《The Origins and Adventures of Jogger Colt》Chapter 6


"Demons is what we call them. They are a strange and unintellectual beings.

When demons came into this world, every race and being despised each other because of beliefs and culture. There may be some who encourage communicating with one another. But the number of races who had that mindset did not exceed the four fingers of my hand.

There may be battles or skirmishes between one race and another.

The races who are not involved just turn a blind eye. Heck, there are even some of them who secretly laugh.

To protect their respective race, adults trained their young in various ways and methods. To never lose their dignity and pride from the other race. The goal is to get strong enough for the other oppositions won't gaze their preying eyes on your race.

Until the demons descended. The very first wave came in the form of a blue blob, which we called the slime. They could transform into who they eat. They started out small and no one noticed them.

The first known case of slime was found on the goblin race. One goblin got into a rampage inside their holdings that took away the young and the old. It gets stronger as it eats more. And that said goblin turns its eyes into the orcs, which created a war between the two.

Nobody responded and watched on the sidelines. Then a second, a third, a fourth, a multiple of cases occurred in lots of races. They created turmoil inside and outside.

Thus, the saying, 'A slime unhindered, is a slime undefeated. Disguise is their appetizer, War is their main course, Bloodshed is their dessert.'

The Demons and Daemons -


I slowly open my eyes with lots of blue screens in front of me. I am covered in sweat, lying on the ground.

As I tried to recall the last vestige of my consciousness, I sighed.


'I think nothing surprises me anymore after this.'

I prop myself up and read the details in front of me.

'Personal skill? Human and Centaur?'

The gears inside my head seemed to be not working. I have read the blue screens twice, thrice, plenty of times, and nothing seems to add up.

Does the System know I am a human before? It clearly new my age before I was sent here, so that means it new.

But am I a half-human and half-centaur?

[System: Merged into a Personal Skill. Human skill 60%, Centaur 40%.]

My humanity is higher than being a centaur. Why is it like that? The word Racial pertains to an individuals' race.

On my screen, the race section says I am a Centaur. If I am 60% Human, it should be stated there.

There are so many questions unanswered! At that time, a gear in my head suddenly clicked.

A hazy memory piece of mine gets cleared. My consciousness sucks me in that memory piece, moving past a misty haze area.

Then I was human again. But the only downside here is that everything seems blurry. The only thing my eyes could focus on is the computer? 'Is that what that box thing is called?'

It is about me playing a game on the computer with some questions in mind.

I did not remember what the question was, but I felt irritated if I tried to remember it.

Anyway, that was the thought process of that memory.

Inside the game, there is a familiar-looking screen. It is a blue screen!

The question I had at that time must be about this blue screen. I moved the mouse to click a question mark on the side of it.

Another blue screen appeared, and a strong suction takes me out of that memory piece, back to the misty haze area, and back to myself.


I sighed. 'I told myself that nothing would surprise me anymore. But, surprise! surprise!'

That misty haze area would be the memories before the rebirth. The memory piece I just had is the first memory I had unlocked.

'What made this memory piece get unlocked? Is it an answer to my predicament right now?' Well, there's no harm.

I went back to the blue screen, 'So. Where's the question mark here.' There is no question mark over here. I scanned all the blue screens and thought, 'I gotta close some of them.'

Then all of a sudden, some blue screens snuff out. 'With just a thought? Maybe... '

I thought out the question in my head, a new blue screen appeared.

[Racial Skills: A skill generated from an individual's upbringing through mind and body.]

Hm? So it does not mean that if someone is born as an orc, but was raised by a human. He or she would get a human racial skill?

So in my case, I had a memory of the past as a human. Combine it with the present me as a centaur with centaur parents. I had both.

So out there, there is a fairy raise as a centaur, got centaur racial skills, and power as one? That is a possibility, I think.

There could be lots of possibilities. But let me focus on my self first.

'Now. Where the heck am I?'

Daemon Continent is what is says on the blue screen. There must be something wrong with the portal.

'Luck. You do what you have to do. Just keep me alive. Okay?'

I got no more complaints with Luck anymore. There must be something in this continent that I was teleported here and not the Royal Study.

I closed all of the blue screens and started walking in one direction. Surely walking in one direction would take me out of this black forest.

As I walk, I kept on thinking about what happened inside the portal. I deduced that those sporadically placed black squares are different kinds of areas. I remember a straight line going into one distinct black square, but a hand grabbed me into another one.

The culprit here is the one who owns that hand. There is nothing I could about it. I am still powerless.

Then I remembered something about my Personal Skill.

[Personal Skill: Grants a stat point in every level up of skill and birth date. Has the ability to learn skills upon multiple practices.]

Able to learn skills upon multiple practices. Hm?

Come to think of it, there are three skills on the Centaur Racial Skill.

[Centaur Racial skill: Acquire Stomp, Spearmanship, and Stamina Recovery Increase skills upon birth. Grant a stat point in every birth date.]

Why did I not acquire those three? The Human Racial skill I got in full but on the Centaur Racial skill, I only got the stat point every birth date. It did not include the three sets of skills.

I won't put the mind into it that deep. How about I try to learn it by myself.

Let's go with the Stomp skill. With the word itself, I stomped as I walk.

I walk forward and bearing all my weight on my hind legs, I reared myself up, then transfer back the weight to my forelegs and stomped hard.

I felt a small tremor on the ground and that's it.

'If that kind of action could be made into a skill, well, it is kinda bit mundane to me.'

Let's just keep on repeating the action. As it says 'upon multiple practices.'

Then I heard a rustle behind me. I turned and saw a conspicuous blue thing. 'What is that?'

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