《Migard: Fires Wrath!》Closed Beta


Ivan was a mid-level associate at an accounting firm; he was 35, average looking, only a little overweight, and was up for a promotion to management at his company. Life was good for Ivan. That was until Jerry arrived, the young 20 something, straight out of college, with that charming smile, Adonis body, and politician personality. He had barely been at the firm a month before being promoted to management. His promotion! A promotion he deserved! Ivan worked there for over ten years and devoted his life to this company. Weekends, Holidays, no vacation all those ten years. He had made the company hundreds of thousands from his work. To get spit on like this, just because a pretty boy fresh out of college with no experience had a charming smile!

These are the thoughts that ran through Ivan's head as he came home, slamming his door open and shut in his rage! He moved through his apartment, the tiny space he called his own. Barely enough room to live really. A bathroom, a bed, and a kitchen, all packed into such a small space.

Ivan's vision flashed a deep red as he continued to fume, slamming his fist into a wall covered with dents and holes from previous episodes. It wasn’t until his fist connected with the stud in the wall did he realize his mistake. Yelling in pain and frustration, he cradled his hand, he now swore at his own stupidity, and he swore at the unfairness of the world. Cradling his now damaged hand, the man moved to his only source of true joy. Ivan's only addiction in the world was his for the escape his computer provided him. Delving into other worlds that he so longed for. Escape from the unfairness of it all. Where his work always produced grand results!

The worlds of fantasy and wonder, where he wasn't just another faceless drone, he was a titan in this realm of existence. His current flavor of addiction centered around taming dragons and realistic flight simulation, though he had binged that game well past the end game content in under a month and a half. His desire for something new was crawling back up — that familiar itch for unclaimed chances and territory. Most of his paycheck went to his games, either updating the temple that was his computer or buying the latest subscriptions. That might explain his meager living conditions.


As his computer booted up, he used his phone to check his email. His computer was a holy place for him, and he wouldn’t dare defile it with such minor things. Mostly spam, no friends to speak of, and his family were too busy with their own lives. He quickly scrolled through checking patch notes on older conquests and updates on yet to be released content, until something different caught his eye.


Welcome to the Closed beta of the new MMORPG Midgard, a world of Epic Heroes and Grand Conquests. You are one of the lucky participants chosen to explore this new world and exciting new challenges.

You will experience a new form of gameplay never before seen by others.

Graphics so real, you won’t be able to tell the difference.

Will you be able to claim the mantel "King of Fate!" or will you be just another player?

Ivan didn't remember signing up for a new beta. He hadn't even heard of this Midgard game; a tiny sight about the history of the great world tree from mythology came up, as well as some game lore about how the gods of men had been locked up deep within to protect humanity from their abuses. A download button rested at the bottom.

He was hesitant to accept something like this, a small voice in the back of his mind screaming it wasn’t real. He couldn’t hear it, something overwhelmed him, that feeling came up again, that feeling of escape into something new, something different from this life he had found himself in. It clawed at him deep down. Ivan had to know more! Scouring the email, he found no more information, just the link to download the game.

Running his virus scan multiple times, and making sure his fire wall was updated and secure beyond reason. Ivan knew it was a bad idea, but something inside him pushed him forward as if guiding him to it. He felt pulled to it. He finally decided to start the download — another prompt shot up interrupting him one last time.


Do you wish to accept an invite to the world of Midgard? Warning, the return might be prohibited.

Yes or No

‘Wow, this game takes itself seriously huh, this might be fun!’ He mused to himself as he clicked yes. Then his screen went black, and his computer started to shut down. Ivan was horrified, beginning to curse at himself for falling for such a scam. That's when his screen popped back on again.

Welcome to Midgard Ivan! Enjoy your new Life!

Appeared on the screen in golden letters before it flashed pure white. It was bright enough Ivan had to look away from the screen, so bright he had to cover his eyes with his hands. Something was wrong; he couldn't see anymore, he tried to back away. Something caught the wheel of his chair. Unable to retain his balance, he fell backwards, the man never made it to the ground.


When Ivan opened his eyes again, he was no longer in his apartment. He wasn’t even in a city anymore! He found himself in the middle of an ancient forest. The trees looked beyond old; reaching up into the sky, trunks thicker than his apartment building! The ground was covered with underbrush and flowers. He swore he saw a group of deer and other smaller animals rushing through the bush away from him. He couldn't tell what was going on, everything felt so empty around him. The wind created a haunting melody as it danced between the massive towering columns the trees formed.

Ivan slowly pulled himself from the ground, looking for signs of civilization. It all looked untouched, like he was the only person in the world, not even a trail was left from whoever left him here. Had he been abducted from his apartment and dragged out here, where was here, who would do this to him? His mind ran wild with questions spirally deeper and deeper, until he heard the voice behind him.

“Welcome, Chosen of Fate. This is the world of Midgard!” Sang the mystic voice of a woman. When Ivan turned around, there stood what he only could describe as a miniature Angel surrounded by golden light. Her golden hair hung in a long braid over her shoulder, the same color as her vibrant shining wings of metallic feathers. Her small body covered in what looked to be metal and leather armor. A fabric dress draped over her legs, hiding them from view.

“You have been chosen by Fate to be a savior of this world, and all worlds attached to it. Let us venture forth and claim glory in battle!” She descended to him, floating gently in the air before him. “Come hero. I have much to teach you of this world and its many wonders!” The small woman proclaimed boldly, then she noticed the panicked look on the man's face. “Chosen? Speak to me Chosen.”

That was all Ivan saw before his eyes rolled up into his head, fainting for the first time today. As he fell to the ground again, the last thing he heard was the Angels voice.

“Great, they sent me a pussy.”

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