《Birthday》Chapter 11, The Offer
For a moment, I was driftwood.
After all I was wood and I could not swim. Fitting.
Luckily, Ersel managed to get me ashore unnoticed. It was the least she could do after the mess she had gotten us into.
Once we got in town she went off to find a key smith who could help. Said he owed her a favor. We decided to meet by the city plaza at noon.
I saw carts and people and houses scattered along the rolling pathways. People trickling out like water as the day grew ancient. I found it odd that none of those people noticed what I was. After all only a cloak hid my oaken appearance. I suppose what people did not know they did not ask. Especially here in this wayward city. I looked in the mausoleum’s general direction. This city hid much more than it boasted.
I passed a street with many tailor shops and noticed a crowd slowly forming around a scaffolding. I squinted at what appeared to be a man with his head locked in a mechanism. Far above his head was a blade attached to two wooden columns. Now that was a sight. It made me wonder what that human was doing.
I approached the crowd, they were surprisingly quiet. As if whatever was happening was a solemn occurrence. There were a few whispers here and there. A couple of them I heard.
“Who is he?”
“A pirate. He’s named Bilal. They say he was smuggling creatures across the border.”
A pirate? I must admit the entire situation would have lost my interest if it was not for another who spoke up. This one on the scaffolding as well.
A strange plump man. Perhaps more of collection of fabrics and blubber than an actual human. He wore bright clothes with a jeweled belt and necklace.
“This man, the pirate Bilal, has committed several crimes against crown and country. He has offended her shores and now he stands here in judgement for his actions. For smuggling in residents of non-human descent, he is hereby condemned to the heavens. May the stars guide him.”
The man tuned to his captive, “Have you any last words?”
Moments passed and the crowd grew impossibly quiet. “I am not standing” echoed the captive.
The captive rose his head. He was smiling “I do not stand here in judgement, I kneel, I am not standing”
“Is that all you have to say?” asked the man.
The captive sighed, “Who are you to decide my fate? Who am I to reject it?” His smile grew into a toothy grin. “What’s written is written. Do what you will.”
“Very well.” The man motioned to another.
There was a click, a shift and the crowd held its breath.
Seconds past then minutes.
All around me the clusters of on-lookers started whispering amongst themselves. No doubt confounded as I. On the scaffolding, the jeweled man was openly aghast. Or more likely annoyed. He swayed his arms madly and spoke words to his fellows in a hushed debate.
The crowd shut up as well. After a while the portly man stormed off of the scaffolding. His departing words as sour as he.
“Well get a new one then. This criminal needs to be executed by noon! Send all your men if you have to!”
The few remaining men gathered and split up shortly after, leaving but two guards behind for the captive. Accordingly, the crowd also dissipated, breaking into its own groups. I eyed the cuffed man for a little while longer, then the guards. For guards they seemed exceedingly incompetent.
They were not even focused on the captive, laughing and talking amongst each other as if their job had not mattered.
I blinked. Why did I care? It occurred to me that whatever this was, it was another strange ritual of the humans. As pointless as the very creatures themselves. Still I felt the need to look on. I shook my head and returned my attention to the captive. My thoughts froze immediately.
The captive in a moment of sheer luck, simply slid his arms free from his binds then lifted the bounds clasped on his head. He was either a master escapist or damn lucky fool. He glanced at the guards then at his free hands, the look of utter amazement splattered across his face.
A fool. I should have known.
Quickly enough, he crept off the stage then ran away. Did anyone else see that? I scanned the crowd and saw no such faces surprised to what happened. Or even aware for that matter. I snapped back to the guards, they had not noticed either.
Seconds passed until an onlooker shouted, “He’s escaped!”
The guards spun back to their post and the uproar ensued.
“Stars! He’s gone!”
“Where did he go?”
“Did they take him away?”
Humanity never seized its stupidity. In fact the more I saw of it, the more I was convinced of that. I stepped away, shaking my head. At least it would make for an amusing memory.
It was then I decided to visit some of the more promising vistas of this city, the palace perhaps? I needed something to renew my hope in these monkeys. Their buildings often did a good job of that.
I glanced from side to side. Though I could see the palace from afar I had not a clue as to where to go. These streets tangled with one another past every corner. If one were not careful, it could become a maze.
