《Tidbits from Mahashoti and Other Stories》Mahashoti - Being Guest at Vhurab


Shriti’s soul was taken to a new realm and pushed into a new body. She found herself amongst the aliens. They seated her in a magnificent chariot, which took off from ground and flew high in the sky. The flight was smooth and fast. The chariot made no vibration or sound. It had a sound system that played soft melodious celestial music.

After it had travelled some distance, the chariot started descending. In the background, at a distance, there were beautiful snow-capped mountain cliffs, whose slopes were adorned with foliage of infinite beauty. The base of the mountain was flat. It was covered with uniform green grass like a beautiful carpet. At one end there was a grove of large, luxuriant trees, and at other end was glistening lake containing atypical water - clear, radiant, and alluring.

The chariot made a soft landing on the ground. A dignified man and a beautiful young lady received Shriti when she got down. The man came forward and said something which Shriti could not understand. Then the man took out two earplugs and put those in Shriti's ears.

The man announced pleasantly, "Welcome to planet Vhurab, the land of Vidujas. My name is Jalliketu. I am the Security in-charge of this region. And she is my assistant Ritika. She will be your host here on this planet. You are an outsider. You do not know our language. So you will need the earplugs. These earplugs are automatic translators. It will instantly translate our spoken words into your language."

The man appeared somewhat worried. He said, "This is the first time a soul from earth has reached here in a physical form. We mistook your soul as that of Shimoyi Janu Mahashoti and brought you here. Then we gave you her spare body without proper verification. Now I am afraid, you will have to stay here till some alternate arrangements and decisions are made."


Shriti asked, “But what is my fault? I have not trespassed into this place.”

Jalliketu said, “The fault was ours’. It was a breach in our security. We did not perform any Ruhbac scan that every soul is required to undergo. Had we done that we would have known that you are not Shimoyi Mahashoti.”

“What is Ruhbac scan?” Shriti asked out of curiosity.

Jalliketu replied, "It is very difficult to explain this to someone, who comes from an underdeveloped planet like earth. But since you are our guest, I will try to explain it to you to satisfy your curiosity. The earth is not the only planet that has life. Many other planets have life as well. However, our planet Vhurab is the most advanced among all planets. It is the mentor planet to many other planets, including planet earth. We control everything that happens on earth.”

Shriti, “Did you say, our earth is underdeveloped? Do you control earth sitting from here? I cannot believe this.”

Jalliketu then explained the secret:

"We do this in three ways. We have a system. When a person dies in lesser planets, its soul is evaluated through the Ruhbac scan and accordingly it is assigned a place in any of the planets controlled by us. A soul is evaluated based on its deeds, thoughts and feelings. When a person dies, the final score is automatically tagged to the soul and it is assigned to a planet and position accordingly.

"We also have a system that provides governance, support, and help to human beings on earth to lead their life. Improving the quality of souls is very important for maintaining the ecosystem of the universe. When there is general degradation of moral values and virtues in any planet, we send one or more of our best persons in disguise to lead the people towards virtue, truth and peace. Many of the great persons in the history of earth were sent from Vhurab to carry out our planned mission for the betterment of the universe.


"In Vhurab, people have spare bodies having identical fingerprints. But a soul cannot be duplicated. Every soul is unique and is identified from its vibration pattern. So we maintain the record of souls. A soul from outside world is not permitted to enter Vhurab.

“Every soul needs a body. However, the Viduja beings keep two or more bodies. When a Viduja being becomes slightly old or sick, he leaves his old body and enters into a new one. The memory from the old brain is then transferred to the brain of the new body. So there is no old age, sickness and death in Vhurab.”

All the people Shriti had seen so far looked perfectly fit, young and beautiful. But then she saw an extremely beautiful girl. She was much beautiful as compared to any other Viduja girl. Her beauty and grace were beyond description and imagination. Shriti was captivated by the beauty of that girl. “The beautiful girl must be a princess”, she thought. Jalliketu claried her doubt. He said in a soft composed voice, "My dear Shriti, it is you. You are seeing your image in the mirror. You must know that now you are in a body that belonged to Shimoyi Janu Mohashoti. So in physical form, you are now Janu Mahashoti. When the real Janu Mahashoti will arrive, you will give possession of this body to her. Till then, you will keep this secret and stay as a guest in Vhurab."

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