《Imperii》Academie I
A grand building. So tall that their race couldn't have built it. Of course, he hadn't seen the whole world in his sixteen cycles, but one doesn't have to be a prim wizard to know that. Plus, humans weren't the only ones that had lived on Erra. There were evidence of bones, ancient structures, and very, very, very old scripts detailing signs of past civilizations. Lloyd tried not to recall their pungent and musky smell whenever Anton showed up with them. "Delicacies" and "Exquisite" were two choice words Anton repeatedly used to describe those old tomes.
Lloyd was supposed to branch out his knowledge outside of "mindless stick fighting" due to the fact that he is the son of a duke and, therefore, one day be responsible for the dukedom. The scripts tell of past cities and stories of unbelievable magnitudes.
Yup, Lloyd remembered how to use that big word just recently too.
Wars that changed the course of history. The love and hate that had fueled those wars. Names were written down to be remembered as heroes or villains. The brave few. The corrupted many.
People with four arms. People as tall as two full grown men with wings on their back. Heroes fighting and riding on unimaginable mounts in the sky. The names of such creatures have been lost to time. Nowadays people refer to them simply as demons of old.
Oh no...He was getting sidetracked with all these useless information! Ultor damn Anton.
Staring at the heavenly building seemed to take its toll. And to think it's only the library. One small part of the Academie. The library was the first thing you would see when approaching the city of the Academie. Reaching high into the sky and when you get away as far as possible to look if it would ever end, it doesn't. It simply keeps on going up.
"Ain't that a sight, lad," Lloyd's partner remarked from beside the carriage they were traveling with. Both of them were part of a larger group traveling towards the Academie. Five large carriages and five smaller ones in all. The larger carriages housed nobles or anyone willing to pay for the price to travel in comfort. Five rooms per carriage and up to two beds per room. The smaller carriages were for food and supplies. Any mundane belongings too heavy or too lavish to carry went in them. The rest of the dozens of souls traveled on foot.
"Yea. It's amazing," Lloyd responded absentmindedly. His gaze locked on the tower reaching into the endless sky.
"I can't even remember the first time I laid eyes on it," his partner said. His eyes turning wistful.
Lloyd broke out of his reverie at those words. Turning his head to face his partner. Confusion adorning his face. "What? You don't look older than my pa and he still remembers the one time he saw a woman's naked breasts when he was five."
Lloyd pointed excitedly at the endless tower. "How often do you see towers reaching into the sky that you can't remember such an occasion?"
"Time flies."
Lloyd waited for more. If his partner would continue. They didn't have much conversation throughout the trip because he didn't know what to ask. This was one of those times.
"It must be nice. Being young," a soft whisper Lloyd barely heard. He perked up.
"How old are-?" Lloyd started.
"We'll be at the city in half a days sun!" the carriage driver yelled from the front "For all those interested in the registration for the Academie, tough luck! They only have signups on Muun and Tune days only. That's the days after tomorrow for you illiterate monkeys back there! We would have reached the Academie five days ago and on time for the first wave of registration if someone here wasn't so bloodthirsty!" The carriage driver stared at Lloyd's partner in crime who smiled devilishly. They were forced to take a detour to stop some petty bandits along the way and help some farmers rebuild. The lead carriage driver attempted to stop the whole carriage altogether and turn around...but no one says "no" to Lloyd's partner.
Noticing more than a few stares, nods, and grumbles, Lloyd sank into himself and continued walking while staring at the endless tower. What creatures of the past could have built it. Was it magic? Or simply long lost knowledge. Perhaps it wasn't creatures of this world at all. Maybe the Gods themselves built it. Who knows...
Anton's influence was creeping up on him again. Lloyd prefered his world to be a lot more simple. You see bad guy. You smack bad guy. Or gal, for all intents of purposes. He's been ruminating a lot more than he would like lately.
He sighed. "Just great."
"If there are no further questions! Shut your traps! And keep your arse on your behind!
Lloyd's attention came back to the carriage. He must have dozed off briefly and missed any discussion to be had.
"Don't worry. You didn't miss much besides the grumbles and remarks on my superb character." Lloyds partner said off on his side.
