《Cross Roads: Rebranding Chaos (Book Four)》Chapter 36


Alpha Crucis musters enough courage to get back to work and rejoin her team. As they were waiting for her in the conference room. Epsilon Crucis couldn’t help herself by mention what happened between her and Natalia.

“So, Alpha, I just want to say you did nothing wrong. But, if ever want a secret weapon, use this,” Epsilon Crucis reaches into her pocket and pulls out a dog whistle. She even blows on it to make sure it works. Alpha Crucis tosses the whistle just as fast as Epsilon handed it to her.

“I hope I didn’t miss anything,” Alpha Crucis changing the subject as she sits down in one of the vacant chairs.

“No, we're just getting started. Other than Silvestri trying to choke out one of you, what else did you guys discover about the Nether Elite?” Lycka asked.

“I feel dumber being around Ryoko…” Gamma Crucis frowns.

“And I thought I was the only one…” Miles added.

“A lot of broken minded, broken-hearted people. Delusions of grandeur and glory,” Beta Crucis answered. “‘I will find your weakness, and I will exploit it. Bring it to light and make you submit to what I want you to be…’ Something that Adrian goes for.”

“They obliviously don’t know what they are doing either. Trying to find this Siath character without working together,” Epsilon Crucis said.

“Well, funny you mention Siath since Agent Winehouse was already in contact with him. Saved email conversations, recorded Skype chats,” Delta Crucis analyzed.

“Phone calls?” Miles questioned.

“No, Siath was too smart not to talk over the phone. He played it smart. But Reese and I did find some videos in the storage space,” Delta Crucis said as she plays a homemade video on the screen.


The background he was in was well lit with natural light. You can even hear the seagulls in the rushing water of the ocean. Then, a familiar woman appeared in the video. She was a teenage wolf girl with rose-colored eyes with her reddish-brown hair in a high ponytail. She looked lively and happy in this video.

She finally got the camera to work correctly as she spoke, “De Acuerdo, creo que debería hacerlo.” Successfully getting the camera to work, she stepped back a bit, and you can see the upper half of her. Everyone was intently watching the video with little to no reaction.

The spirited wolf girl was wearing a red bikini as she waved to the camera, “Hola, Maximilian y Jessica! It’s me, Aurora Rose! I’m celebrating mi verdadero cumpleaños, I might add! And I just want to say thank you very much for suggesting this place. I’ve always wanted to go to the Cape Verde Islands, but I never really got the chance to until now. In fact, there were a lot of things that killed my motivation. That made me doubt myself. Eso me hizo ...”

Aurora Rose looked away from the camera as she took a deep breath. The memories were still fresh in her mind about her parents’ death. Even though she was at least 18 years old in this video, and her parents died long before, the pain was still there when she was a child.

Aurora Rose once again showed her beautiful smile, "Pero eso es todo el pasado ahora…"

She then looked up and over to her left and see something entirely stimulating. Aurora Rose couldn’t help but moan erotically at the beautiful site. She took the time to lean over to the camera close so no one would hear them, “I just want to say, Maximiliano, he took your suggestion very well on finding the best speedo for him to wear. And I must say, now I have a good reason to stay put in Madrid,” this made everyone laugh out loud, except for Alpha Crucis, who just snickered.


With the snarky smile, Aurora Rose continued, “but I have learned the hard way. Anyone can either motivate you or destroy you unless you let them. You’ve always said that to me back in the day. I didn’t realize just how true it was until now.”

Afterward, Aurora Rose leaned back in her chair and spoke in a reasonable volume, “My videos are going to be a bit scarce as time goes on. I’m going to be working on some living situations starting now so I can meet up with you guys. When I turn 18, I’m going. I can’t take the palace anymore. If these assholes want to live out their lives like some cardboard cutout Hentai characters, they can do it without me. I have my own life to deal with. Who knows, maybe I might steal away Alastair and take him with me. To be honest, he’s better off without them. Sanguijuelas chupasangres ...”

“So, she wanted to leave to leave after all…” Miles grumbled as the atmosphere of the room changes drastically from being humorous to serious.

They all watched the conclusion of the video, “I gotta go. El viejo me está llamando. You take care of herself, dudes. I know it’s very redundant for me to say something like that. But if I know that little worm Adrian and her Nether sluts; if she is willing to convince our grandmaster to sacrifice me, then nobody is safe. At least now I know who I am and I’m fine with that. Nos vemos más tarde.” Aurora Rose saluted as the video ended with a confident smile on her face.

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