《Cross Roads: Rebranding Chaos (Book Four)》Chapter 41


Rahkaze and Revan left the office and immediately went to the sub-basement where Rigby is working. Ever being the persistent assistant, Silvia followed them. In the sub-basement, the three were looking for Rigby.

Rahkaze spots Mordechai in his Memento Dark uniform, which uncanny since he usually doesn’t wear it casually.

“Brother?” Rahkaze calls out.

The supposed Memento Dark turns around to see everyone. It was none other than Rigby, dressed up as Memento Dark. Comically, the suit was a few sizes too big for Rigby.

Rahkaze wasn’t too impressed by Rigby’s cosplay, “Father, what are you doing?”

“Hey, son! You’re back from Madrid!” Rigby happily greeted. “Don’t mind me. Just curious about the suit, so I tried it on. This looks good! I feel super and heroic at the same time!” He smiled while blushed.

Revan just shook her head at her husband’s childish behavior, “Darling, we talked about this…”

“What? I just want to try it on at least once. It’s not like I’m going to take mantle anytime soon. Even though no one would tell the difference,” Rigby bragged.

“Not at all, sir. Apart from you being nine inches shorter and a hundred pounds lighter than your own son, no one would know the difference,” Sylvia patronized.

But Rugby wasn’t buying it, “You know, sometimes I worry about you, Sylvia. I really do…”

“You and me both…” Revan concurred.

“I’m going to go over there now…” Sylvia briskly walks away.

On pressing matters, Revan talked about such current events, “Things have slowed down tremendously after the raid. But there has been a string of robberies around the city as of late. The NYPD is handling this, and Andrea went around town to uncover who was the mastermind of all these robberies. They all said it was a newcomer named Siath.”


“Siath… Chloe was talking about him the other day over at Interpol,” Rahkaze remembered.

“An educated guess, but I think it’s a hired gun,” Rigby said. “Siath does leave messages referring to the coalition. Especially, the Oleander Syndicate—formally the Oleander Syndicate.”

“It’s still around. They're just using a dead woman’s good name…” Rahkaze corrected.

“After hearing Dolph’s speech on YouTube, I believe he was sincere,” Rigby hinted. “They opted out doing a simulcast and put it on YouTube instead. I even heard your acceptance speech. It was more like a eulogy if you’d ask me…”

Rahkaze scoffed, “Then you know where I was coming from…”

Rigby went over to Rahkaze and rested his hand on his shoulder, “I know you miss Dizzy, son. But you can’t carry this all your life.”

“If I move on, then no one will remember Dizzy! Just another person who no one cares about…” Rahkaze reflected.

“You’d be surprised in many young men and women die without any acknowledgment. They were important to you, but I know for a fact that they don’t want you to be like this…” Rigby empathized.

“One day… One day, I will move on… But not now…” Rahkaze relented but had to change the subject. “I found something rather shocking over there… The New Scotland Yard salvaged the bomb fragments of the Mark 77 that was used in London almost five years ago,” Rahkaze reported.

“Wait, would the napalm melt the casing, leaving nothing behind?” Rigby questioned.

Rahkaze shook his head, “It wasn’t napalm or oil; it was white phosphorous. The reports didn’t match what was said in the media?”

“Since when the media ever got anything, right?” Revan pointed out.

“The bomb itself is three times as big, which means no aircraft carrier could have carried something this heavy or huge.” Rahkaze went over to the computer and uses his USB stick to access the rendered files. Rigby and Revan analyses the bomb.


Revan shakes her head, “Like I said, my good men: Never trust the media. That is no MK-77 Mod 0… That’s a highly modified MK-79. By the looks of it, this one is about 700 kilograms.”

“The standard ones are about 450 kilograms, and they don’t even make them anymore…” Rigby added. “If it’s that big, that bomb was holding 565 liters of white phosphorous.”

“So, I take it the N.S.Y. didn’t really know either. It was smart for the engineer to create a bomb not everyone is familiar with anymore,” Rahkaze concluded.

“The only thing the New Scotland Yard is good for nowadays is popping meth heads off the street,” Revan critiqued.

“I have to share this with Chloe. She’ll be coming here with the wolves tonight,” Rahkaze said.

“W-why them?!” Rigby stammered, being wary of the development.

Rahkaze sighs in despair, “Dolph created a working agreement with the Interpol, making the Nether Elite full agents.”

“THEY GAVE THOSE PSYCHOPATHS BADGES?! And who in the blue hell made that ruling?!” Rigby yelped.

“The superintendent,” Rahkaze answered bluntly. “Chloe leads the team now.”

“Doesn’t matter. Adrian will always be their superior. I’m calling your brother and give him the heads up! I’m going to contact Andrea and Christopher as well,” Revan announced while reaching for her phone.

It was very wise to withhold information and have them come here fashionably late. They need to make sure they were ready for the wolves when they come back to New York. Although they have been sightings of them before. They were just ordinary citizens, but not anymore. Regardless of what alignment, one thing is for sure: Adrian Eichner is still the boss and master of those four broken females.

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