《Cross Roads: Rebranding Chaos (Book Four)》Chapter 40


Rahkaze wasted no time rushing to his office in Zayne Enterprises. There was a lot she needed to catch up on since he was out in Madrid. He went up to his floor, only to be greeted by a professionally dressed Sylvia.

She even got up from her chair and took a bow, “Welcome back, Mr. Zayne to Zayne Enterprises. How may I start you off for today? Some tea or coffee?” She greeted with a smile on her face.

Although the smile that was on her face was painful and awkward, Rahkaze already knew who was behind Sylvia’s prim and proper demeanor, “My parents are here, aren’t they?”

Sylvia nodded her head, frantically, “Yes, sir. I’ll let them know you have arrived, sir--”

“No,’ it’s okay. I’ll let myself in,” Rahkaze walks into his office and sees Revan sitting on his desk as she was typing on a computer.

She looks over to see her son back from Europe. Delighted to see him, Revan got up from her chair and approached her son, “Rahkaze, darling!” Revan greeted while giving her son a big smothering hug.

“Hello, mother,” Rahkaze greeted.

Revan let’s go to the embrace as she sees her son’s face, “Made it back in one piece, I see. I thought I was going to have to call the National Guard.”

Rahkaze scoffed at the idea, knowing a partner that would’ve been true, but the trip to the Novak University was indeed eye-opening for him, “I wouldn’t go that far. Dolph is still a hot mess. The school is… well, the University is nice… And students are genuine--”

Then out of nowhere, Revan took one of Rahkaze’s arms and did a judo throw, flinging him to the ground. She even put him in an armbar, pinning him down with her knee.




Without a doubt, Rahkaze hated the Oleander Syndicate and almost everybody who was attached to it. He literally had nothing positive to say about any of them and was the first person to be happy when their castle was burned to the ground five years ago to him being so positive about his experience in Madrid was a bit frightening for Revan.

She alternately thought that he was brainwashed or was replaced by somebody else who looked like her eldest son. Not like it happened before with somebody else, but they were capable of doing that. However, that is a story for another time.

Revan was convinced that it was really Rahkaze, so she lets go of the armbar and helps them back up to his feet, “I… I’m sorry, son, but you legitimately scared me a little!”

“Yeah, I got that! Damn it!” Rahkaze breathing a sigh of relief.

Sylvia walks in, trying to see what was going on, “You still got it, Dr. Zayne!” Being overly supportive on the verge of being sickening.

However, Rahkaze wasn’t in the mood to deal with her bullshit, “Sylvia, shut up…”

If it were any day of the week, Sylvia would’ve torn Rahkaze a new asshole, but she just grinned and bared it. Well, for now at least… “I’m going to leave now!”

Sylvia walks away, slamming the door behind her, on the verge of breaking it.

“What’s wrong with her?” Revan wondered.

“Afraid…” Rahkaze answered bluntly as this confused Revan.

“Of whom?”

“You!” Rahkaze admitted.

Revan shrugged his shoulders out of confusion, “Why? I didn’t do anything to her…”


Rahkaze sighs, “I don’t know either…!”

Regaining her composure, Revan decided to change the subject, “Well, it’s nice to hear you had a positive experience, considering…”

“Considering they gave me an accredited degree in demonology. Such a bull-shitter…” Rahkaze reflected.

“It is recognizable worldwide. Still, I wouldn’t trash it. Consider that a sign of their admittance of screwing up, darling,” Revan analyzed.

“Chloe said that,” Rahkaze remembered.

“Yes, she was with you in Madrid. Last time I heard, she was your wingman as you were entertaining a couple of female recruits,” Revan giggled.

“They were both lesbians, mother,” Rahkaze frowned.

This statement vexes his mother, “Now, Rahkaze, all because they didn’t want to sleep with you, doesn’t mean they were lesbians.”

“No, they were lesbians. They started making out right in front of me. Turns out, they were more than just partners,” he clarified.

Revan was at a loss for words as she blinked, “It happens to the best of us, I guess… Your father is in the subbasement. Yes, he might be done with the new software patch. Let’s go and see him.”

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