Lloyd stared dubiously. "Uh huh. Right then. Hey Anc-"
All of a sudden a hand covered his mouth. "Shhh..."
Lloyd jumped slightly at the sudden intrusion on his space. His mind jumping from zero to a hundred.
"Peace. Young one." His partner whispered softly behind him. "And put that away before you hurt yourself." His partner held a firm grip on his left arm. The bright sun glistened on the small steel knife he drew. Somehow they managed to not draw any attention.
His partner smiled. "Ahh. You're quicker now."
Lloyd calmed down slowly. Focusing his thoughts. Breathing in and out. Letting his instincts die down.
"When we're out here. You call me A." A let Lloyd down from his grip and returned to his post on the carriage. "Understood?" He said with eyebrows raised.
"Sure." Lloyd managed to get out. "Why though?" Sheathing his small knife back onto his hip.
"Why not?"
"Sir. With all due respect, because that's so confusing for obvious reason. First-" Lloyd started in his flabbergasted tone.
"Oh. Look at the time. I think that fair maiden over there is giving me the 'look'." A put a hand over his eyes to block out the bright sky. "And you know a gentleman, such as myself, cannot refuse the blunt forwardness of such a beauty."
Lloyd cut off his words mid sentence with his mouth still moving and no words coming out. Instead he stared at A's back as he sauntered over to said woman.
Lloyd let out a deep sigh. "Ma did say he was supposed to grow out of it eventually." He rechecked his equipment. Patting himself quickly. Knife on the hip beside your left hand for easy and fast draw. Only used for emergencies where you could not access your main weapons for whatever reason. His Ma said the reason for the knife not being on your dominant hand's side was because in the worst case scenario where you lose a battle with your dominant hand holding your main weapon, there would be no point to wield an "inferior" weapon to defend yourself. Instead you use your non dominant hand to use the knife only in surprise attacks either when you initiate it or your opponent does. And if you didn't have your main weapon on you when duty called, well...he can't repeat the colorful words his Ma scolded him with.
"Knives are inferior weapons." Alice paced back and forth. "Why?"
Lloyd tilted his head in thought. "Because they require you to be extremely close to your opponent...and that can open yourself to any number of dangers." He answered happily.
"Good enough." Alice nodded and stopped pacing. "Now tell me why they are also superior to other weapons."
Lloyd crossed his arms and scrunched up his face in thought. "Well...because they can be concealed easily?" He finished with his higher than normal voice.
Alice sat down across the small table from him. She flicked her right hand and a small glimmer of steel appeared. She flicked her hand again and it disappeared.
Lloyd nodded. "Oohhh."
He winced. He regret thinking about his Ma and knives in the same thought. Remembering the countless occasions where she would poke him so many times with a quill to "train" him. If you want to defend against something, you must first know how it works. That was a lesson his Ma taught him. Probably just an excuse to torture him though.
Lloyd continued checking all his gear. Making sure everything was strapped on firmly or in its rightful place. His canteen of water. Check. His dried rations. Check. His sword tied on his right hip. He looked at all the others and noticed how they had most of their weapons on their left hip or back.
Huh. He thought. Scratching his head. They must all be left-handed.
A loud crack was heard from the front of their carriage group. All heads turned forward and some rushed quickly to see what happened. Lloyd heard the sound and some loud cursing up front following afterwards.
Likely just a wheel living out its time.
"Dammit! This wheel. I already told ya if you break down again I was gonna maul ya! Did'ja not heard me the first time!" The lead carriage driver was pointing to said wheel that had broken down.
"Is he okay....?"
"Should we stop him...?"
"Is anyone hurt inside?"
Countless voices.
The lead carriage door opened and a girl stepped out. She was dressed in travel clothing. Dark hair tied in a tail past her shoulders. A tight woolspun shirt with wraps around her mid section. The wraps were in her house colors of blue and white. Loose trousers and boots completed her ensemble. All immaculate. She made it look regal.
The girl looked to the captivated heads in her direction. Her sight passed from each of the Academie hopefuls briefly before settling on Lloyd. She gauged him intently before turning to the carriage driver.
