《Cross Roads: Rebranding Chaos (Book Four)》Chapter 39 (October 28, 2014)


An hour later, the Crucis Sentinels, went to their private airplane hangar and boarded on their jet plane. An hour later, they were already in the air flying to New York City. With their advanced technology, time to get to New York will be cut in half.

Sitting around in the private jet, the sentinels and their Aethereal Queen spoke about the case while reading over their findings from Madrid.

“Just got off the phone with Reese. Renfield, Zayne, and Serpentine are flying with the wolves. Someone told the pilot to sit on the runway for another hour, so we can get ahead of them and set up shop in New York City,” Delta Crucis informed.

“We’ll be ready for them when they arrive. That’s good,” Lycka said. “Our technical team has already contacted the Mayor, and our car is waiting for us.”

“Serpentine still doesn’t believe that Daemon Kings exist?” Gamma Crucis questioned.

“Oh, they do! But they don’t announce their royal rank anymore for their own protection.” Alpha Crucis answers with some enthusiasm since she loved to talk about this subject. “We can thank the Holy Knights Templar for that, killing many of the male nephalems with their royal bloodline. One of the religions ‘finest moments.’ There is a good reason why nephalems and diara see religion as a ‘human perversion.’ The willingness to praise one species and damn the other. How they categorized what is holy and evil by judging how you look and by one’s personal thoughts and feelings being force-fed by the weak-minded and wayward.”

“Knowing Siath might share the same fate of his brethren, he is playing a dangerous game spitting in the face of the Eichners,” Lycka said.

“Hitting every bank account with Eichner’s fingerprints on it and killing everyone she is doing business with, would get her attention,” Epsilon Crucis.

“Adrian is in New York City, abiding her time. Siath is waiting for Adrian to show herself. She already avoided death once… When Adrian gets the chance, she will contact one of the wolves to take Siath down,” Beta Crucis theorized.

It makes you wonder, to see Adrian is so terrified of this Siath… This Daemon King is quite imposing…” Delta Crucis fearfully added.


Alpha Crucis nodded, “Yes. Both feared and respected.”

“You said there was a hymn about the king. You ever heard of it?” Epsilon Crucis asked.

Alpha Crucis hesitantly nodded, “if you could call it a song… it was at a time where nephalems—mostly innocent— were being brutally murdered by the Knights Templar under the order of the Catholic Church… Off the books… Around that genocidal time, the sixth Daemon King was born.”

“Oh, shit. Here we go again…” Epsilon Crucis dreaded.

“It does have somewhat of a happy ending… The Knights Templar was dissolved in 1312, no matter what people have said. Sadly, it wasn’t because of the mass murder of nephalems. It was among other things…” Alpha Crucis lectured. “Now, how the hymn came to be discovered was by Pope Clement V. Heavily transcribed for public view 500 years later by sponsored scholars of the Spanish Inquisition around the 19th century….

“Clement V decided to keep it hidden…” Gamma Crucis piecing it together.

“Modern-day scholars felt like Clement V was being extorted by the Royal Nephalem Order, pressuring him to disband the Knight Templar. But that hasn’t been proven…” Lycka added.

Then Alpha Crucis translated the hymn by heart. She didn’t sing it since it was too difficult, but she spoke the lyrics:

