《Imaginary World (The half world chronicles)》Chapter 3 Moira


"Where's the party, we need a new trace, maybe this time it's summer wherever we go. Liam" - I screamed - "focused for 5 minutes." - stupid, mischievous, nasty, idiot. I had had it , seeing him smooching with some vixen on parties or him coming back with some floozy and eventually crawling in my room at night to watch a movie, then fall asleep with me so that when he gets home, the chick from the previous night has gone out and he doesn't have to have a more serious conversation with her. I believe his mother has had her fill of barbie dolls coming and going with a quiet step from their apartment. Clara, his liberal mom, was the dream of any teenager, a confirmed hippie worshiping parties. I loved her and I had no idea why she was best friend of my tense and tedious mother.

"What has gotten in to you, today you're pretty irritable." A lazy smile and a wink, ughh.

"You don't say... These tricks of yours with the wink and the sexy show do not affect me" - it was half true ." I would sleep with any other boy but not with you."- still half truth, I really would not sleep with him, yet I had a sense of self-preservation and wouldn't spread my legs for anyone. I looked at him - at that moment i saw a spark of insult but it vanished as quickly as it had come. We had already reached the buss stop and Liam first broke the silence that had descended after my insult.

"Did you shout enough, are you better?" The smile returned to his face and made him look even sexier, if possible. His glory of a bad boy was not just glory, he really was one. It was not just the looks, he was strong and trained in many of the eastern martial arts, just like me. We both used our magic by putting it in our weapons when we had to fight. I remember Mr. Haid's persecution of the London roofs. It was 1889, three years after the release of the novel. Whoever says that reading brings you to other worlds is very right. Each of the written or invented beings and characters exists at the place where they were invented. So Dr.Jekyll was showing off his worse half, and we were on the trail of the crystal.We saw the creature stalking a prostitute and getting ready to kill her. Then,for the first time, I and Liam went into a serious battle. I was 15 as well as he, our first encounter with something so strong. Faith and dreams of people are what make illusions so strong. The novel, made in recent years, made the creature impossibly so. My magic passed through the long chain with five silver stars. I felt that Hyde was nearby, the moment I turned around, I felt him slider on my back, it was late to act. One huge arm sent me to the nearest wall. I felt the crash in my bones, my hand crunched in ugly sound, nothing I could not fix with magic, but I did not have time. The pain was piercing and the world began to lose color. Hyde was coming for me. Apparently he had changed his target, he no longer wanted the prostitute, I was his new goal. I tried to recover. I wave of calm settled over me, i swung the chain, the metal stars stood around the monster's arm like teeth. I was angry and felt the throbbing pain in my hand. I wanted Hyde to suffer. The creature might have been created by the human imagination, revived in its full power of the novel,but to me it was as real as any person you know is for you. I pulled the chain,heard a chirping sound and shouts of the monster, the stars staring deeply in his skin and probably stuck in the bone of his hand. I pulled the chain again this time with all the strength I found, and then his hand fell to the ground from his body. There was a smile on my lips, but before I realized what was going on, Hyde was running toward me, his face uncovered in an ugly grimace. My first thought was to run away but my feet were planted to the ground, and then Liam appeared. The four nail-shaped blades of the raptor knifes were in the air and forcefully cut into Hyde's back and came out through his torso to form a flower of metal on his chest. Liam pulled the chain down and the monster collapsed in dust and ashes. This was never the end for an illusion,since they are immortal as long as there is someone to remember or read about them. The only way to save mankind from these beings is to divide Chaos from our world.

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