《Don't Disturb! I am Sleepy...》Chapter 3 - The After School Plan


“I see, it failed.” Mika uttered as Sera narrated what happened with their earlier plan to walk to school. It is lunch time again, the time to plan for their next course of action.

“But I got to greet him!” Sera said happily as if fully satisfied.

“That is not enough!” Mika stood up and slammed the table

“It isn’t?” Sera tilted her head, clueless as to why Mika is somewhat agitated.

“If you really like him you need to make him fall for you!”

“I won’t go that far. Being able to spend a little time with him is enough. Even being able to look at him from afar is good.” Sera then looked at the window and seemed happy by what she saw. “Oh there he is! He is just walking but he looks completely bored yet still so cool!” Sera said with a small laugh then blushed a little.

“Your goal is too low! And you call yourself a woman? Just imagine him dating another girl aside from you, what would you feel?“

“I-I” Sera tried to speak but then tears stream down her face.

“H-hey! That was just theoretical! Please stop crying!” Sera then wiped her tears but is still not fully over the emotional shock. “If you don’t want that to happen you should be closer to him!”

“I-I see!” Sera finally agreed.

“If walking to school is a fail, how about walking from school?”


“You will just have to wait for classes to end then go home with him!”

“I see, I will do it then!” Sera pumped herself, ready to attack.

Classes are over so Sera went out near the gates to wait for Ethan to come by and say “Are you going home too? What a coincidence!” which she practiced in the bathroom a while ago.


Ten minutes has passed yet Ethan was still not around so she went inside the school again to check if maybe he already gotten home. He went to Ethan’s classroom just to see that he was gone.

“Oh? Looking for Ethan?” Leon with his top hat appeared again. “He has club activities today.”

“Ah, I see.” Sera answered, looking down.

“Oh! Why don’t we watch him then!” Leon happily suggested.

“We can? Clubs normally restricts entry from outsiders, right?”

“Leave it to me! Just follow me!” Leon declared.

The two went to the room where the Karate Club is practicing, the club Ethan is a member of.

“Intruding!” Leon announced as he entered the room with Sera in tow.

“Hey! Non-club members are not allowed in here during practice hours!” A Karate club member blocked their way and asked them to leave.

“Ohoh? Do you know who you are talking to? Huh!?” Leon told the guy in an intimidating way then called somebody else. “ Hey Captain! Long time no see!” Leon waved at the guy with a smile.

“L-Leon!?” The guy who has an unsusual indigo hair and was called captain reacted as if seeing a ghost. The Captain then went to Leon then bowed in apology. “Did my under class man said something disrespectful to you? I apologize in his behalf! You can stay here as long as you like!”

“B-but Captain!” The club member tried to protest.

“You apologize too! Come on!” The Captain commanded.

“I-I’m sorry...” The member did apologize but in a insincere way, he was not sure why he should apologize in the first place.

“No problem, thank you Captain!” Leon thanked the Captain, but with an evil smile as they went to sides to watch Ethan.


“Um Leon, do you know the Captain from somewhere?” Sera asked now that they are sitting at the sides.

“Not really, all I did was a little blackmail from way back.”

“Block Male?” Sera tilted her head and thought “Do blocks have sex?”.

“Oh! Here he is! He will be sparring next!” Leon then pointed at the center as to where Ethan is then he suddenly laughed after seeing who is Ethan’s opponent. “The Captain!? Really? Hahaha!”

“Oh! He looks really cool on his uniform!” Sera then blushed after gazing at Ethan but her trance was cut off after noticing something weird. “Leon... Is just me or the other members looks... scared. Why are they getting a stretcher ready?”

“Don’t worry about it! Just watch.” Leon answered after suppressing his laugh.

The two was now on their respective stances and Ethan’s bored look was replaced by a smile on his face.

“Ah!” was all Sera was able to say after seeing Ethan’s serious look but in her mind she was thinking “This is the first time I saw him smile! He’s perfect!”.

Leon somehow saw something glittering floating around Sera. “Is this the power of love? Scary was what Leon thought.

The signal for the match commenced. Without wasting a moment, Ethan punched his opponent in the stomach which sent the Captain flying to the outside of the fighting area. The other members scrambled to help the captain with the panic painted on their faces.

“Wow... He’s strong!” Sera uttered in amazement.

“Right? That’s my buddy for you!” Leon boasted.

“It seems you know Ethan too well. How long have you two known each other?”

“Hm... I think it was when we were still 5?”

“Wow, no wonder you know a lot about him!”

“I can tell you everything you need to know about him you know!”


“But if I do, he will be probably gone already since his match already ended.”

“Eh?” Sera then tried to look for Ethan on the room but he can no longer be found.


“I’ll go now then! Thank you very much Leon!” Sera then ran off hoping that she can catch up to Ethan.

She ran as fast as she can to the gates but there is no trace of him. In the end, the plan to walk with him failed. Yet being able to see a new side to Ethan was more than enough for her.

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