《And far was the walk.》All in a nights walk.


After the not so subtle call for help, we both voicelessly agreed and turned tovards the direction we thought the noice came from.

Since the pile of rubble we were both standing on was not much higher than any of the other piles around us, we decidedly headed in the direction of the call. After climbing three piles of rubble, and after hearing several curses flying overhead in the call for assistance. we both spottet what the cause of the call. A female appeared to be testing her ability to dig herself out of a pile of rubble. Either that or she slipped and the pile fell and buried her halfway.

"Need some help?", I decided to take the initiative and before she spotted us.

"Thank the revenge driven god in hell! I woke up in this blasted fucking pile of bullshit rocks! Now get me the fuck out of here!"

Deciding to ignore the unneccesarry cussing, Myself and the man in the navy cloak started picking up rocks from the pile. Unfortunately since a loose pile of rocks is not the most solid material, we had to remove around half of the pile before the girl managed to struggle her feet free. the time spent was enough to probably cook two meat pies.

As the girl strugled to rise to her feet, I asked the million dollar question.

"My name's Cole Friedman, what's yours?", at least I would have a name to attatch to her face, which was of average structure, no features seemed to make a deep impression. black hair, brown eyes, small eyebrows and a big mouth.

"Clara Noswell, thanks for getting me out of that pile of shit rubble."

She seemed alright enough. nothing too out of place. she took a short look at her surroundings before she saw the sky. she appeared fixated by it for a while. staring at the stars, carefully inspecting every speck of light in the night sky. She looked torn about something before finally speaking.


"What's your name?", she pointed to the man of Nordic descent.

"Sprechst du Deutsch?", now it was Clara who was at the butt end of the joke. I must admit, it is funny. She looked shocked for a second, before trying her very best german.

"Ich heisst Clara, was nennen wir du?", Now I don't speak german, but from her desperate attempt and most assuradly butchering of german grammar, she did rather ok.

I stifled a laugh before it could make its presense known, however the man whose name I did not know continued with the joke, seemingly impressed with Claras ability to completely destroy the german language.

"Ich bin Alfred Ohm, du kannst mich Alfred nennen. Ich bin 20 Jahre alt, mein hobby ist wolken-blicken und ich habe fünf geschwister. Wie alt bist du, wo hast du Deutsch gelernt und wieso hast du Deutsch sprechen wenn ich kann Englisch sprechen?", Wow, I did not know that random dude could speak fluent german. Nor could I possibly hope to understand what he just said, as whatever few words I could sort of make out was completely overshadowed by the fact that he spoke much too quickly.

Clara just laughed and said.

"want me to translate this for you my non bilingual friend?", I was shocked could clara understand all that?

"I'm Alfred Ohm, you can call me Alfred, I'm twelve years old, my hobby is people staring, and I have five sisters. Then he asked me how old I was, where I learnt german, and why I... hmm" She looked puzzled when she tried to recall the question. Then she shot up and quickly tried to punch Alfred in the gut.

Alfred dogded easily and spoke clearly.

"wrong, in several places too. I'm twenty, I like cloud-gazing, and I have five siblings.", I started laughing my ass off as Clara tried to beat the snot out of Alfred.

"I'll fucking kill you, you oversized moldy cheese!"


Clara was easily dogded and evaded, I continued laughing.

"And shut up! you ridiculous excuse for a ceasar salad!". She then proceeded to punch my gut, leading to me lying on the ground trying to get my breath back... goddamn she hit hard.

We all laughed for a while. Letting the stress of the situation diffuse.

"I'm deeply sorry Clara, nothing personal. It's all part of the routine as you may have observed. I did the same for Cole over there.", I will admit that without Alfreds comedy and poor jokes the situation would have been way more tense.

"It's no fucking problem, just don't trick me like that again. Or I'll punch you in the gut.", Clara still had her colourful language to decorate her speech. It seemed this night would be calm.

"Do you think there are more people lying about? You said you awoke within that pile of rubble. there may yet be more survivors.", Alfred took control of the situation and focused our attention. Me and Clara looked at eachother, with a nod from both of us Alfred took it as his responsibility to cook up a plan.

"If they are anything it's asleep, we cannot really effectively find someone if they don't actively try to be rescued, calling out and such. I think resting and waiting until daytime will prove to be the best option for finding other people."

"But what the hell about people like me, who woke up in a fucking rock-pile? Isn't there a risk they could die if they don't get help, like you helped me?", Clara put forth an interesting point.

"If they are fully submerged within the rock-piles they are as good as dead if we step on the pile by accident searching for people. waiting for them to naturally wake up would, I believe bring the most merit in terms of people rescued.

As such I propose a resting period until the break of dawn, not only will finding living people be easier because of the increase in light-level, more people are likely to be awake the longer we wait. Any issues with the plan proposed?", Alfred could talk, that's for sure and his points did make sense.

"I agree with Alfred, Clara I don't want to risk accidentally killing anyone, or missing someone we could have saved because we couldn't see them in the night-light."

"Ok, fuck, fine, I relent.", Clara seemed reluctant, or she was just swearing, as appeared as usual for her. Her colourful language did not help my evaluation of her intentions.

After we all agreed we split up, but still within view-distance to pick up anything burnable, I found some strips of cloth and an old wood beam. I went back to the center of our gathering, waiting for the others. Clara arrived shortly bringing with her some wood-shrapnel, it appears to have been completely torn asunder when the building collapsed. Alfred also came back. he brought back a large piece of cloth.

"I found a poncho of some sort. as you Cole are the one wearing the least heat trapping clothing here I believe you should have it. to keep your core temperature at a stable level.", it was true, Alfred wore a large navy-blue cloak covering his body trapping heat, and protecting his body from whatever rain may come. Clara was wearing a thick woolen sweater, I didn't recognize the style, however I did notice some rather intricate patterns. Me myself however was only wearing a black and white striped t-shirt, as well as a pair of jeans. The poncho would be a welcome change of attire.

After Clara showed off her fire-starting skills involving nothing more than a lighter and the bone-dry strips of cloth that I found. we started a passable fire, and I fell asleep.

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