《Don't Disturb! I am Sleepy...》Chapter 1: He's a Gangster!?


“What? You got a guy you like?” A girl with a long violet hair asked Sera who are in the classroom.

“Quiet Mika, what if someone hears you?” Sera replied while blushing. She then looked around and was glad that no one is around since classes are already over.

“Say, does he go to this school? What’s his name?” Mika who had a strange glow on her eyes asked.

“I think he goes here since he wears our uniform, his name was... Ethan.” Sera said while being red as an apple.

“Ethan!? That Ethan!?” Mika’s excited look changed into shock.

“That Ethan?” Sera who was clueless tilted her head.

“Does he have blonde hair and blue eyes?”


“That is definitely him! Be careful, that guy is a delinquent!” Mika who cannot control her emotions stood up.

“He is? He is a good delinquent then!” Sera answered with a smile.

“Listen, there are no good delinquents. He is not just a delinquent, rumors say that he is a member of a famous gang called Silver Fang”

“But he certainly do not look like one. Especially when he caught the man who stole my bag and lifted him with one arm!” Sera stated as if boasting.

“That definitely is a proof that he is strong enough to be a gangster!”


“I think he is in class B! Why don’t we pay him a visit? He might still be around!” Mika grabbed Sera’s hand and pulled her along.

“What? All of sudden? What should I say?”

“Why are you acting as if you are going to confess?”

“I’m not?”

“No! I am going to show you that he is a gangster!” Mika then pulled Sera along until they reach the classroom of class B. The two peeked on the door and saw Ethan on his seat, sleeping. “See! Only a delinquent would sleep in a classroom!”


“But classes are already over so sleeping should be okay.” Sera replied.

“I guess you are right.” Mike then stopped for a minute to think when a guy from the classroom got suspicious and went to them.

“Hey, need something?” A short guy with a top hat and orange hair asked.

“Leon! I told you before not to wear that hat, you are violating school rules!” Mika scolded the short guy named Leon.

“Yes you did, but you lost our bet remember?” Leon replied with a smirk.

“Ugh!” That is all what Mika was able to say

“Bet?” Sera who was clueless tilted her head.

“It’s simple! She just needs to beat my overall grade but she totally lost.” Leon stated which made Mika speechless while clenching her fist. “By the way, why are you guys peeking in our classroom?”

“That’s right! Tell us about Ethan over there! Is it true that he is part of the gang called Silver Fang?” Mika asked.

“Oh... He is part of the Silver Fang.” Leon answered as if it is a common knowledge.

“See! You should stay away from him from now on!” Mika told Sera while her hands are on Sera’s shoulders.

“What? Did he do something wrong?” Sera tilted her head, failing to keep track of what they are talking about.

“Ohoh!” Leon was surprised but in a good way. By observing how Mika wants the girl Sera to keep a distance from Ethan, he deduced that she might have a crush on Ethan. “Oi! Ethan! You have visitors!” Leon called out.

“What!? Why did you call him? Come on Sera, let’s run before he wakes up!” Mika who has her never ending loud voice tried to pull Sera away but she did not move. “Hey Sera let’s go! And why the heck are you blushing!?”


“B-but...” Sera replied, unable to reason out why she wants to stay.

“Hey Ethan! Classes are over already!” Leon kept on calling him out but he was still asleep. Leon went closer to Ethan and punched him in the head. “Wake up already!”

Mika was shocked at what Leon did. “He will totally kill you!” is what she was thinking while Sera did not witness the event and still thinking what he would say to Ethan once he woke up.

Ethan got up after a while and looked around then stared blankly at Leon.

“You got visitors!” Leon pointed the two girls who were out the door while thinking “This should be fun!”

Ethan looked at the two girls then went to them. “What?” Ethan asked, expressionless.

“Uhm...” Sera who already spent a lot of time thinking what to say was still not able to align her thoughts and just ended up blushing.

On the other hand, Mika was shaking on her feet. In his image, Ethan was intimidating them and would readily hit them.

Ethan was just staring at Sera, waiting for her to speak up while Sera was so nervous that she was not able to form a word. This awkward atmosphere lingered for several minutes.

On the sidelines, Leon was just laughing at how stupid the two look like. Mika who was stunned in fear a while ago began to doubt Ehtan’s notoriety. Mika went closer to Leon and whispered “Hey, he’s gangster right? Why does he look so dumbfounded?”

“Seriously!? Not a chance!” Leon’s laughed even harder. “So that is why you are almost about to piss yourself a while ago!”

“Shut up!” Mika smacked Leon in the head. “You just said the he is a member of the Sliver Fang!”

Leon was hurt by Mika attack but he still is lauging until he was able to suppress it. “He is! It is just a clan on a mobile game we are playing!”

“You runt!” Mika hit Leon again in the head ending up making his top hat a bit deformed.

“Stop it! What would you do if I no longer grow in height anymore!”

“Shut up! It is all because all your nutrients go up into your brain!”

“And yours all go into your fat!” Mika hit Leon once again then he pulled Sera by the hand. This time, Sera went with her, completely red.

They were still not able to converse on their second encounter but still made Sera very happy despite the awkward situation.

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