《The Withering of Gold Vol. 1》the moment happiness died


Pain, pain, pain, pain, pain, pain, pain, pain, pain, pain, pain-it hurts.

The first thing Effryn saw when he opened his eyes was a dark room? It was bumpy, so they must be in some kind of vehicle. He was laying down, as he felt the cold floor against his body. And he saw the shape of a figure, reading what looked to be a newspaper, facing a different direction.

What is…-!!

A sudden strong pain rushed Effryn’s head, then through his entire body. His body felt like it was on fire, burning.

Evvryn! Where is she?!

Looking around, she was nowhere in sight. He tried moving, but his body was still numb from the pain. He felt his hands behind his back, and tried pulling...only to for them to still be behind him.

I’m tied?! What is this?!

“What the...finally awake now you little shit. It’s about time.”

The man must’ve heard Effryn struggling, and turned around to see the pitiful sight.

Effryn looked at the man, who had a long beard, and had a cap on while wearing a raggy long coat.

“Sorry to do this kid, I really am. But the boss needs that toy for some reason, and those two failures of space failed to win against some highschool kids.”


“You mean your little girlfriend? I don’t think you want to know kid.”

“Where...is she?”

“Kid, it’s her fault she pissed off Beth like that. If it weren’t for that, she probably wouldn’t be in her mess.”

Feeling his heart skip beats, Effryn’s entire world focused on the words of the man before him.

“What do...you mean?”

“Right now, Beth gave authorization for the other boys to...use her.”

While trying to stop thinking from the worst possible view, Effryn heard muffled screams coming from further ahead in a the vehicle. Effryn recognized them as Evvryn’s.


Feeling anger build up, Effryn struggled more to get out from his binds.

“Y-you bastard! Why would you…”

“Hey kid, don’t do anything rash. Not unless you want to die now.” Reaching into his pocket, the man pulled out an average looking pistol. “Just stay put. We have a long ways to go.”

The screams grew louder and louder, with each sounding more desperate than the last.


Ignoring his numbness, Effryn was able to will himself to stand up, revealing that they only tied his arms-not it legs.

“Kid, I was amazed you even woke up...but how are you standing?”

Confused, the man wondered for a few seconds, which gave Effryn enough time to run at him, headbutting him before he got the chance to aim.

Nausea storming his mind, Effryn urged on to the door.

“Bro did you hear that? What the hell is lenny doing?”

Effryn heard voices in the next room buzzing. He nearly fell over, suppressing the the feeling of vomit, and continued towards the door.

“Lenny?” The door opened, with a man holding a gun coming out.

“What the-”

Rushing at him with all his strength, Effryn propelled himself at him, knocking him down.

“The hell…”

“Yo what the fuck?!

Pushing himself upward, Effryn saw three other men in the room, and Evvryn...with only cloth protecting her body.

“Evvryn!” Effryn yelled, seeing her lifeless eyes as she stared back at him. The hue of her Iris...were gone from her eyes.

“Why the-get off me!”

Effryn felt a sting from under his jaw, was kicked back into other room.


Quickly getting a handle of his surroundings, Effryn was about to get back up until…

“Move and I shoot.”

...he had a gun pointed directly at his head.



“Because the boss said so. I can’t believe you took out lenny in one hit...and quit your crying! You don’t want to die like a pussy, do you?”

The man let out a cynical smile, one with no borders of pain, and pointed the gun closer to Effryn’s face. His finger slowly crept closer to the trigger, smiling more and more with each centimeter it got.


Hearing a scream from behind the man, Effryn saw Evvryn running at him with everything she had in her. He swayed the gun towards her...but she was able to tackle him before he could shot her. A stray bullet fired into the floor, which made the car swerve a bit.

Holding him down, Evvryn reached for the door leading outside, and opened it. Air rushed out, with magazines flying everywhere. Outside, was a desert area, with no sign of buildings or life anywhere.

-Somewhere Effryn didn’t recognize.

“Hurry Effryn, jump!”

Evvryn yelled, while holding down the man with gun. The others were too shocked from what was happening to even doing anything, and just watched idly.

“N-no, I can’t! Not without you!”

“Like fucking hell she’s leaving! You guys, hurry up and help!”

“Hurry Effryn! Just jump and pray!”

“I can’t...we can go together... we have to-”

Before being able to finish his sentence, Evvryn noticed the other men pulling out more guns. And taking a deep breath, she grabbed a nearby pen, and jammed it into the eye of the guy she had pinned.

“GAAAHHHH, you bitch!”

The man screamed out, while covering his bleeding eye.

Evvryn grabbed Effryn by the arm, and covered his body with hers.”I’m sorry, Effryn. Please, live, no matter what.” She whispered in his ear, before pushing him out of the vehicle.

Tears filled his eyelids, making everything look like a watery dream of hell as he stared at Evvryn, who was barely managing to make a smile for him.

“...I love you.”

In the next moment that would scar Effryn for the rest of his life, he saw the person he’d grown up with, who helped raised him, the girl he had fallen in love with...get shot in the head.

Reaching for her, Effryn felt the tears streaming down his face...before he hit the hard ground, instantly knocking him out.

“Shit, do we go back?!”

“We can’t dumbass, there’s a car coming up. We can’t get caught now when we’ve pretty much finished our objective, anyways.”

“What about that boy?”

“More than likely, he’ll be dead from the fall. If not, we’ll hear about in the news like ‘unknown kid found half dead on road, sent to nearby hospital’ or some shit like that’.”

“Alright, just keep driving. I’ll look out for any information on the boy if he does survive the odds.”


The three men looked at one another, nodded their heads, and brought the lifeless corpse of the girl to the back. One of the men looked out to see a car from the horizon pulling over, before going back inside, shutting the sliding door.


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