《The Origins and Adventures of Jogger Colt》Chapter 1


W-where am I? I cannot see a thing! Everything is all white. I tried to touch my body, but I realize I can’t move. No! I realize I do not have a body anymore!

Reviewing my latest memories... I cannot seem to recall anything! Zero, zilch, zip, nada. No memory at all. But how can I explain, me talking to myself in, what-you-may-call-this language? As I immerse in finding my memory, I remembered some knowledge and details that are clear to me. Like having five senses, or in fact, six if you include the mysterious sixth sense which is a gift given to certain people. There are some glimpse and pieces there that were obscured and blurry. Ahrg! Got frustrated and ended my concern about memory lapse, or maybe amnesia?

The sense of touch, smell, taste, and sound is not present at the moment. Only my sight depicting this white background around. I hear a clack, oh! That’s sound right there. Turning towards the sound, I could see the only color inside this white background. A black vertical line stretched far that I could not even see the edge of it.

I heard another clack, the black line opened wide. A third color appeared, red. A red background appeared inside the open wide black line. Then another clack, clack, clack. An obscured memory of mine got clearer, that is the sound of somebody walking in high heeled footwear.

Not long after, a.... woman? Man? I do not know. This blasted memory of mine kept on betraying me. My sense of sight seems to be malfunctioning as the … being approaching me seems to be fading in and out. One moment he... or she... Let’s call it an IT. One moment IT is there walking, a second later it is gone. And as my sense of sight kept on tricking me, IT came back walking. Even the figure of IT is getting blurry as IT approaches me.


But, as IT got nearer and nearer, I got a sniff. Yup, my sense of smell is back! I sniffed and got a fragrant smell that I have never encountered before. Not like another memory of mine got cleared but this smell is so unique that my nose twitches like never before and my body knows it even without my brains and memories acknowledgment.

IT is now standing in front of me. Still, I can’t even move a muscle... wait? Last time I checked; my body is gone right? SO WHY THE HELL IT IS BACK NOW! Not that I am complaining about having my body back, but... whatever, I think everything that is happening is just a dream.

I felt a hand touch my face. It was IT. One more sense remaining. I knew after this one, I will wake up in the morning, memories back, and forget about this dream a few minutes after.

IT suddenly leaned on me and whispered, ‘Good Luck’. I then felt something on my lips. Did IT kiss me? No! My First Kiss! What? First Kiss? Does that mean I am a virgin? Because of that let’s call IT as SHE. I am a guy! Straight up man dude! Even though everything is blurry to me, I seriously hope! Hope! That SHE is a woman!

After the kiss, everything blacked out. But not for long.

Previously everything is white. This time I see darkness around. But unlike before, I felt a heartbeat this time. I can feel my body constricted by something. The only problem is... I can’t breathe! I can’t breathe for fuck’s sake! It felt like I am drowning. And what do you do when your drowning? Go back to the surface and have a breath of fresh air stupid!


So, I twisted and turned, the cracks increase, and light is coming out of it. With one final kick, light engulfed me and a breath of fresh air flowed through my being.

From darkness to light in a split second, it made my vision blurry. My vision adjusted gradually, so I felt my body around. I could feel my hands, closing, and opening it. Relief came over me. I am back! I am … back?

As I was closing and opening my hand, my head went down to looked at it even with the blurriness. As it adjusted and cleared, I saw my hands, but beyond that, what depicted in my eyes are my feet... or hooves? I’ve got hooves as my feet!

A big hand grabbed me by my armpits and raised me high. What came in front of me is a bearded-ugly man, wearing an upper armor. He stood 2 meters high, which make me high up on the ground just to see this ugly face! Wait? Which means... I am small? Or this one is a giant?

“Wha! He looked like me when I was a foal!”

A slender hand came at the right slapping towards the bearded-ugly man with a resounding smack.

“You stole the baby’s first lift!” The slender hand came from the beautiful woman who stole me from the bearded-ugly man.

She stared at me with a big smile plastered on her face, “Welcome to the World, Jogger!”

[Welcome to the World of Ortus]

[Name given by parents: Jogger]

[System updating...]

[System calculating stats...]

[Error... Error... System reboot...]

[System successfully updated.]

[Error calculating...]

[Name: Jogger Colt

Race: Centaur

Age: Calculating...

Health: 120/120

Mana: 10/10

Stamina: 20/20

Strength: 3

Agility: 2

Vitality: 3

Dexterity: 1

Intelligence: 5

Luck: 10

Skills: ???

Spells: None]

What?! What is this blue screen? Holy Sh*t! I flapped my hands in front of me, but nothing happened! My hands just phase through the blue screen!

There's a name? Even though I don't have any recollection of my memories, I knew my name is not Jogger Colt! Race? I am human for f*ck's sake!

But... This blue screen is so familiar to me. Hm? Age...

“Oh! First time to see your status eh!”

“Dear, let us check his status.”

How loud could this bearded-ugly man be? He kept shouting even though we are just at arm's length. The beautiful woman put me down, and she gestured on the air for a few seconds.

Both of them were flabbergast and turned to me in sync.

[Error: Due to the nature of the newborn foal's intelligence that resembles a teenager. ]

[Error calculation finish]

[Age: Newborn Foal]


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