《The Shadow Lover》Bet


We reached my house in a few minutes, and then we parked the car in the garage and then went inside the house.

As today was the day of Zack's returned to the city so both of my parents were here, as our families are really close, and he's my brother that helped me to rise from the ashes when my life was doomed. Although there were fights between us since we were young those fights were only there to refine our bonds, a bond that is stronger than anything, a bond that can't be compared to anything. Our bond can't be mere friendship nor it's brotherhood, it's totally different from anything known to the mortal world, it's a divine bond between two souls of friends united since the beginning of the realms.

Zack and I went inside my house, Zack first went to my parents and greeted them " Hello Aunt! Hello Uncle !"

My parents also greeted him then my mother asked him to quickly wash his hands and sit at the dining table. I and he both went to the washroom and washed our hands, and then we both settled for lunch.

My mom has always cared about Zack much more than me. She always serves him better than me although I feel quite jealous sometimes it's also true that he's a brother to me so there's no need of stuff like jealousy between brothers.

Mom served him lunch first as usual after that she served me, as we started eating our lunch my mother asked him, "Zack you have become quite lean".

"Pufft" I almost choked due to laughter, if Zack can be called lean then everyone else is already in negative size.

Everyone turned towards me to see what happened but soon everyone realized what had happened.


This time Zack took the initiative to choke me to death "Yeah aunt I was not eating properly these few months as I missed your food and that's why I seem leaner."

I am currently being tormented by talks of my own family, they never consider what they are speaking, in front of whom they are speaking, etc but that's what it makes a family a real family.

Since childhood, I was always yearning for a real family like this then I met you, now I am enjoying my family but I don't have you any more to enjoy them with me.

Zack and mom both are quite talkative and hence they make a quite a good pair while we are at the dining table. Zack is always at my house whenever he's in the city and even if he wants to live in a hotel alone, my mom will not allow him. She always counter attacks him by saying if Alex is in your city, then will your mom allow Alex to stay in a hotel. Thus, at last, he's always defeated by my mother.

After lunch was done I rushed with Zack to my rooms to play some games to relive my memories with him.

Usually, after we enter my rooms we live inside constantly for hours spending all the time playing games, I and Zack both are game lovers and computer geeks. We love spending time just discussing computer games, technology and stuff like that.

As we entered my room I suggested Zack, "Today, let's play something different and more fun rather than computer games. Wanna play?"

Zack is always enthusiastic as he knows whatever I'll suggest, there will always be fun and moreover, there will always be something to bet on, so he agreed to my suggestion and nodded his head.


Before I can say anything more about the game I was going to play with him, he interrupted me, "Buddy!!, let's talk about the bet first, tell me what you want?"

I was not surprised at all, as always Zack today too is high spirited and talks about bet first before the game. So I told him my demand," I want your flat in the capital building on road 19. "

Zack without showing any hesitation agreed, "Alright, I'll give you the flat if you win but if I win, you'll have to promise me something too."

"Okay, go ahead" I too declared without hesitation, we have always been like this if we want anything that other one possess we'll settle this with a bet.

"Okay, I want to know. ….. name of that girl!" Zack requested.

After that a strange silence followed. I took initiative after I can't stand this at all

"Buddy, first tell me which girl are you talking about? I'll tell you anything only if I know who are you talking about!" I stated in a confused way as I really didn't know who Zack was talking about.

"The girl you remember every time you see the moon in the night.

And also you should not lie about this!! And I know that you certainly cry after remembering her or at least your eyes get wet at that time, I have noticed this quite a number of times so you can't find an excuse to mislead me."

Zack stated this firmly. Now that I have been found I can't lie about this to him, at least him.

You were always the knot in my heart after the incident from 4 years ago, maybe he can help me resolve it.

"Ok, I promise that I'll tell you but you'll also have to promise me that you'll not tell anyone about this, even my parents." I accepted this wager.

" Ok, I promise you about this, that even a single soul will not know about this from me." Zack also promised to keep this a secret.

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