I thought she would have grown out of it by now. Lloyd internally sighed.
"Sorry Madame. I'll have this fix and proper shortly." The lead driver bowed at the waist.
"See to it." The girl nodded and returned inside.
"Come, come! You there! Give me a hand!" The lead carriage driver started barking out orders to replace the broken wheel.
Lloyd was glad they were accompanied by a few gifted. Otherwise they would have to manually lift up the carriage to set in the new wheel and break a few backs in the process. The gifted were able to suspend the carriage by using the earth and creating a pillar to steady the carriage while others worked on taking apart the wheel and ushering in a new one.
"You know her?" A voice asked.
"What?" Lloyd turned his head to the stranger.
"Lady Susanna." The guy motioned with his head toward the lead carriage.
"You mean Suzi." Lloyd shrugged. "Sure."
The man-no! The boy glared at him.
"Watch your tongue. I'm sure even the serfs of wherever you're from has more manners."
"We don't have serfs anymore." Lloyd shot the guy with a grin and thumbs up.
The other boy tilted his head and stared at him like he was a fool.
"Which dukedom are you from." The boy asked in a demanding way.
"Over there in that-a-ways." Lloyd pointed off to a random direction behind him.
The boy craned his head to look beyond Lloyd, but when he turned back Lloyd was no longer standing in the same spot. He fumed. Turning his head this way and that.
"I told you not being on the carriage and wearing your house colors will get you didn't I?"
"I know." Lloyd replied.
A seemed to have popped out from behind him when he made a get-a-way around the boy that tried to questioned him. Probably got the gal's name and where she lived from his prideful smile. Lloyd snickered.
"Why refuse the commodities?" A asked walking besides him and ignoring his snicker.
Lloyd blushed slightly. Turning his head straight and continuing their walk around the carriage perimeter. A was patient. He didn't pry. He didn't insist. They were on their third lap when Lloyd decided to just let it out.
"I want others to treat me for me. I don't want anyone's respect or "good-intentions" unless I've earned it." Lloyd continued walking a few more steps slowly. "I'll do things my way. Without the authoritative pressure from my bloodline. I want to change the system." Lloyd stopped then. He held one hand on his blade's hilt and the other to salute. He spoke with the most earnest voice.
"I want to be like you."
A stood with arms cross next to him. Looking intently upon his smaller frame. Not speaking for some intermittent amount of time. A started to casually walk around and seeming to inspect him from head to toe. Completing a few rotations A came to a stop in front of him and nodded his head a few times. He looked over Lloyd and turned his head in different directions.
"Well, to start with. See that gal there." A clamped down on Lloyd's shoulder and pointed behind them. "The one with the red hair and black coveralls. Get her name and invite her on a stroll once we hit town and you'll be one step closer to my manliness."
Lloyd couldn't hold back his muffled laughter. "You haven't changed."
"Neither have you." A smiled warmly.
A horn blew.
Both A and Lloyd turned their heads.
"That's the signal. Back to formation for you." A said while continuing on his perimeter stroll.
"Yes sir." Lloyd saluted. "Where will you be heading?"
"Scouting ahead for a bit. I'm sure our carriage driver will miss me lots."
Lloyd smiled.
A took off in a direction he could not tell. Fast as always.
Lloyd turned around back to their group. Hustling his way. He didn't know anyone besides Suzi and A here. Only the best of the best were allowed to enroll into the Academie after all. But it wasn't like he had many friends back home either.
The brave. The courageous. The wisest. The most cunning. The strong. The quickest.
Now, he was on his way.
It's his turn.
Lloyd patted his face twice. No time for distractions. The Academie lay in wait. This was his journey. His story started now. He looked upon the horizon. Past the carriages and its gathered occupants. Towards the endless tower in the sky. What would lay in wait?
A glimmer.
A halting of the wind.
A snap of sticks and bones.
A silence following.
"You all fail!" A voice boomed.
It was quick. So fast...but not as fast as he was used to.
Everywhere Lloyd looked all his group were either down on the ground groaning in pain or on their backs unconscious. Lloyd met his opponent's eyes.
