《The Town Of Fairview》Chapter 2- Six Arms And A Chitin Hilt


Terrance with his hands on his head shouts.

“what the fuck!”

But before Terrance could say any more a tree went barreling through the already broken window heading right towards the two females. The girls, on the other hand, were deer in headlights having no real time to process what was going on. Before the tree could hit either of them Bart dashed and caught the tree.

Terrance seething with rage says.

“Ok that's it this thing is dead Bart throw something at it!”

bart tosses the tree he was holding into the dark hitting the creature.”

“Fuck half the store is rubble damn it Mr.Li is going to flip shit.”

And with that the two left the store to see just what they were facing. And what came into view was a monster reaching over nine feet in height it was a disfigured abomination with seemly no head attached to its torso the body in question seemed to be made of blackened skin and muscle it's legs seemed to be shaped similar to that of horse hooves but that was overshadowed by its six muscular arms each attached with sharp red claws. Terrance without hesitation charged the beast his body transforming to that of a humanoid beetle with a sharp horn protruding from his forehead. Once close enough to the monster he threw a left hook towards the ribs of the monster. Bart wasting no time conjured up a hammer and ran towards the creature hitting it square in the chest the monster was seemly unfazed it swung its arms and hit Terrance through several trees and immediately grabbed Bart and threw him towards the store.

“Terrance while picking dirt from out behind his horn screams.”

You want to play like that you giant son of a bitch! “

Terrance once more charged at the monster this time impaling it with his horn and lifted it up.

“Bartholomew quit groveling and kill it!”

Bart was breathing wildly his skin turning into a bronze color and eyes like blue fire. Bart jumps 20 feet in the air and slams his hammer on top of terrance’s horn snapping it clean off.


Terrance just realizing what bart had done screams in agony.


The two girls watching this spectacle take place exchange some words.

“Wow I don't know what irritates me more the fact that they are thoroughly beating the monster that forced us to run away or that they are doing it so nonchalantly.”

“To be fair to us that creature is damn near immune to magic and we aren't too good in close quarters fighting. But i'm more intrigued by their abilities he looks to be a humanoid beetle of some sort and I haven't got a clue what the angry one is!”

Bart paying no mind to Terrance's cries of pain is viscously slamming his hammer against the horn in the creature's chest in quick succession each strike packed with the power of a raging demon until the creatures entire torso was a dark paste and the horn was all that was left of its body along with its extremities.

Terrance rubbing where his horn use to be.

“It's dead Bart you can stop mercilessly beating the asphalt your fucking up the street.”

Bart still in a frenzy slowly starts to calm himself and notices deep claw marks in his arms and chest.

Both Bart and Terrance begin walking back to the store front the two girls still processing what just happened.

Barts adrenaline is starting to wear off.

“ Six fucking arms… fuck these cuts sting like you wouldn't believe.”

Terrance still rubbing where his horn was.

“I wouldn't believe it? You broke off my fucking horn! With sheer blunt force alone I Don't even know how you did that it should be impossible! I'm an ironclad beetle the size of a SUV for fuck sake!”

Terrance motions to his horn as it slowly regenerates back to normal.

Bart gripping Terrance's horn in hand.

“Well on the bright side I can make a pretty cool hilt for my hammer from your horn.”


“Fuck you Bart.”

“Oh come on it's not like it affects you or anything.”

“Still hurts you severed a part of my body for fuck sake.”

Bart motioning to his wounds.

“ Oh shut up I had 30 serrated fingernails each the size of a smartphone clawing at my skin for a solid 45 seconds and i don't regenerate you don't see me bitching Terrance.”

Terrance gave Bart a jab to the face

“You wanna go you stupid dung beetle!”


Both Terrance and Bart looked up and saw the blonde women looking at them with disappointment whether it was because these two somehow were able to beat the monster that was chasing them through sheer reckless stupidity or the fact that they are literally beating each other for no good reason.

“I don't mean to interrupt your “dispute” but who are you two.”

Bart noticed she had a British accent.

“Who cares Emily let them put on a good show it was just about to get good!”

This time the voice came from the redhead with a slight Scottish accent.

Bart’s body finally gives out due to blood loss and collapses in the store.

Terrance gave him a kick

“You alive their buddy? don't suppose either of you know any healing magic?”

“Aye, i know some healing magic and Emily knows some basic first aid.”

Sometime later after the two girls fixed up Bart while Terrance back in human form made a makeshift table he helped Bart up and put him down on one of the four foldable chairs then they all sat down and began to talk about just what in the hell happened.

While motioning to both herself and the redhead.

“So first of all let me thank you two for getting us out of that situation my name is Emily and she is Sonny.”

Sonny reaches into a fridge and pulls out one of Mr.Li’s imitation alcohol.

“Don't bother drinking that swill. It's the old man's shitty imitation alcohol let me go get you an actual drink.”

As Terrance left Bart started to speak.

Bart still woozy from the blood loss says.

“No problem my name is Bart and the beetle man over there is Terrance and I'm surprised he hasn't started to yell at you two I think that mostly thanks to you sunny.”

Terrance giving her a smirk he then proceeds to open up a bottle for all four.

“Now let's talk what in the fuck were you two doing running around the woods being chased by a nine-foot monster and did you really need to break the window?”

It was Emily who answered.

“Well let me be honest we both wish to be shall we say well off financially and we heard Fairview was the place, the place where you could find what you looking for whether it be money, power, or adventure you can find it at Fairview.”

“Truer words have never been spoken you can find about anything here some say it's the center point of all supernatural activity its connected to any point of the world at least thats what Mr.Li says.”

“Who is this Mr.Li?”

“Well let me tell you sunny he's the cheapest old sack of sh-”

But before Terrance could finish he was interrupted by flasks filled with a green fluid flying through the air hitting both Bart and Terrance in the back of their heads Causing both of them to scream in pain as Terrance’s skin dissolves and Bart's skin begins to rust.


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