I turned a corner, stepping past the rushing people, those anxious to see the commotion. The busy streets were emptying faster than I imagined. More and more emptied until one point I was alone. It was unsettling at that point of the day, a little before noon. In fact I was even hearing voices. I stopped before an alleyway. It was not my imagination.
I had heard that voice before.
The same man from before, the captive, was calling out to me. I looked at him. He was perhaps two thirds my height, dark skinned, with black hair which mimicked a bush. He store at me with curious black eyes. One hand pointing at me.
He put it bluntly. “You’re a tree. A walking tree! What are you doing in the middle of Starsreach?”
I was taken off-guard. Unable to act in the moment, I said the only word that came to mind. “Waiting.”
“Where do you come from? Amadad? Gomori? I’ve thought I’d seen it all and now you! A Tree-man! You have to join my crew.”
I was silent for a second, somewhat lost. “What crew do you speak of?”
The man circled me, staring at me all the while. His grin, which seemed permanent at that point, expanded into a full blow laugh. “A pirate crew, The Red Sands. I’m a pirate, or at least a smuggler to this country. That’s why I’m asking. Where are you from and how did you get here?”
“I have always been here.”
He stopped circling and leaned beside a building, “Interesting.” He searched in his pocket and pulled out a coin. “What is your name?”
I did not know whether to treat this man as an enemy or a friend. So far he had not attacked me. Apart from Ersel that was new. “Brambleburn.” I said as he tossed the coin.
He smiled, “The fire tree? An interesting name, quite a lot of meaning behind it. The spirits dub me Bilal.” Bilal caught the coin, “Come with me, Brambleburn.”
I glanced to the side, “I have other arrangements.”
I heard the scrap of the wall as he stretched off of it. I looked at him and he flipped the coin towards me.
He spoke as I caught it, “The sands stretch the desert far. They lay great, barren, to which none can mar. A simple breeze can change the sand dunes shape, though it will always return to its original ‘scape.” He laughed again and brushed past me, “I shall leave you to your affairs. Well met, Brambleburn.” He turned the first corer ahead of me and disappeared as quickly as he arrived.
I walked away, studying the coin. It was golden like most, but it had an odd lion encrusted on it. Nothing like the coins from this kingdom, coins which had the face of some old human plastered over it.
I wondered why people even bothered differing their coins. Regardless they would always be pieces of yellow rocks.
Passing more and more empty streets, I stuffed the coin into a fist. On the second corner, I realized Ersel was probably waiting for me. On third corner I noticed I was being followed. I glanced back when I was about to turn the upcoming corner. Bilal. He had been following me all the while. Why? I could not imagine what I had to offer. And on a ship? I could not even swim.
I decided to confront the pirate on the next cross. Though as I turned to do so, a familiar voice stopped me in my tracks. I squinted straight ahead. It was Ersel.
“Oi! Where have you been?” cried Ersel.
“Wandering” I responded. Ersel had told me that the plaza was the main area of the city. Exactly in its midst. Almost impossible to miss. Though somehow I had missed it.
“Well it’s good that I found you. We need to leave before dusk.” She stressed “There are guards everywhere! Some damned criminal escaped and now the city is swarmed. They will be here any minute. Everyone is suspect including you. If they find out- We have to leave.”
I caught the pirate at the edge of my eyes, “I might have a way.”
Ersel looked passed me at Bilal. She squinted hard and stopped once the pirate got close enough.
“Brambleburn!” He said stupidly, “I see we meet again!”
I made the flattest expression possible, “You were following me.”
“Ah yes that.” He quickly passed me to Ersel, “And who is this beauty that stands beside you?”
He lowered to her height, picked her hand and kissed it.
I doubt he noticed, but her face lit as bright as a forge and she visibly shivered. She pulled her hand away as Bilal stood up.
“I don’t believe we’ve met.” She started
“Aye I never had the pleasure. The spirits dub me Bilal, captain of the Red Sands.” He bowed to Ersel. Huh, he did not do that for me.
“Ersel Rurikov.” Ersel eyed me then Bilal. “How do you know who this is?”
“He introduced himself.”
I was about to refute that claim. Though thinking back, I had introduced myself. Maybe because he realized what I was. “Ersel.” I started, “He says he’s leaving the country soon. If we go with him…”
Ersel stomped up to me, “With some pirate?! Are you mad?”