Clad in a mix of green and brown clothing from top to bottom. A hood covering all but the eyes. All the intruders were dressed as so.
"You're...quick." His intruder spoke so softly he barely heard. A high-pitch voice.
"Thanks." Lloyd smiled back.
He was holding his blade in a reverse grip bending slightly at the knees. Feet firmly apart and rooted. Only unsheathing half way, just long enough, to block the wooden blade that had attempted to strike him. His left hand near his concealed dagger.
"You pitiful lot." The voice droned on. "Did none of you see." He was a tallish man with a deep timbre voice. He strolled from person to person. Looking at each one and passing through the throng of groans.
All the carriages opened and an intruder would step out carrying a body or leading out the occupants within. Suzi among the ones being led out with a heavy bruise on her lips and a cut of cloth opening her side leg for all to see.
Huh. She looks good...Ahh head.
Lloyd hoped the carried ones weren't dead.
When the booming voice reached the middle of their whole carriage he spoke again.
"We had agents within your group and none of you even noticed. We didn't even have them with you from the start of the journey. We had just infiltrated your group when that "accident" occurred and none of you even botched an eye when your numbers suddenly increased." He shook his head. "That tells me a lot. None of you are serious. None of you are even trying. And most of all."
The man took off his hood to reveal a handsome face aged with time. A jagged scar on the right cheek didn't mar much of the man's beauty but instead pronounced his more revealing quality. His soulful dark eyes.
"None of you are worthy."
The intruder swept his gaze across the road. "You all failed the Academie-" He started and paused. Dumbfounded. His eyes fell on Lloyd's still standing form.
Lloyd felt the man's stare. It was uncomfortable, to say the least. Like a predator watching it's prey. He hoped he wasn't looking too tasty.
He remained calm. Lesson number one.
Asses the danger. Lloyd returned the stare at the taller and older man.
Very high.
Options. Fight back.
Too many.
Run away then. A tactical retreat.
He can't leave these people to their fates.
Diplomacy it is.
The man took a step towards him and his rationale took a dive. He pulled his blade with his right hand from its reverse grip all the way free from its sheath and flicked it into an upright position.
The man stopped suddenly. Alarmed. "Peace." He spoke boldly. Dropping his makeshift weapons. Raising both hands. Gesturing lightly for the other intruders to not make any moves. Shaking his head to stop the intruder that had attacked Lloyd.
Still, Lloyd did not drop his stance.
The standoff continued for another respite.
"Can you hear me?" The man spoke loudly and calmly.
Lloyd couldn't hear the man, whatever he was saying. He had to concentrate.
The man was a strong opponent.
His senses told him so and he trusts them implicitly.
Do or die.
The man didn't move again and neither did the other intruders. Surprisingly, none of Lloyd's group that were left standing or that had been struck down moved or made any sounds either. It was eerily quiet. Everyone was made to look between Lloyd and the older man, holding their breaths.
Eventually, the older man spoke again. "Can you hear me?"
Lloyd unfroze from his cocked position. He spoke slowly, like the passing of time was redundant. "Yes."
The older man smiled then. Lighting up his face. "Very impressive."
"What?" Lloyd tilted his head in question.
"Did you hear what I said from the beginning." The older man articulated clearly.
"This was a series of tests. One of the few different exams we give students striving to attend our prestigious Academie." He smiled warmly. "I was of the opinion you lot were a bunch of babes still sucking on your mother's teats."
The older man dropped his arms to his sides. He started walking slowly towards Lloyd. "I daresay, I stand corrected." He came within respectful distance. "I'm impressed."
"Thank you, sir." Lloyd regained his composure. Standing upright. His boiling blood receding. His head becoming clear.
"My name's Xifos." Xifos took out his badge and showed his armband. A trio of colors from red to white and black.
"Oh!" Lloyd yelped suddenly. "The Blade of the Academie!"
"Or something like that," Xifos smiled humbly. Reaching out his hand.
Lloyd could do naught be shakingly reach out with his hand and losing the battle.
Xifos reached out and firmly grabbed his hand. "What's your name son?"
"It's Lloyd. Sir."
