《Fais Toi Plaisir》Chapter 6: Half A Twin


This isn’t fun at all. I’m currently tied up with a chain. You may ask why I am in this situation.

After she came close to the bed, I ran out the closet and tried to kill her with my knife. She has incredible instincts. She dodged it when it was at least 3 inches away. I was disarmed and chained up. There was a speedboat near the ship. I was thrown there and the woman followed suit.

As I realize, she wasn’t alone. She had accomplices. I can’t shout for help as that would humiliate me.

I still did anyways. I shouted for help at the top of my lungs before getting hit on the head with a flashlight. I was knocked unconscious.

“Isn’t this funny, The Prideful, calling for help?”

Those were the last words I heard before drifting off.

When I was coming to. I heard them talk about bounties and cash. Apparently, I have a $30,000,000 bounty.

I tried breaking the chain with a hook I had. I could scratch it till it breaks but that will take so long.

“Don’t even try to escape.” The woman said pointing the gun to my head.

Great, I was captured when I had the thoughts of retiring.

I was so pissed that I didn’t realize I was oozing bloodlust.

“I will kill all of you.” I said with a violent look.

They all laughed it off, as if I was a joke. How insulting.

Meanwhile, Reimi’s POV.

Tomorrow is my flight back to the States. Cole will probably take a vacation in Spain and enjoy those days.

I got more work to do. The things I took from the house was pretty useful.

I tested it at my apartment, made a hole through my room wall.

I should go to the coffee shop near the pier. I heard they make good coffee.


“This feeling…” I muttered as I walked closer and closer to the pier.


I ran to the pier as I see a speedboat with bloodlust oozing out.

I hijacked a jet ski as I throw knives to the boat.

“Cole!” I shouted at the top of my lungs.

At Cole’s POV.

“Cole!” Reimi shouted.

Reimi is pretty violent. She once slit some guy’s throat with her nails.

The people were distracted when Reimi shouted, I took that moment to throw one off the boat.

I jumped off the boat and dove into the water. Luckily, Reimi was anticipating my jump, she quickly drove near and picked me up.

“Real clumsy, brother.” Reimi jokingly says. I retaliated with, “Well, your knife throws wasn’t on point either.”

We laughed and drove to the docks. Reimi was kind enough to let me sleep at her place for the night.

“They will be finding you.” Reimi said.

I smiled and called for a cab to take us to her place. Yet again, I still have not reached Spain.

A few hours later, we have arrived at her house. She gave me her spare room and that’s where I will be staying till tomorrow.

“I can’t sleep.”

I sat back up and just thought about the things that had just occurred.

I hear multiple people talking outside the room. Could she have been caught? I opened the door a little for me to see what is happening. I peeked at the small opening and saw 4 people that I have never seen. I smell… iron?

I quickly opened the door.

There were more than 4 people there. They held Reimi captive to lure me out. The same people from the boat. It seems they are mercenaries from abroad trying to claim my bounty.

Three knives pointed at Reimi, more than four guns pointed at me. Ah, how exciting. Up until now, I had my other personality under control, but this occurrence just makes me so excited.


I smiled and shouted, “Come and kill me, you fodder!”

The bones that I cracked, the necks that I have sliced, the lives I have taken that night. Just a normal day for us.

Reimi thanked me and proceeded to clean the apartment. She was too calm, she looked unfazed by what just happened. For the first time in 22 years, I became suspicious of my sister. She could have easily killed all of them. My sister is more dangerous than me, so why did she stood still? Oh, sister. You are hiding something from me.

I went to the rooftop to admire the peacefulness. Ironic, isn’t it? A serial killer who admires peace yet makes chaos himself.

“Enjoying the view?” Reimi asked as she walked next to me. “You know, the people from earlier are still finding for you. You should leave.” She continued.

I noticed the tension in the atmosphere and went back down to the room the pack.

After eight hours, I left Morocco and took a cruise to Portugal. I left without saying goodbye to my sister.

18 hours on the sea. What’s the worst that could happen?

For the first 7 hours, everything was normal. I roamed around the cruise for an hour or so, slept for 5 hours, ate and walked around again. I leaned at the railing and just watched as the fishes swam. Other than the sound of people party above or the cawing of the birds.

“Cole? Is that you?” A woman asked.

I turned my head slowly and saw Ataliana, a friend of mine in the academy.

“Ataliana? You’ve grown.” I answered.

I was 16 when I started in the academy, I was only 5’10 at the time while Ataliana was the shortest in the class being only 5’4. I’m now 22 and 6’3. Ataliana is now 5’10.

She smiled. “Want to go have a drink?” she asked.

I nodded and we headed to the bar to have a pint and talk about the past. Ataliana has been a sergeant for 6 months now. She was assigned with The Prideful cold case. Shame, she looked so excited talking about the case. She doesn’t know that she is talking to The Prideful himself.

A woman approached us looking annoyed, “Ataliana, have you been drinking again?” she asked. She’s Vanessa. Ataliana’s best and top detective in her squad.

“Ah! Vanessa, come join us. This is my old friend; Cole Callahan.” Ataliana drunkenly requested. Vanessa sighed and quickly drank a pint. They looked so happy.

After drinking and talking for like 3 hours, Ataliana was blacked out drunk and Vanessa still looked sober. I took my coat and walked away.

I’ve had my fun. I slept the remaining hours away.

I woke up 20 minutes before docking. The time at the cruise was really fun. Reuniting with an old friend and her colleague. I got ready and went out my room to wait the remaining minutes.

When we finally docked, we were checked and patted down. I didn’t bring any contrabands. This was solely to avoid attention from the mercenaries.

Before leaving the station, there was a TV at the corner. There was breaking news.

A professional female assassin has been caught by the Moroccan Police. She will be flown from Morocco to The States in a prison plane. She is speculated to be the daughter of infamous serial killers.

My eyes widened, I was surprised to see Reimi be caught by the police after more than 15 years of experience.

What were you doing, Reimi?

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