《Cross Roads: Rebranding Chaos (Book Four)》Chapter 1 (October 22, 2014)


Broadmoor Hospital is a high-security psychiatric hospital at Crowthorne in Berkshire, England. It is the best known and oldest of the three high-security psychiatric hospitals in England, the other two being Ashworth Hospital near Liverpool and Rampton Secure Hospital in Nottinghamshire.

The Broadmoor complex houses about 210 patients, all of whom are men since the female service closed in September 2007, with most of the women moving to a new facility in Southall and the remainder moving to Rampton and elsewhere. At any one time, there are also approximately 36 patients on trial leave at other units.

Most of the patients there have been diagnosed with severe mental illness; many also have schizophrenia and personality disorders. Most have either been convicted of serious crimes or been found unfit to plead in a trial for such crimes. The average stay is six years, but this figure is skewed by a few patients who have stayed for over 30 years; most patients remain for considerably less time.

The hospital's catchment area consists of four National Health Service regions: London, Eastern, South East, and South West.

On that cold morning, a slender female wolf kemonomimi with long white hair and powder blue eyes is being released. Kemonomimi is a race of humanoids who are predominately human with minimal animal characteristics. The hospital accommodated her with some casual clothes; a shirt, jeans, and a pair of sneakers. They even gave her fifty euros and a bus ticket for her choosing.

The wolf girl went to the nearest train station and headed straight to the public lockers. She opened the contents in locker #3459 and opened it using a combination. Inside was a mid-sized backpack.

She immediately went to the bathroom and locked the door behind her. She used the table to set the backpack on as she opened it. Inside were stacked 500 Euro bills wrapped in plastic, credit cards and passports that she left behind for safekeeping.


The first thing she did was go to the nearest salon in London and spent the day getting her hair done and went clothes shopping.

At a salon, the same wolf girl was having a conversation with a young local hairdresser.

She had a loud and irritating voice, almost sounding like a mouse, “I didn’t hear anything about any Oleander business, they have been quiet ever since they lit a match to the place,” the hairdresser said.

“Not surprising…” the wolf girl criticized.

“The miserable cunt showed his face last year though, trying act all like Bill Gates and then some… Giving away money to the families…” the hairdresser fibbed.

After a day of shopping and getting her hair done, the wolf girl took refuge in a flat she rented out for the time being. She even bought a laptop and used a Wi-Fi connection she easily pirated. Doing some extensive research about what happened to the Oleander Syndicate five years ago. It turns out Grandmaster Dolph Eichner has disbanded the group and surrendered himself to Interpol. In return, they gave him and everyone who was in involved sanctuary earlier this year.

“Son of a bitch, he actually did it…” The wolf girl was furious about her discovery as she storms out of her flat.

She reached into her bag and pulls out a USB drive. Immediately, she uploaded her personal files on the disk. While doing so, she reached into her pocket, pulls out her two 9mm handguns. She straps a holster and arms herself with them. While putting on the overcoat, she takes a USB drive that was done the uploading.

After a night on the town, she became a shadow. Another face in the crowd.

Suddenly, she spotted an awkward female reddish-brown wolf kemonomimi at a restaurant having dinner with a poised small girl with golden blonde hair and powder blue eyes wearing a gray gothic lolita kimono.

She immediately recognizes the two females to her utter shock, “You have got to be shitting me…”

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