《Love is black, baby!》THE VISIT


'Steve was admitted,cause was injured brutally. Cristina use to visit him daily, they use to have a lot of chat. One night, when it was time to leave. Cristina,

"Okay, so I must leave."

"Don't go, please!" said holding her hand.

"Why? what happened?"

"When you leave, it gets really lonely and depressy."

"Don't worry, everything will be fine." and she kissed on his forehead. Steve left her arm. Cristina,

"Have a nice sleep, bye!"

"Bye." and then she left. Steve was crossing his limit I sensed it as he got fast asleep, he found himself in an investigation room, as a guilty, sitting on a chair, in handcuffs with criminal's uniform in front of a cop. That cop was me. I said,

"Hello, Steve Chopsy, how are you?"

"Where am I?! Why I'm in cuffs! Who are you?!"

"Can't you see, I'm a cop, inspector Jamey Vann."

"Hey, you are........Cristina's boyfriend isn't it?"

"Yes and you are crossing your limits!"


"Better don't even think about her ,you womanizer!"

"Hey, I like her and you know what,I actually love her! not an asshole like you ,who left her alone, like a coward and you need me to get her....."

"Enough!! Just know whom you are talking to!"

" Oh! maybe I don't know, can you elaborate over it, coward!!"

"You don't know, huh! what a spirit can do?"

"Do whatever you want. I. LOVE. HER." Just then a loud sound came asking for Steve, it was Cristina, trying to wake Steve up,

"Steve, Steve, hey! hey! get up."

Steve got up with eyes wide open. Cristina,

"You okay?"

" Huh! yeah! yeah! I'm....I'm all fine."


"Here, I've made you a hot chicken soup." She opened the thermos and poured it in a cup and gave it to Steve, he took a sip which burnt his lips. Cristina,

"Carefully! It's hot!" Cristina continued" Okay! give me the cup." He handed the cup to her, she got her left palm behind his head, giving a support to sit and served the soup through her hands, by air blows with every sip of his. That broke my heart, I left. Whole day, I roamed all over the city to make myself feel better. It was night, when I was roaming, I saw some badass, abducting a lady, and she was screaming out for help, but no one was around. I entered the kidnapper's body. It hurts, you know, to enter someone's body, like you're an onion and sharpened knives are going over you, to chop you off! Especially, when there are no verses being chanted, but that was necessary. Somehow, I managed to enter the body. In front of me there were 4 more kidnappers. I just stopped(kidnapper). Kidnapper(2)

"Hey rick, what? let's move! Or someone will see us! Come on!"

I was in kidnapper 1's body, the lady was struggling and crying. I saw a gun onto the right side of my belly. I took it out and shot four of them within no instance and said,

"Run!" to the lady and shot myself , I mean, kidnapper up, and left the body. You know, I'm really good at giving shots to myself. Just then, this all reminded me of Cristina, cause she was with a badass. I rushed for hospital, as I reached there, I saw Steve holding Cristina's hand saying,

"Don't go, please!"

Cristina did the same, what she use to do every night, but this time the bastard didn't let her go. He pulled her towards himself and tried to smooch her , even Cristina was heading for it. But suddenly, she pushed him and said,"


"Your tricks won't work on me. I'm not like others." and turned to leave. Just then Steve interrupted

"I know you're not like others, that's the reason, why I love you."

Cristina stopped. Steve continued,

"And I know, even you love me."

Cristina turned and headed towards Steve with rage in her voice and bursted over him,

"Stop it! I warn you,stop it! I never loved you!"

"Then why you care for me so much, why you visit me every single day, why you kiss my forehead every single night,when you leave."

"Just because i need you. You're just a dummy to me which I need to use to get my love back! got it?!"

"Oh! oh! I just forgot about all this, got it! totally got it!" said Steve with eyes filled with tears.

Cristina left in anger and tears. She sat in cab, took a pause and started sobbing. You know, she was very kind person, she was guilty about all that."'

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