《Cross Roads: Rebranding Chaos (Book Four)》Chapter 29


It took Beta Crucis a while to come up with a profile of Natalia Silvestri. Wandering around the room, it took her a few minutes.

Finally, she started her profile, “nobody knows where she came from…”

“Did she come from hell?” Epsilon Crucis joked.

“She might have well been,” Beta Crucis being severe. “We are dealing with a woman who has dealt with such uncertainty. They said she was born on November 16, 1984. However, I think that is a lie. They don’t know where she came from, but I think that’s a lie as well. ‘I have been living a lie all of my life, and I’ve become one’s sediment perversion of dominance and sexuality. This is not me, and I hate myself…’ The words of a confused girl…” Beta Crucis puts in perspective.

“So, this person is living a lie?” Alpha Crucis concluded.

Beta Crucis nodded as she continued her profile, “To the Syndicate, this little girl was not really much of a priority. However, the dying words of their beloved Grandmaster were to do three things: take care of her as if she were your own child, train her to make her strong and give her a family that she desperately needs. After running a DNA test on her, they claimed they couldn’t find her biological parents. Sadly, her birth mother died before even naming her. As for her birth father, he wasn’t in the picture. With no birth records or no birth certificate. They gave her a phantom birthday and a name, Natalia Silvestri.

“While growing up, she was a real handful. Rebellious, quick to anger and violence. Usually, with settled things by knocking out a person, she quickly gained a reputation for being unapproachable and unfriendly.

“However, she did manage to earn a few friends who are also her teammates. One of them was Ayeka Junichi, who was a lot older than Natalia and is the one who is solely responsible for her combat training. Ayeka already knew what she was getting herself into becoming her personal trainer, but she wanted to teach her the true meaning of self-discipline and patience. For several years she would learn various styles of martial arts. One of them is a bit straightforward in the form of boxing. Her style of boxing is the slugger technique.


“Being a late bloomer, she didn’t tap into the Nether two years after training with Ayeka. Even then, she still struggles to maintain and harness her elemental powers in the form of electricity. Bypassing this, Ayeka helped Natalia to channel such power for her fingertips. From there, she can focus all of her energy on her fist, creating a powerful electric punch. She can also teleport herself for electrical transportation in a blink of an eye. She just recently found a way to throw electrical projectiles in the form of a ball, which takes up most of her Nether energy.

“Despite being physically robust and durable, she is also mentally a glass cannon. During one of her missions, she was captured and raped. Out of retaliation, she beat the beast almost to death. Shrugging off the sexual assault, it even made her more of a reckless and ignorant person as she learned nothing from that experience. Knowing she needs help from others, she pretty much uses them for her own benefit.

“She feels uneasy about working for the Oleander Syndicate, despite the fact most of the members raised her since birth. Rightfully so, she feels like she doesn’t belong, and she will find out the truth about her real self,” Beta Crucis concluded her profile of Natalia Silvestri.

After hearing all four of the psychological profiles from Beta Crucis, made Rahkaze sink into his chair, “Now, who are agents of Interpol… Well played, Eichner… A lot went down in London, ladies… None of you were probably too young to even be involved…”

“Nope, Alpha and I were there!” Beta Crucis corrected with a smile.

Of course, this shocked Rahkaze knowing how young they really are already, “What?! Really?!”

“Yeah…” Alpha Crucis vaguely confirmed as she changes the subject. “All references considering, it was a chaotic situation all around. Yet, these four know more about what happened then we do.”

“They came to terms a long time ago that at any given moment, today will be their last tomorrow,” Beta Crucis answered, while looking at the pictures of the Nether Elite, “Death would be a blessing, but knowing they are way over their league dealing with hardcore psychotics and serial rapists in the first place. Being captured and kept, God only knows what they would do to them, and they made peace with that. Do not be surprised if all four of them in one time or another were captured, raped, or even impregnated by their worst enemy.


“A lot of mistrust, broken friendships, and broken dreams; world-weary, apathetic, and nihilistic of the world getting better. The similar situation we were in that would usually bring people more together, only have ripped them apart beyond repair. Loyalty and love are non-existent now. This means they will step on anything and anyone to keep themselves alive. Trust none of them and find the truth between their lies.” Beta Crucis eerily lectured while looking at the Nether Elite’s pictures.

And I thought I was a savage… This Beta tanuki girl is nuts! Rahkaze thought. “So, how are you ladies going to play it?”

“By combating what was missing in their lives. The time for healing starts now. The power of belief, faith, and self-worth are what a broken woman needs. Let’s pair off with them, shadow them. Gamma, you shadow and question Shimizu,” Lycka happily announced.

“Ew, you got the slutty party girl…” Epsilon Crucis teased while laughing.

“Epsilon, you got Anderson, who I think it’s perfect for you. Since she’s a mother,” Lycka shot back as Epsilon Crucis looked away and embarrassment. “Beta, you have Junichi.”

“Oh, goody! And Alpha has Silvestri all by herself? Figures…” Epsilon Crucis blurted out.

“Floyd Mayweather versus Manny Pacquiao status!” Delta Crucis teased as the ladies laughed.

Heavily blushing, Alpha Crucis tried to downplay the situation, “I don’t think there will be an altercation between her and me… Not now, anyway…”

“Delta, you stay here and communicate with Reese. You and Reese discover more about these four. What their missions were, what outside organizations they worked with, associations with the coalition… find the trail of clues,” Lycka ordered, as Delta Crucis was a bit relieved that she was impaired by the four.

“We’ll even crack open Winehouse’s cloud storage space and see what’s inside. Where are they now, Reese?” Delta Crucis asked.

“Sent a text to Chloe, but she is in a briefing with… the Nether Elite on a case they were assigned to just hours ago. But Adrian Eichner isn’t there, she has been dismissed as their superior by order of Dolph Eichner himself.”

“Who’s in charge of them now?” Alpha Crucis asked.

“Detective Constable Chloe Serpentine.”

Hearing this made Rahkaze storm out of the room without the ladies even noticing.

“Their motherly oppressor is gone, but she still here in spirit,” Lycka reflected.

“Chloe and her new team are on the third floor, training room DDD,” Senna announced.

“Triple-D, very fitting…” Epsilon Crucis teased.

“Alright, let’s get moving,” Alpha Crucis urged as the ladies left the room with Delta Crucis staying behind to work on the storage spaces that Winehouse left.

Even this sudden call of leadership surprised Miles. Chloe being the leader of the former Nether Elite while forming her own group in the process. Everything was coming so abruptly that they didn’t have really that much time to sit down and think. But it was clear as day what they wanted to do with the wolf girls: they wanted Adrian Eichner far away from them.

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