I glanced at Bilal, he did not seem nearly as offended. In fact he was distracted, his dark eyes glued to Ersel’s hilt.
Ersel continued oblivious Bilal’s presence. “We can leave some other time. Not now. I’ve traveled the sea before. A while back when I was early in my studies. The people I traveled with- some were nice, others were… My point is we cannot trust stranger. Especially a sea-farer.” She smiled awkwardly at Bilal, “I do not mean to insult you”
Bilal’s eyes were still on the hilt when he spoke “Oh I am not insulted, just curious. Miss, what steel is that dagger of yours.” He said carefully.
Ersel quickly covered the dagger and gripped my arm, “I’m afraid we must go.”
“Go where?” I pressed. I did not follow.
“Away from this city.” Asserted Ersel.
Bilal smiled and he started to laugh, “And the best way to do that is by sea. Hear me out, I have a new offer for you two. Your services in exchange for gold and safe passage.”
Ersel stopped pulling and stayed her pace. “I’m listening.”
Bilal stared at the sky, “Not here though. A tavern. Believe me when I say I haven’t eaten in days.”
Ersel studied the floor, and soon found her eyes on Bilal. She seemed as skeptical as ever. I could not blame her, after all she had fallen for a scam a few days ago. She narrowed her eyes, and hid her dagger even more so, “Fine.”
We brushed through the tavern doors. Briskly striding past the hollow floor. Few eyes turned our way, but for the most part we were left alone. Regardless of how odd we looked. A small women leading the way, then a giant followed by a strange a man walking uncomfortably close behind. Almost as if he were hiding.
“There.” Whispered Bilal, motioning to a corner table, “It’s quiet and out of sight.”
Ersel and I promptly nodded.
We sat down among the rabble of bar cries and laughter. Ersel sat next to me while Bilal sat on the other side, tying an orange scarf around his head.
“What?” He said as he noticed our stares, “I enjoy scarfs.”
A few steps approached where we sat and soon a barmaid towered above us. Well everyone but me. I was about her height sitting down.
“What can I get for you?” Cheery.
“I don’t eat.” I answered honestly. Both Ersel and Bilal stared at me. Though only one of them glared.
“I’ll take a mug of apple cider.” Answered Bilal. “And I’ll pay for whatever the lady wants.”
Ersel cracked her knuckles, “Alright, I’ll have your finest wine. Aged well of course.”
I glanced at Bilal, his usual smile was accompanied by a twitch here and there. “Anything for the lady.” He laughed.
“As you wish.” Bowed the barmaid, quick to accept the extra buys. Ersel started tapping on the table till the barmaid left. A second later she turned to Bilal.
“Now about this offer?” tapped Ersel on the table, “What is it you want? And what do we get?”
“I’m glad you asked, Miss Rurikov. My crew intends to raid a tomb in the Ilivari Ilses. Granted it is a step away from our usual ‘dealings’, and it has some enough gold to send any self-respecting pirate to land. And having met you, it has been an even greater calling.” He pressed his hands together and eyed Ersel carefully. His smile grew slick. “The tomb is guarded by six stone giants.”
Ersel shot up, “Brambleburn, we’re leaving.”
“There’s gold to be had.” Shot Bilal.
Ersel hesitated. To think that would sway her! How fickle.
She sat down, “How did you know?”
“You think I’ve never seen Vene Steel before? My people call it the metal of fire. A blade which cuts through anything enchanted.” Bilal smiled behind closed lips, “What you show is not what you know. You seem to hide as much as me. What do you hide from?”
I glanced at Ersel, somewhat confused, “You said it was star metal.”
Bilal laugh quietly and answered for her, “It is star metal, Bramble. Vene steel is just a stronger variant. A rarer variant.”
“Never mind that.” Said Ersel, “What gold?”
Bilal chuckled and leaned back in his chair. “We follow a basic principle. When we finish each member keeps one item.” Ersel edged, but Bilal beat her to it, “Any item.” He stressed.
Ersel stared hard at Bilal, silence save for the rabble of the bar, then she leaned back. “I see. We’re in then.”
I store at Ersel. Shocked almost. She did not even think to ask me.
