

I made my way back to the room and grabbed two scalpels off the metal tray. I turned left towards her cries when the shadow man grabbed me from behind. The smell of sour sweat permeated my nostrils as he put me in a choke hold. I swung the knives blindly until I connected with skin. He flailed backwards, the scalpel sticking out of his left thigh. I raised the other above my head and plunged it into his chest. Blood trickled out of his mouth as he tried to speak. He fell to his knees, then onto his right side. I lowered my face to his ear and said, “See you in hell.”

I made my way down the dark corridor until I found her room. I rushed to her and began to undo the restraints.

“What are you doing?” She said through her sobs. “Who are you? Where is the man with the mask? Please don’t let him touch me again!”

“It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m here to help you.” I said, making quick work of the restraints.

“That’s what masked guy said when he..when he..” Tears slid down her swollen, red face.

“He’s dead,” I said as I swallowed the lump in my throat. “He can’t hurt you again.”

She flinched as I reached out to touch her. I drew my hand back and exhaled loudly.

“Look, they brought me here too but I found an exit. We may not have much time. Where’s your clothes?” I asked as I scanned the room for them. She lifted her hand and pointed to the small closet to the left of the room. I pulled her clothes out of the closet and threw them to her. Her bra fell at my feet.


The things that could have been fried on my face at that moment. Couple of eggs, a pound of bacon, perhaps. I picked it up and carried it to her.

“Here. Sorry,” I stammered and shoved my hands in my pocket. She grabbed it from me and clutched it to her chest.

“Can I have some privacy, please?” She scowled.

“Please hurry,” I said as I turned my back to her. It took all the restraint I had not to turn around. She was disheveled, her blue eyes red rimmed, her full, pouty lips chapped. Yet these things didn’t take away from her beauty.

“Okay,” She whispered. “So what’s your plan?”

I turned around and swallowed audibly. “I don’t exactly have a plan. I literally just found an exit.”

“I still don’t trust you,” she sniffed. “But nothing could be worse than this shit hole,” she said as she tucked her hair behind her ears. “So lead the way, um, what’s your name?”

“My name is Daniel.”

She nodded her head then wiped her face with a shaky hand. “I’m Zora. Friends call me Z.”

“Stay behind me, Zora.” I said as I crossed the room.

“If we make it out of here, you can call me Z.”

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