《Cross Roads: Rebranding Chaos (Book Four)》Chapter 5 (October 24, 2014)


In the city of Madrid, Spain, the public grand opening ceremony of the Grandmaster Eichner’s new facility. Major news broadcasters and independent bloggers around the world migrated to this highly publicized event. Many people were entirely skeptical about the Grandmaster Eichner’s grand vision and what he wanted to accomplish.

Ever since the holy firebombing in London, the Oleander Syndicate was brought to the limelight of the public, just like Revan Zayne as Lady Memento. Many others whispered that it was payback on Zayne’s part, but she and her family had nothing to do with it. The downfall of the Oleander Syndicate and the Dark Nebula Coalition was from within.

Although the ceremony already started at six o’clock and three hours into the festivities, Rahkaze Zayne was fashionably late. His pure state of dress was a tuxedo. He decided not to make any waves and to be completely invisible even though it was almost a packed house. He didn’t want to be singled out by anyone. However, that wouldn’t be the case for all the right reasons.

“Rahkaze!” A familiar female voice happily called out as he immediately turned around to see a stunning raven-haired woman. Her cold blue eyes with a warm smile, wearing a little black dress with stockings.

Rahkaze immediately recognizes the female, “Chloe!”

Chloe went over to her intimate friend and gave him a great big hug. It has been so many years since he has seen each other. Them parting ways was tough, but also necessary. Even though she did have the support of her closest friends, she needed to be with her family and help them rebuild their future.

Rahkaze and Chloe broke from the hug and looked at each other face-to-face.

“It has been so long!” Rahkaze mentioned.

“I know, hasn’t it?” Chloe agreed as she wiped some of her tears away. “It’s just been… I’ve been so busy as of late.”

“Yes, so I’ve heard. Congratulations on getting the position!” Rahkaze praised.


Chloe will now run her own division among Interpol dealing with daemonic threats around the world as a criminal investigator. The new position and responsibilities were a bit tedious to iron out, but it was still doable with the help of her colleagues and foreign leaders. Now more than ever, local and international authorities can handle Nether-related threats and daemonic terrorism all over the world, “thank you, Kaz. So, how is New York?”

Rahkaze scoffed at the idea, “cold this time of year, but I love it. The energy of that city is intoxicating.”

This made Chloe giggle at the distinct thought, “Oh, that’s right. I forgot you don’t like the snow that much.”

Rahkaze shrugged his shoulders, “I have no problem with the snow or the cold. I just like being warm.”

Both Chloe and Rahkaze laughed as they began to walk together. Chloe took her arms and wrapped it around one of his as they walked across the hall.

“So, how is Andrea? Is she still working as a secretary at her dad’s precinct?” Chloe asked.

“Actually, she’s going to get her own office as a private investigator,” Rahkaze answered as this shocks Chloe.

“When did they allow her to do that?! More importantly, how in the world did they give her a gun?!”

Rahkaze snickered, “relax, her old man is still in charge of the precinct. He’s not leaving command any time soon. And besides, she’s actually doing a good job.”

Andrea Mercy, the same person in Chloe’s eyes who stuck her middle finger against authority and law enforcement as she was younger. The same Andrea Mercy, who hated cops and was at odds with her own father for being one for years. Now suddenly, she works as an outside consultant for the police force.

Naturally, this worries Chloe, “I just hope she doesn’t eat a whole bunch of sugary desserts and starts setting people on fire when she gets pissed off, again… You do know she is capable of doing that if she doesn’t get her way, right?”


“I wouldn’t worry about her,” Rahkaze consoles as he changes the subject. “Oh, also, Mordechai has chosen to become mother’s successor.”

Chloe paused, walking for a moment as this sends chills down her spine, “what, little Morrie? But he’s so young…”

Rahkaze scoffed at the idea, “he’s not so little anymore. Trust me on this.”

Ever since Chloe met Mordechai ten years ago, they’ve been very close. In fact, Chloe was more like a motherly figure to Mordechai due to the age difference, being six years apart. Even back then, when he was anointed to be the team leader, she was still protective of him and didn’t want him to get hurt.

Still, to this day, Chloe values the friendship she has with Mordechai, and the feeling is mutual, “I did hear some rumors and rumblings around the office about the return of Memento. Ever since the United Nations stepped in and sanctioning everything, daemonic threats and Nether related terrorism have been scarce.”

“In New York City, nothing is ever scarce,” Rahkaze contradicted.

“To be honest, I always thought it was either your mother coming out of retirement, or it was you,” Chloe theorized as Rahkaze laughed out loud.

“Then it definitely would have been World War III right about now, if it was me. All jokes aside, what the world needs now is someone like Mordechai. A watchful unbiased protector, not a vengeful spirit.”

Hearing this put dread and sadness into Chloe’s heart. Rahkaze was selling himself short again, and she always hated that about him, “Kaz, you know you are a good person, and you can be unbiased. Regardless of what you have been through... The odds were stacked against you and your friends… It wasn’t fair with they put you guys through.”

Rahkaze scratches his head, “at least I have a few fans…”

Chloe caught herself, knowing she was way out of line with Revan’s decision, “oh, no! Don’t get me wrong! Mordechai is an excellent choice. He’s smart, resilient, he knows how to compromise and get out of the most harrowing situations. He’s always level-headed and knows how to bring people together.”

“But?” Rahkaze probed.

“He is a sweet kid with a pure heart. And he could be too forgiving towards others who don’t want to be saved. I’m afraid someone might take his kindness for granted and use it against him.”

Rahkaze pondered her criticism as he nodded, “I see.”

“He doesn’t seem the type to be able to pick up where Dr. Zayne left off. I’m just surprised she chose him instead of you.”

This put a smile on the face of Rahkaze, knowing she said exactly what he said to his mother years ago; but even then, he understood her decision, “he is a different kind of Memento. A Memento for this new world, we all took part in creating, Chloe. A version of Memento the world needs, but not wants. A version who can show compassion and understanding towards their enemies. A version that is willing to reward those who are trustworthy and faithful, ready to face all obstacles and not as afraid of asking for help and cooperation from others. In this insane world that we live in, he is the sanest choice.”

Chloe started to bite her lower lip out of anxiety, “I just hope he takes care of himself out there… That’s all…”

Rahkaze wrapped his arm around Chloe and started to cheer her up, “I wouldn’t be lighting any candles for him anytime soon. I think you should be saving them for the people that he goes after.”

Still thinking about the situation, both friends make their way to the party at the southern wing courtyard of the “new” syndicate building.

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