《Don't Disturb! I am Sleepy...》Chapter 4 - The Captain Strikes


“Seraaaaa, some third year is looking for you!” It is lunch time and Mika just came back from outside after getting something to drink. Mika called out to Sera loudly as if it is an announcement as she went back to her seat. Everybody in the class heard it so they were whispering all things like “Does she have a boyfriend?” and “She is cute after all”.

“Comiiing!” Sera responded casually as if she already knows who is the one looking for her when in fact in her head she was wondering “Third year? Do I know someone?”.

Sera went outside to meet the one looking for her and in tow are a lot of other girls who are curious.

“Captain? Am I right?” Sera asked the guy who is a bit tall and have an indigo hair.

“Oh you remember me? I am glad!” The Captain looks really happy.

“Well it was just yesterday when Ethan beat you up pretty one-sidedly!” Sera uttered with a smile.

“Urgh!” The Captain held his chest in pain and he looked away due to the embarrassment.

While the two were talking, the onlookers started to whisper and giggle to themselves. “Isn’t that the Captain of the Karate Club? He looks nice.”, “She’s so lucky! He is kind and also have good grades!” and “They look good together!”

“So Captain, why are you looking for me?” Sera asked.

“Ah right! I’ll introduce myself first, my name is Lock everybody just calls me Captain so you can also do so if you’d like.” Lock said with a smile. “If you’d like, do you want to watch our sparring sessions later?”

“Sure!” Sera unhesitantly replied thinking “I will get to see Ethan’s cool side again!”


“I’ll see you then, Sera!” The Captain said while thinking “I will finally be able to redeem myself from that pitiful performance yesterday!”

“Oh? How did you know my name?” Sera tilted her head, curious as she was thinking when did she introduce herself yet not by a bit curious as to why the Captain was asking her to watch their sparring sessions later.

“I told him!” A familiar voice interrupted which gave shivers to the Captain. Leon with his usual cheeky smile appeared.

“L-leon!?” The Captain’s face became pale all of a sudden.

“He came to me this morning “Who was the cute girl you are with yesterday?” even though he is quaking in his boots!” Leon stated fallowed by his usual laughter.

“L-leon please keep quiet...” The Captain told Leon.

“Ohoh? Are you telling me what to do?” Leon gave the Captain with an evil smile.

“No Leon, I am very sorry!” The Captain apologized without wasted time.

“I see! Thanks Leon!” Sera thanked Leon because what she understood from the conversation is that Leon introduced Sera to the Captain so she can freely watch the sparring sessions where she can watch Ethan.

“Eh?” The Captain suddenly blushed thinking “Is she thanking Leon for giving me the chance to know her? Does she also like m-me?”

Leon who is a genius in all kinds of things knows what the two are thinking and just laughed as he liked.

“W-well, see you later then!” The Captain left, his face was still red.

“I’ll be going too, see you later!” Leon also left while Sera was just innocently waving her hand in goodbye.

“I’m so excited!” Sera uttered while waiting for Ethan’s match. She was sitting at the sides with Leon on the sparring session for the Karate Club.


“You just saw him fight yesterday, right?” Leon asked wondering why Sera was still excited despite knowing Ethan will win effortlessly.

“Because he just looks so cool! Like Pow!” Sera replied while doing an impression of Ethan’s punch.

“You really do like him a lot, huh.” Leon uttered

“Eh!? How did you know?” Sera asked and turned red.

“Did you think I didn’t know all this time?” Leon ask with amazement , a different kind of amazement.

“Yes...” Sera replied while looking down, fidgeting her fingers.

Leon replied with a laugh thinking “I didn’t know someone can be this innocent!”

“Oh look! It is the Captain’s turn!” Sera pointed to the center where the Captain is.

The match has begun between Captain and a club member. The club member started with a punch which the Captain was able to parry. The Captain countered with a kick hitting the member’s head which then ended the match.

“At last! I am able to show my cool side to Sera!” is what the Captain is thinking as he waved at Sera who is sitting at the sides. Sera waved back with a smile.

“Wow, I didn’t know the Captain was strong!” Sera told Leon.

“He won’t be Captain if he wasn’t. It is just someone is abnormally strong...” Leon replied, feeling a bit of pity for the Captain.

A club member went to the Captain “Captain, the member who was supposed to be Ethan’s sparring partner is nowhere to be found!”

“What!?” The Captain replied in a panic.

“He must have been scared and decided to not show up.” The member replied.

“I kind of understand it though. In the case...” The Captain answered with a pained face but he knows this is what he must do for he is the Captain.

“Oh look, look! It’s Ethan’s turn! He really looks good on that uniform!” Sera announced excitedly.

“Is that the captain again?” Leon then laughed loudly.

“Just when I was already able to show off...” is what the Captain was thinking which was followed by a sigh. “But a man has to do what a man has to do!”

The match then commenced and the Captain was absolutely and utterly crushed.

The Captain looked at Sera’s direction yet she is no longer there. “Did she leave after witnessing my humiliating performance?” is what the Captain thought before he passed out.

Meanwhile, Sera who already knew that Ethan leaves as soon as his match is over was able to catch up to him.

“Wow Ethan! You are strong!” Sera praised Ethan. Ethan just nodded in response.

“Say Ethan...” Sera is about to say something when she just remembered that she has an urgent errand to do. “I’ll be going this way, goodbye!” Sera waved with a smile.

Ethan waved back, sluggishly.

Although she was already able to walk home with him, it was only for a bit more than a minute thanks to her absent mindedness of forgetting her errands. Even so, every minute or more so every second is very precious to her if he can be with him.

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