《Love is black, baby!》THE ACT


'It was morning. Cristina got out of cell to have breakfast .Cristina sat beside woman(2)

" Hey, Hii." said woman(2).

"Hi, morning."

"What's up, all fine, missing him?"

" A little."

" You look happy?"

Cristina giggled.

"Hey, do you know someone who can arrange this things?" Cristina gave her a list.

"What is this list?! 6 candles, human skull, crow's ash, oh! here something normal, a match box. Why you need this all?"

"Please! I just cant say why."

"Whatever, I'll see to it, but you can't get this for free."

"What I've to do?"

" You have to pay, cash!"


Just then, women (1) arrived and sat beside Cristina and said,

" Did someone said any thing about cash?"

"Yeah, I need it , I got something important to do."

"Well, how much important?"

"Maybe more than my life."

"Really?! then I guess this may help. She got her hands in her pockets and removed a diamond and said ," I got one diamond out from that bitch's necklace, the necklace is with cops."

Cristina took the diamond and hugged her and said," thanks a lot!!"

"Don't mention."

Cristina gave that diamond to women(2) and said,

"Here you go."

A day passed. Cristina asked,

"Hey, are my materials up?"

Women(2)," it's not that easy, it takes time."

Like this, a week passed ,women(2) came near to Cristina and said,

"Here you go." And handed a bag . Cristina took the bag and checked the materials

"Ah! thanks, I just lost hope."

"Make sure cops don't get to know about it."

"Yeah ,sure."

That night, when everyone got asleep, Cristina approached Jinx and said,


"Here are the things, what we needed."

Jinx," Hmmm.... have you ever got someone's spirit in your body?"

"What?! No! but I'll try."

"You don't have to, or you will die, with that excess burden of two spirits. I'll see to it."

"So, what now?"

" I'll get his spirit into me."

"I just don't know, how to thank you."

"Are you ready?"


Jinx took crow's ash and made a star, a giant one, with a circle in middle. She placed each candle, at each corner of star and lighted them up. She got her sleeves up, her nails! They were as big as pocket knife and even as sharp. She pulled Cristina's hand and gave a cut on it with her nails. The blood slowly started coming out. Jinx dropped each blood drop on each burning candle and said Cristina,

"Be out of this circle and the star, whatever happens do not enter in. Got it?"

"Got it!"

Jinx sat in the middle of the star, within the circle, with paper and pen which she just theft from police, when she was out for breakfast. She kept it in front of her and started reciting the verses and suddenly candles started to flicker. The flickering of candles got faster and faster, and then flames fumed out. Just then, Jinx opened her eyes in no instance. The candles got lighted up again! Jinx's eyes were red, filled with blood, her body started to shake vigorously. Because I was inside her! Jinx, I mean, I took the pen and wrote the same note which Cristina tore up with my signature on it and then, left Jinx's body. Jinx fall down in unconsciousness and now all the candles flames got off. Cristina ran and came inside the star, got Jinx's head onto her laps and asked,"You okay? My god! I'm so sorry. Hey! Hey!


Jinx murmured," I'm all fine, I just need rest."

Cristina took her to her bed and then noticed the note, she took a look over it, got astonished and said," How..... How's that possible?!" She got the note inside the pocket and got onto her bed, cleaning all the mess up. She wasn't able to sleep all the night . She was just wondering about the incident.'

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