Bilal stretched his arms out along the top of his seat, “We leave on the morrow. If you haven’t a bed or a fire, I’ll arrange a room for you in this tavern.”
“Good, we’ll need it.”
The barmaid arrived shortly with the drinks. “To our travel.” Said Bilal toasting his mug. Ersel poured herself a cup and their cups clinked.
A half an hour later, I found myself in the room Bilal got me. Ersel got her own room. I suppose that was customary, yet rooms such as these still escaped me. Why would I need a bed? And a fire? Did they intend to burn me!
I store at the odd fixture. A bed Built on a wooden frame and stuffed a top with many feathers and fluff. I pressed my hand into it. It was soft. Shortly after I preceded to do what humans usually did. Lay in it.
I stared at the ceiling as I sunk into the bed. Why did humans do this?
Earlier I thought I had witnessed the extent human stupidity, though staying at a bar had proven me wrong. There was a point where they got worse, sluggish even. Another human phenomena besides sleeping. Drunkenness. I wondered as I lay there. Did Ersel get drunk? I could imagine that’s what ‘wine’ did. Perhaps she was less rude as a drunkard. From my experience it went either way.
“The story of Brambleburn.” I said aloud. I wonder if one would ever tell my story. A story of a god turned adventurer. Hmpf, could I even be considered that?
The door creaked, and my head fell to the side. Ersel creeped in.
“You don’t sleep right? Mind if I have the bed?”
I shrugged and leapt off the ‘bed’. “What happened to your room?”
She shivered, “When I got there I found Bilal waiting on the bed. I would have stabbed him there if he hadn’t paid for the rooms.”
That was odd. How did Bilal get there before her? Last I saw he left after we did. Staying down to pay for the rooms.
I leaned on the floor as Ersel took the bed. I store at the ceiling once more. Something bothered me, “Ersel.” I started, “Why are you afraid of the red scarves?”
Minutes passed as she refused to answer the question, then a sigh, “I told you how I don’t trust strangers. There’s a reason for that.”
“Apart from witches?”
“Aye.” She turned in her bed, “I trusted strangers, even made friends of them and they betrayed me.”
She turned again “Back when I was an apprentice, I sailed off with my master. We traveled to the libraries of Zet, even to the archives of Gerrishold. At first I was homesick, and somewhat seasick. That changed when we arrived in the Zet islands. I had never seen anything like it. The cherry blossoms, the great statues of priests towering above us as we floated by. I never forgot that moment, I could still feel the mist gather on my skin, that feeling of untold knowledge just lying ahead. I realized then that it was no ordinary apprenticeship. It was the adventure of a lifetime and I loved every moment of it.
Same with my master, though he was impossible to follow. Always speaking in riddles and rhymes. He was a noble like me but he did not act it, nor did he show it wearing what he did. I thought I’d quit my apprenticeship as soon as we landed, but I decided against it. It’s a long story.” She said finally.
“This master of yours. Where is he now?” I asked.
She was silent for several seconds. “Dead. The Blood scarves killed him.”
I eyed her where she lay, a solemn figure, one who hid much more than she showed. Bilal knew that the moment he met her, yet I did not. I had ignored the unseen and for that I had underestimated this imp.
She turned to face me, “They’re everywhere you know. Could be a beggar on a street or a mail courier or even a close friend.”
“A close friend?”
“As I said, a long story.”
“A story must be told, whether long whether short. It is why they exist” I said at last.
“You’re actually interested?” she perked.
“Call it a conflict of interests.” I eyed the fireplace then the closed window. “For now sleep. Unlike me, you need it.”
She nodded, turning in her bed one last time.
I realized soon after how isolated this place was. I needed fresh air. I needed something to do.
Quietly I left the room, left down the stairs and made my way out the main entrance. Careful to pull my cloak over my wooden skull. Thankfully the bar had quieted, only the late drinkers remained, often alone.
I breathed deeply once I was outside. Fresh. Without a second thought my eyes met the sky. It was a sea of violet and ebony. Stars as bright as embers scattered all along it. Dancing almost. Swirling.
I leaned against the bar. Eying the cloudless sky. Thinking of what lay beyond the morrow.
What did lay ahead of me? For the second time today I began to smile. Grinning as it did, perhaps this wooden head of mine knew the answer before I did. A ship, a world, and a hundred stories.
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