limb could actually mimic feeling. However, she knew she would still get paid, but her love of robotics made her wonder. Like Ronin however, she wasn't going to submit her creation just yet, but she wasn't working on anything else.


Ronin entered Emily's workstation.

"So how are things going?" Ronin said.

"Well I've finished. Like you."

"Shush. Somebody might overhear" he said in a teasing manner.

"I was just about to take a nap. What are you going to do?"

"Probably head over to the Physics Division and mess with our resident gorrilla"

"You know you could have Staff Resources on your ass if you keep calling him that"

"He is the one hell bent on proving to everyone how much of a dillweed he is. Oh look at me. I'm Dr. Eringi. I have 12 PhDs and I know how to operate an automatic solar power grid." Ronin said with a mocking tone.

Emily chuckled. Ronin smiled at her.

"Well I'm going to head down there. Have a nice nap."

"Thanks. See you at lunch"

Ronin left and made his way to the Physics Division.

"Shit. We're so far behind schedule" Robert said.

"Big whoop. Quit crying and think about it. We have a week in order to find a decent solution" Irene said harshly.

"Well we're screwed. We don't know how or where to find what we need. We've tried everything. Every data center on this colony for something that hasn't been tried yet and we are running out of time."

"Listen. Ease up. If you're stressing out about this then you clearly need to set your priorities straight. First we need to find a material. Then we worry about the next step and the next step and the step after that alright? Don't worry about the deadline, worry about the material first."

"How should we continue then?"

"I'm going to head down to the Chem Division. See if anybody can help us with something."

"And me?"

"I don't know. We just need to find a material. So why don't you just pick some colors to make the design look nicer. I don't know."

"Alright" Robert said sheepishly.

"Relax Rob. I'll be back with results after lunch"

"Why don't you just message him?"

"It won't seem as scummy if I go down there to ask in person."

Irene left and began to head to the Chemistry Division.

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