《Cross Roads: Rebranding Chaos (Book Four)》Chapter 3 (October 23, 2014)


Imperial College London is a public research university located in London, United Kingdom. Its founder, Prince Albert, envisioned an area constituted of the Victoria and Albert Museum, Natural History Museum, Royal Albert Hall, and the Imperial Institute. The Imperial Institute was opened by his wife, Queen Victoria, who laid the foundation stone in 1888.

Imperial College London was granted a royal charter in 1907. In the same year, the college joined the University of London, before leaving it a century later. The curriculum was expanded to include medicine after merging with several important medical schools. In 2004, Queen Elizabeth II opened the Imperial College Business School.

Imperial's main campus is located in the South Kensington area of central London. South Kensington is home to a high concentration of cultural institutions: Natural History Museum, Science Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum, Royal College of Art, Royal College of Music, Royal Geographical Society, and the Royal Albert Hall. Its location is also next to attractions: Kensington Palace and Gardens, National Art Library, Harrods Mall, and the Brompton Oratory.

In one of the lecture halls is a young female psychiatrist with long red hair and emerald green eyes her wings had a mixture of bluish white and vanilla cream feathers. She was fair skinned, tall and voluptuous while wearing her tight-fitting business dress that went by the name of Dr. Evangeline Falconer was doing a guest lecture.

Evangeline Falconer was born in London, England and moved America and pursued psychology earning a PhD. She then became a police detective in New York City for a brief stint before retiring early. Now, she teaches at the Columbia University while writing novels and doing tours on the side. Also, being a happily married to another police detective and being mother of two kids.

In the audience, Chloe Serpentine, a 24-year-old with long black hair and serpent-like blue eyes, is listening to her every word in the back. At age 15, Chloe graduated from high school and pursued a degree in psychology. Earning her master’s degree at the age of 19, she wanted to pursue another major while pursuing a career in law enforcement. What intrigued her was nephalems since, in her family bloodline have a secure connection with the elder serpent daemon, Jörmungandr, as well.


That very evening in London, Evangeline was is talking about a psychological subject for her capstone project while showing an interactive flash presentation, “death drive; Todestrieb in German. In the classical Freudian psychoanalytic theory, the death drive is the drive towards death and self-destruction. It was originally proposed by Sabina Spielrein in her paper ‘Die Destruktion als Ursache des Werdens’ or translated ‘Destruction as the Cause of Coming into Being’ in which was then taken up by Sigmund Freud in 1920 in Beyond the Pleasure Principle.”

Her interactive flash presentation showed images of the psychologists as she continued, “This concept has been translated as ‘opposition between the ego or death instincts and the sexual or life instincts.’ In Pleasure Principle, Freud used the plural ‘death drives’ or ‘Todestriebe’ much more frequently than in the singular.”

Her interactive flash presentation showed more pictures and videos about her next segment as she continues, “The death drive opposes Eros, the tendency toward survival, propagation, sex, and other creative, life-producing drives. The death drive is sometimes referred to as ‘Thanatos’ in post-Freudian thought, complementing ‘Eros,’ although this term was not used in Freud's own work, being preferably introduced by one of Freud's followers, Wilhelm Stekel.”

The interactive flash presentation showed a picture of him as she lectured on, “The Standard Edition of Freud's works in English confuses two terms that are different in German: Instinkt and Trieb; for example,”

Her interactive flash presentation showed a text from the passage, "the hypothesis of a death instinct, the task of which is to lead organic life back into the inanimate state. This incorrect equating of ‘Instinkt’ and ‘Trieb’ has created severe misunderstandings."

Evangeline continued, “So as you all see, Freud actually refers to the term ‘instinkt’ in explicit use elsewhere, and so while the concept of ‘instinct’ can loosely be called a ‘drive,’ any essentialist or naturalist connotations of the term should be put in abeyance. In a sense, the death drive is a force that is not essential to the life of an organism and tends to denature it or make it behave in ways that are sometimes counter-intuitive.


She puts her remote in her pocket and addresses the audience of 500, “So what do he and many others know about this term? The term is almost universally known in the scholarly literature on Freud as the ‘death drive,’ and Lacanian psychoanalysts often shorten it to only ‘drive.’ Although Freud had posited the existence of other drives as well, and Lacan explicitly states in Seminar XI that all discs are partial to the death drive. Then came the simultaneous Penguin translations of Freud even translating ‘Trieb’ and ‘instinkt’ as ‘drive’ and ‘instinct’ respectively.”

“In modern medicine, many others tried to take Sigmund Freud’s death drive theory and indeed give us a meeting by departmentalizing many other emotional and mental disorders and independently labeling all of them. To which some might say is a waste of time. Many others say that those who are inflicted are trying to find an exit. Trying to find a way out. A release. Some people look for dangerous sexual encounters with other people. Some people do dangerous stunts and sports. The most counterproductive ways to handle such impulsive and destructive behavior, we are glorified for it. We are rewarded for it. We’re even idolized by it.”

With the snarky smile, Evangeline pressed the button to show a picture of a video game character as the audience laughed and snickered, “ladies and gentlemen, if any of you ever owned a video gaming system, you may have known about this character. Travis Touchdown is a video game antihero and the main protagonist of the video game No More Heroes.

“He lives a lifestyle that is often compared to those of average people because of his obsession with anime, professional wrestling, pornography, and action figures; however, this lifestyle has also been called an ‘uber male fantasy.’ He has even been compared to other characters in fiction, such as Tyler Durden from the movie Fight Club and The Bride from the movie Kill Bill. This is very ironic, knowing that both of those movies are deeply enriched about this entire lecture.

“As a matter of fact, both fictional characters Tyler Durden and The Bride were both trying to find their own exits through self-destructive behavior. And all the men in the audience, I know all of you have watched these before.”

Evangeline teased, as most of the females in the audience laughed, “Oh, and ladies, don’t laugh. I know you watched some pornography in your life as well. Probably yesterday.”

This bellowed laughter throughout the room. As the room calmed down while Evangeline let out a laugh herself, the interactive flash presentation showed more images as she began to conclude her lecture, “but it all makes sense, doesn’t it with these two? It takes a brave individual to break out against the norm and to live your life in a self-destructive, ultra-hedonistically lifestyle giving not one single damn about everything and nothing.

“It would be nice to just say that I’m going to live my life the way I want to. But in a way, that is just another pipe dream. Self-control. Self-preservation. Having empathy. That’s something people like Tyler Durden, The Bride, and Travis Touchdown don’t have. However, there are many people out there in the real world who are not only the same but predominantly worse than their fictional counterparts.

“Those who have a death drive are suicidal, those who have given up and given in, those who are just living… Just to live. It’s sad when you put all the puzzle pieces together, and you are presented with this. But we all have this instinct. We all have this drive. And in one fleeting moment, we will all try to find the same exit as everyone else. Thank you for attending, everyone.”

Evangeline ended her lecture as she received a standing ovation in the room. Evangeline took a bow and waved to scholars as she makes her own exit off the podium.

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