Body of iron with no heart

Baptized in blood with no soul

Destroyer of worlds with no thought

Now our Savior, save us

Siath. Oh, Siath, Regent of the Night

Siath. Oh, Siath, Ruler of the Dark

Siath. Oh, Siath, Hallowed Warrior

Siath. Oh, Siath, King of Daemons

Perdition’s Child, hero of the people

Homeless Monarch, shelter of many

May you rest here but not forever

Let the right one in and welcome him home

Siath. Oh, Siath, Regent of the Night

Siath. Oh, Siath, Ruler of the Dark

Siath. Oh, Siath, Hallowed Warrior

Siath. Oh, Siath, King of Daemons

The darkness is falling over our land

The winds are howling, the ground is trembling

The enemy is gathering around our houses, ready to subjugate us

Warriors gather by your gates, help we needed at this time

Siath. Oh, Siath, Regent of the Night

Siath. Oh, Siath, Ruler of the Dark

Siath. Oh, Siath, Hallowed Warrior

Siath. Oh, Siath, King of Daemons

We have had enough; we will make them all see


They will never take another drop of blood from us

Deliver us, deliver us, our mighty king

Bring upon the end of days

Oh, Siath. Great Siath. Regent of the Night

Oh, Siath. Great Siath. Ruler of the Dark

Oh, Siath. Great Siath. Hallowed Warrior

Oh, Siath. Great Siath. King of Daemons

The Kingdom is screaming for our help, blood in the streets

Beyond our own grave, the Holy will fall

The gathers the troops with a roar, Ready to fight for us now

To do what must be done to force them to crawl to their new king

Where they will all see

Lay them to rest, Siath. Oh, Siath

Lay them to rest, Siath. Oh, Siath

Lay them to rest, Siath. Oh, Siath

Lay them to rest, Siath. Oh, Siath

Everyone was rightfully in silence and a bit horrified by the ungodly hymn.

Alpha Crucis took a minute to compose herself as she explained the hymn, “for such purposes, I canted the name ‘Saith’ since, in the hymn, you are supposed to acknowledge the current Daemon King out of respect…”

Gamma Crucis tries to change the subject, “Makes you wonder what Serpentine thinks about Siath…”

“The same thing we are thinking of. Despite what Rahkaze thinks, Chloe’s ahead of the game. Even on par with Adrian, somewhat…” Alpha Crucis praises.

“However?” Lycka baited.

“She’s very disconnected. I don’t feel any emotion from her,” Alpha Crucis criticizes.

“Even veteran law enforcement that we worked with in the past show their emotions. Its natural. With Chloe, she is like a block of ice. Steely and cold. Probably done on purpose with the company she is keeping,” Beta Crucis analyzed.

“I guess I’m not the only one who feels that way…” Gamma Crucis added.

“Yeah, she is a brainiac in her own right, but I’m with Zayne on this one. Using herself and posing as the weak link is rather dangerous, don’t you think?” Epsilon Crucis said.

“She goes after one’s weakness, Epsilon. Her existence is her weakness. She should have died on that day, along with her brothers. Suffering from survivor’s guilt, while trying to find oneself after a tragedy is hard… Yet, many people like her don’t become who she is now,” Beta Crucis profiled.

“She does have a couple of friends in New York City,” Lycka chimes in.

Like clockwork, the sentinels and their Aethereal Queen arrived at JFK Airport. Tactically, they reverted back into their casual clothing while staying incognito.

Walking down the hallway, Delta Crucis went on her phone and received numerous texts from Reese, “Well, I got some news about the wolves and Interpol. Turns out, they had some legitimate engine failure after all. But they will be here tomorrow.”

“Rahkaze?” Lycka lazily guesses.

“Yeah, Rahkaze… How sweet of him to give us some time…” Delta Crucis confirmed.

“You’re welcome!” a familiar voice snuck up behind them. They turned around to see a smiling Rahkaze.

This shocked Alpha Crucis, “Mr. Zayne! What are you doing here?”

Rahkaze shrugged. “I had my own private jet when I flew to Madrid,” Rahkaze confessed.

Gamma Crucis shook her head in disgust, “That’s really crummy, Mr. Zayne. You left everyone else behind. You could have at least brought them with you.”

“And have those wolves stink up my leather seats and shit all over my carpet?” Rahkaze scoffed.

Rahkaze’s distaste for the Nether Elite was justifiable, but some would call it overblown and unnecessary.

Alpha Crucis tried to ignore this, “Anyway, everything is set up, so all we have to do is wait till something happens, which I doubt. In this country, we are at the tail end of the election season.”

“Oh… That reminds me. I have to see a friend if that’s okay?” Delta Crucis requested.

“Sure, we have plenty of time… I guess we can all take a little break, but let’s check into our hotel first,” Lycka granted.

“Yes, ma’am!” the sentinels all agreed.

After her little vacation, a couple of weeks ago, Delta Crucis (who was an ordinary citizen Cherie Konana at the time) visited her controversial friend Jocelyn Shane who is one of the candidates of the United States Senate seat in New York.

She launched her own investigation and ended up finding nothing so far, which was uncanny. Was her entire career and combat missions off the books? Hopefully, with this mission Delta Crucis is on, there could be a connection.

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