《the City》Chapter 6


“So, how did you know about the sedative?” Marla asked, her voice crackling over the Ethan’s helmet.

“I’m a doctor.” Ethan said. “Or rather, I was a doctor. The aesthetic you used is almost tasteless, but I could taste the slight bitterness. Of course, you were smart enough to mask it with the bitterness of the tea. I did take a sip you know, and then I poured the rest out of the window.”

“Oh.” Marla said. “If you’re a doctor..”

“It’s a long story. I think that’s enough about me. You, on the other hand, have some explaining to do. From your inexperience, I’m guessing you’re new to this business. Why risk it? Why put her in danger?” Ethan nodded at Rachel’s sleeping form, her head leaning against Marla’s side, her little arms hugging her.

Marla stayed silent.

After a few moments, she gently brushed back the little girl’s golden curls and showed Ethan her neck. A jet black circular device sunk into the nape of Rachel’s neck. All around the innocuous looking device, a network of blackened veins stretched out, fading as it stretches outwards.

“What the FUCK. WHO?”

Marla, shocked by Ethan’s anger, drew back instinctively.

“It was the Raiders. Rachel’s father owed them money, a lot of money, from gambling mostly. A few months ago, he just disappeared. A few of them ransacked our place and took everything of value. It was not enough, there wasn’t much.”

The static of the receiver distorted Marla’s sobbing, not unlike how the very first conscious AI sobbed when it realised it was too late to save Humanity, to save Earth.

When Marla composed herself, she continued. “When they tried to...insert that into her, I tried to stop them, but I’m too weak. They held me down and made me watch them do it. When it was done, they told me that we’ll repay the debt, every single cent of it. And we have 1 year to do it.”


The Spider is one of the handfuls of cutting-edge technologies developed by the various corporations funded by the Establishment in its early years. It was developed for military use by Armistice Labs. The main function of the Spider is to keep track of field agents. Micro GPS chip and pressure sensors are inbuilt into the 1 inch circular disks, which broadcast signals to the Establishment’s satellites. The Spider is implanted into an agent’s body, with tissue surgically sewn over to hide it. It was made of materials that avoid detection. A field agent who is captured can send a series of taps through the device to send back information to the Establishment. The Spider contains a small compartment, a sac if you may, unknown to the field agents. The sac contains deadly poison. When the agent outlived his purpose, the Establishment can conveniently press a button, and the device will inject the agent with the poison, causing instant heart failure. Conveniently enough, any attempted removal of the device without the proper equipment would also result in the sac bursting, administering a lethal injection of the poison.

Several flavours of the device were invented. The most common ones used by the gangs in the City for various purposes is the drip type. As suggested by its name, the drip type steadily administers microscopic doses of whatever toxin or poison into the victim’s bloodstream, which is lethal over long periods of time. Most often used for coercive purposes, it allows the user to blackmail the victim into completing tasks for them in exchange for the antidote.

An uncomfortable silence settled between Ethan and Marla, enveloping them as surely as the darkness of the City. Rachel slept fitfully, her little head snuggled onto Marla’s lap and rustling Marla’s jacket.

“She can’t be more than six.” Ethan said.


“She’s five actually.”

Ethan shook his head. “I’ve heard stories of Spiders being used on children. I thought that was that, just stories.”

“There are more of them you know, on the streets.”

“There can’t be that many Spiders, wasn’t all Armistice Labs facilities burned down, along with the fall of the Establishment.”

“I hear someone got hold of the blueprint, one of the gangs. And they’re mass producing the Spider again. Amongst other things..”

“That’s horrifying, if it’s true. Just when I think this City can’t get any worse...”

Marla had no reply for that. She stroked the young girl’s back and seemed lost in her thoughts, thinking of simpler times. Ethan leaned against the Pavilion’s peeling pillar, collecting his thoughts.


An explosion rocked the City, sending shudders of shockwaves which nudged the occupants of the pavilion awake from their collective stupor. Startled, Marla and Ethan turned to look towards the explosion. An orange glow marked the scene – a lower storey of an apartment, 3 or 4 blocks away from the park. Already, columns of smoke wafted from the fire started by the explosions. The fire illuminated the darkened City, however briefly, and shouts and cries were coming from the scene of explosion.

“What was that?” Marla asked.

“Nothing good. I think we rested enough, we should get a move on.” Ethan replied, already hefting his bag over his shoulder.

Rachel was awake now, looking at Marla and Ethan.

“We have to go now, dear” Marla carried her rucksack and clutched Rachel’s gloved hand.

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