《Cross Roads: Rebranding Chaos (Book Four)》Chapter 34


As the day went by, Natalia caught wind of the Crucis Sentinels, shadowing the rest of the Nether Elite. She tried her best to lay low in to be invisible. But it didn’t work all too well. Alpha Crucis found her in the break room while she was having a piece of toast with strawberry jam. As she was about to leave the break room, Alpha Crucis was following her.

Natalia stopped walking and made room for the Sentinel to walk out, “After you, Silvestri…”

“No, after you…” Alpha Crucis insisted.

Natalia didn’t have time for this as she sprinted to her workspace, which was bare and apparently had nothing on it, but her computer monitor and keyboard.

“Nice cubicle…” Alpha Crucis smugly praised.

“It’s a dime a dozen…” Natalia deadpans as she walks into her computer.

“Usually, when someone works in the office, they bring their personal belongings with them. Something that will make you feel just like home,” Alpha Crucis analyzed.

“Mine burned in the fire five years ago, remember?” Natalia mentioned as Alpha Crucis saw this as an opening.

“I saw your physical evaluations, Ms. Silvestri. They were quite impressive, but you didn’t want them to do a full medical exam.”

At the corner of her eye, Natalia stared her down, “You saw my files, I’m clean--”

“You opted out doing an OB/GYN exam.” Alpha Crucis finished.

“Because I already had one…” Natalia defended as she walked away from her desk, but Alpha Crucis followed her.

“Yes, Adrian signed off on it… She is a registered nurse or was a nurse, right?” Alpha Crucis interrogated.

Natalia said nothing as she starts to walk a little faster, but Alpha Crucis sprinted up to her and got in her way, blocking the only exit.

“You don’t want anyone to know about what really happened to you…” Alpha Crucis pressured


“You better stop, I don’t have time for this…” Natalia growled.

“Usually, when females who have been raped, they don’t want anyone touching them. Anyone. And you were raped, but that time didn’t get you pregnant… Yet, you were pregnant in London--”

“I was never pregnant, Alpha! I never had sex in years!” Natalia snapped, while Alpha Crucis pushed forward.

“I know, and that’s what is so puzzling. You were pregnant, Natty! So, what really happened to you? What really happened to a baby?! Did you flush it down the toilet, like all of your hopes and dreams?”

“ENOUGH!” Natalia shouted as this gets everybody’s attention. So much so that Ayeka and Beta Crucis ran up to them and interrupted this confrontation, “I DON’T NEED TO SAY ANYTHING TO YOU!”

“Hey, what is your problem?! Leave her alone about that!” Ayeka defended.

“Listen, your little code of silence is not going to work now! Until we find the killer, nothing is off-limits!” Alpha Crucis stated as she turned her attention to Natalia again, “Who was the father? Siath’s? Dolph’s? Alastair’s?”

Natalia had enough of Alpha Crucis’ bullish ways as she tackled her onto a desk, trying to choke her as people tried to break up the scuffle. It took three or four men just the hold the enraged Natalia back, but it took Ayeka has soothing words and gentle strokes on Natalia's face to calm her down.

“Enough! We are not going to have this! Natty, take a walk!” Ayeka suggested, but the teary-eyed Natalia was still anchored by her hatred for Alpha Crucis.


“TAKE! A! WALK!” Ayeka demanded as Natalia walks away with tears in her eyes.

At that moment everybody focused on Alpha Crucis. Even though she was doing her job, she was a bit heavy-handed on Natalia.


And Ayeka let her know that, “What is wrong with you people?!”

“I am doing my job!” Alpha Crucis nonchalantly defended.

“You just couldn’t help yourself, could you?!”

“It’s called due diligence, Junior Detective Constable Junichi! That’s the true progress of detective work. If you were too busy being a den mother, you would know by now she is still a broken woman… Now, I suggest you being the leader and all to tell her to suck it up and face reality,” Alpha Crucis lectured with conviction.

“THE REALITY THAT SHE WAS RAPED! IMPREGNATED! SHE HAD A MISCARRIAGE!” Ayeka shouted as Alpha Crucis was visibly shocked by this. Yet, everybody was stunned by the event that Natalia kept hidden for so long.

“Yeah, well, now you know! Bitches… You all are a bunch of ignorant bitches…” Ayeka curses as she storms out of the room with Alpha Crucis being the unwanted center of attention. Knowing there is nothing she could do to save herself, nor that she wanted to be kept, to begin with, she straightened her uniform and walked away.

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