《Fantazia and the Two Graves》Prologue


Out in the distant field, all that could be heard was fists connecting to some surface, two men were attempting to fight but one kept getting his ass beat by the older man with black and purple hair that was wearing an eye-patch over his right eye.

"Just give it up already Gekido." The man's voice was deep and full of strength. His yellow eye glared darkly at the younger man. A group of other men watched the fight and did nothing seeing as it was a fight amongst brothers.

"Never!" The younger man's voice was full of rage and hatred.

"Why should I give up to someone who doesn't deserve to be king!" He summoned a sword from thin air that had red runes swirling around it and swung heavily at his older brother. The sword didn't connect, and the younger one was soon sent flying with a fist to the side of his face. The older man glared even more as a dark aura flared around him while watched his younger brother get flung a good distance across the field out of his sight.

"Pest" was the last thing he uttered under his breath as he awaited his brothers return. Gekido opened his eyes and glared up at the sky for a moment before getting up with a growl.

"I'm going to kill him one day" he muttered under his breath but stopped as he caught sight of a group of women approaching them. His face was scratched a bit and his clothes were tattered and torn from his fight, but he stood up ready to defend himself and his brother if he needed to. His red hair blew in the light breeze as he returned to his brothers’ and the others’ side.

Unbeknownst to the fighting men, a hooded figure sat on its haunches high up on a tree branch approximately 50 yards away. It was sorely unimpressed by the display of the younger guy repeatedly coming back for more pummeling.


These are some of the men we were supposed to find? It thought with a scoff as one blue eye peered out from underneath the hood to look back as if waiting on something or someone. The blue-eyed figure had been waiting and hiding on that tree branch for almost 20 minutes once it sensed the fighting men. Suddenly the men stopped and the older of the two glared warily at the approach of two women. The figure smiled and jumped out of the tree facing the men once the two women stopped right by her hiding spot.

"Good job finding our targets...Yukina" one of the girls said and suddenly changed appearance as they dropped their disguise revealing a tall, malicious looking man with an evil grin. A gust of wind breezed by, revealing the icy blue eyes and long white hair of the woman in the tree that he called Yukina.

The older looking male glared as the only white-haired male of the group unsheathed a katana, a black and red-haired male unsheathed a giant broadsword, a blue and red-haired male unsheathed some daggers, and the older of the men pulled a giant black and red blade out of thin air.

"Ragnarok" The man breathed as his yellow eye started to glow and slit.

"Do not let the beast take control Yami" The white-haired male voiced out as they all got into different stances eyes glaring at the man now pronounced Ragnarok. His hair was black as night and his eyes were a glowing orange, fangs protruded from his upper mouth.

"Aww, such a sweet reunion already" His voice was laced with the intent to kill.

Ragnarok grinned even wider as he gave a pointed look to the young orange and black spiky-haired woman with eyes as orange as his, but the whites of her eyes were black instead of white. She was one of Ragnarok's demon spawn. She gave out an evil, trilling laugh at his look and disappeared behind the group of men faster than the blink of an eye. A trail of black blood circled the men and dripped from the demons' black claws. The blue, and red-haired man tried to rush towards her with his daggers at the ready but was forced back by an invisible force shield emanating from the blood circle.


"Resistance will be futile this time boys!" Ragnarok shouted out.

"I have dealt with you menaces long enough and I will no longer tolerate you being in the way of my plan to take over this world. With my adorable young one and little Yukina here, I can finally get rid of you once and for all! Say hello to Yukina's old homeland...NOW YUKINA!"

The oldest of the men gritted his teeth in frustration as he watched the white-haired young woman's eyes flash and she sent a wave of ice spikes that struck themselves into the blood circle. Nothing happened for a moment, but then the blood mixed with the ice to cover the ground underneath their feet. The earth shattered and sent the guys careening down a black hole made from blood and ice to another world that they knew nothing about, except that the young white-haired woman with the power to freeze anything was from there.

Two years passed by, and the boys grew stronger and became familiar with the world they were in, which they now knew to be called Fantazia. For two years they tried to find a way back to their world to defeat Ragnarok with limited success. Little did they know that their worlds were about to be turned upside down once again. It is here that their adventure starts.

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