Xifos raised both eyebrows. "As in Lloyd Ka-"
"I'm here as just Lloyd, sir," Lloyd quickly interrupted.
Xifos frowned momentarily, but his smile came back in an instant. "I won't pry. It's none of my business." Xifos let go of their shaking of hands that Lloyd hadn't stopped shaking.
"You're blade style. I don't see it very often. In fact, I haven't seen it used since the last war." Xifos rubbed his chin thoughtfully.
Lloyd shrugged.
"So what happens now?" Suzi spoke loudly through the silence.
Xifos didn't turn around to respond immediately. Instead he inspected Lloyd thoroughly. Suzi scrunched her face in annoyance at being ignored.
"I'm glad you asked Miss Susanna." Xifos returned to his loud timbre voice.
He strolled back to the middle of the gatherings. "As I've said earlier. You all fail the first Academie exam and therefore are not eligible for enrollment."
The crowd grew silent.
Disbelief on some. Rage on others.
"That's not fair!"
"My father will hear about this!"
"How did we even fail!"
Xifos smiled condescendingly. "I'm glad you asked!"
He paced slowly. Watiing for the throng of outrage to die down. "The first reason is obvious as I've already stated. Failure to notice the infiltration meaning lack of awareness of your surroundings. Second, not familiarizing yourself with a group that you must travel with. That can lead to all sorts of problems."
Xifos stared down the outrage eyes and some tearful ones. "No teamwork. No communication."
He paced for another prolong period of time. "That can mean life or death in some situations."
"And third." Xifos now broke out of his pacing to stand tall. Sweeping his gaze across the whole crowd to make sure they knew they were included in his judgment. "The most foolish of all."
He glared hard at a few particular indivduals that had no weapon whatsoever on their persons. "Not having a weapon or being able to defend yourself."
The boy that had accosted Lloyd earlier seemed about to make a remark when Xifos continued again.
"That is my final verdict upon you all. You failed." Xifos spoke calmly this time.
The boy, again, moved forward and seemed about to shout.
"However, you disgraceful lot are in luck today." Xifos continued. "One of you did pass."
Most heads started turning this way and that. Seemingly searching for who may have passed. But not Suzi or the agitated boy. Both their looks focused on Lloyd who was leaning on the carriage.
Lloyd was eating from his dried rations when he felt the sudden death stares of the gods above. He shivered. Lloyd looked up from putting his rations away into his pouch when he noticed Xifos was gesturing for him. All of a sudden he also noticed the stares from Suzi and the boy from earlier and smiled outwardly. What was his name?
"Yes, sir?" Lloyd saluted.
"He is the only one that passed out of you shameful lot. That's telling. Either you bunch are really bad or he's really good. I'll let you decide." Xifos patted Lloyd on the shoulder while smiling mischievously.
Lloyd groaned inwardly. He knew what was going to happen.
"He will be the standard for you failures. Rise and meet it." Xifos started pacing slowly. Good god Master Blade loves to pace.
A few grumbles and angry stares pitched in Lloyd's direction.
"You all failed the first two tests, but that's reasonable as you're all still young and ignorant. But the last test." Xifos stared the crowd down again. Pitching his voice deeper and louder. "That's inexcusable."
"You are not here to learn culinary arts. You are not here to learn pottery. Woodworking. Masonry. Or any such mundane skills. You are here to learn to be a swordsman. A warrior. A leader." Xifos droned on steadily.
"Now can any of you tell me. How did he pass." Xifos searched around the quieted mass.
"Luck." The agitated boy from earlier sputttered.
A few snickers and laughs followed.
"Yes. Mister Mendax. Luck does have a play in it. Why don't you and I demonstrate."
"Draw." Xifos suddenly moved in a burst of speed.
A snap of a bone was heard.
"See. I can do it too." Mendax smirked. A crossguard of his arms blocking the blow.
Xifos shook his head sadly. He had picked up a wooden sword dropped on the ground and used it to strike.
"If it were a real blade. You would have been one arm and head shorter." Xifos' face became one of disappointment. All that time and the boy didn't think to grab a weapon off the ground himself. "You'd be dead and Erra would have one less fool."
Mendax blushed slightly and stepped back into the crowd. Brushing his arm.
Lloyd pivot and drew his blade partially to parry just as the wooden blade struck. He let out a quick breath. "Phew. Is this going to be a habit?"
"See." Xifos smiled. Turning around to face the crowd again.
"Look how he holds his blade. Look where his scabbard is."
The crowd gather a bit closer to Lloyd and craned their heads to look at his person. His scabbard tied on his right hip.
"It's on the wrong side?" Someone said in questioning tone.
"Is he left-handed?" Another voiced.
"Why does that matter?" Suzi demanded and asked both. Her voice louder than all.
Xifos smirked. "Now that's the more important question Miss Susanna. As you can all see his scabbard is on his right side. Meaning he is likely left-handed. But on both occasions today, when we have tried to strike him, he has retaliated by drawing from his right hand. Indicating otherwise."
The crowd crossed their arms in thought. Some tapping their foot. Some speaking to others.
"Allow me to show you all again." Xifos made a come hither to Lloyd. "Watch closely."
As Xifos methodically raised his wooden blade to strike, Lloyd used his right hand to grab hold of his blade to parry.
"See how he holds his weapon. A reverse blade grip. Not ideal for all combat, but for the exams' purposes it's on point. You've all failed, but seeing as how there is an actual student that had come prepared and willing to learn our ways, you all will be given another chance."
Breaths were released simultaneously. Some giving others hugs and pats on the back. Others jumping and bopping one another.
A boy from a group off the left side of the crowd spoke, "Doesn't that make it harder and slower to draw your weapon for actual use? I mean drawing from your opposite side with your dominant hand is faster isn't it?"
Lloyd had thought the same thing a while back. How wrong he was. He had made the same notion against his pa and Ancile. They both proved him wrong by wacking his behind multiple times by drawing a switch from the same side as their dominant hand while he drew from his opposite. The lesson was that by doing so you had a faster reaction time. If your dominant hand has to cross sides or over your shoulder to reach for your weapon, you may already be dead. By having your weapon strapped in the waist on the same side as your dominant hand, you can reach it instantly, and draw if need be. A reverse bladed grip draw to defend yourself. One of the most important lesson he learned from his pa and Ancile.
Defend yourself at all costs.
"Usually, yes, that would be the case o' wise one. But not in this context of a situation. Let me demonstrate again for those of you rather slow at the uptake."
Xifos gestured for Suzi to come forward.
She frowned. "I've realized the lesson. Master Blade."
"Ahh, but not all these fools have milady." Xifos bowed. "Humor me."
Suzi stepped forth and her right hand unvoluntarily reached for her blade strapped to her left hip.
"Not yet." Xifos spoke testily.
She froze.
Xifos reverted back to his deep timbre voice. "In battles. Duels. Wars. Bouts for survivals. Whatever the case it may be. Your life hangs in the balance of mere moments. A fraction of a moment even. When every moment of each moment counts. You do not....waste a single one."
Xifos focused on Suzi. "Are you ready Lady Susanna?"
"As I'll ever be." She straightened.
There was no signal. No outward cry of battle. In one instant Xifos had crossed the boundary and struck Suzi's midsection. She had barely just reached over and took hold of her weapon.
"In battle, when each moment counts the most. When each instant could be your last. You must prepare yourself. How?" Xifos stood up straight from his striking positiion. "By being smarter. Faster. Whatever it may be. Use what you have to your advantage. And if you have nothing."
"Well." Xifos nodded to the group. His face a solemn determination. "We, here at the Academie, will give you something."
As Xifos raised his voice the other agents gathered around behind him. "Once you enroll into the Academie you all will be tested in areas you are not accustomed to. Would you face a dozen foes to save one or kill one to save a dozen innocents. Leverage the welfare of the few against the many. Establish the cunning to decimate a hundred foes with ten. And many others, but before that..."
Xifos smile evilly. His face turnng a bit too sadistic for Lloyd's liking. "You all must first reach Academie City with your sanity intact."
He flourished out his arms. "Welcome to the Academie."
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