《The hidden truth》The Beginning


Hi, my name is Ivy Starr. I just turned 17 years old. I have shoulder length brown hair and my eyes are like the color of emeralds. I usually trip over things all the time. I'm about 5'4 and I'm not the best with making friends. I get bullyed a lot. I'm not like other people. Im a freak. At least that's what people tell me. No one really knows that I get bullyed except for Ruby, she's the only friend I really have. She has blonde hair and we're both juniors in high school. It's Monday which means that I have to go to school. It started off like a normal day, but that soon changed.

A voice yelled, "Ivy! Ivy, get up!" My bedroom door opened and someone stepped into my room. "You have to get up you have to go to school!"

Your probably wondering who this person is. Her name's Hazel, she's my mom. Well she's my foster mom. My foster dads name is Jack and they have two kids named Zack and Amber. Zack is six and Amber is seven, I guess they are like my siblings. Sometimes I'll call my foster parents by there real names and sometimes I'll refer to them as mom and dad.

My parents gave me up when I was about three and I don't know why. I don't really remember them. My foster parents say that they died but I don't know if that's true or not. I guess it is.

My thoughts were interrupted by my mom saying, "So help me if you don't get up and get ready for school I'll throw water on you." I just continued to lay there not saying anything. She's threatened to poor water on me before and she never has.


Just then I felt a bunch of cold water being poured on me. I jummped out of bed, screamed and said, "Really?!" My mom didn't reply she just stood there laughing at me. A few seconds passed and two kids ran into my room and tackled me to the ground. I said, "Hi, Zack. Hi, Amber." They stood up said hi then ran out of the room.

Jack came into my room and I was still laying on my back from Amber and Zack tackling me. Jack said, "Your going to be late for school if you don't hurry Ivy."

"I don't want to go to school," I complained. With that I stood up.

Hazel said, "I know you don't. You never do but you need to go." Jack left the room and came back with a bucket filled with water. Before I got the chance to move he threw it on me.

I said, "What was that for! Hazel already threw water on me."

While laughing Jack said, "I know. It just seemed like fun so I did it to." They left my room and he yelled over his shoulder, "Get ready for school." I did what he told me to and then went downstairs.

My mom said, "Eat something before you leave."

"I can't, I have to leave now," I replied. Before anyone could say anything else I grabbed my backpack and left. When I got about a block away from my house I looked around and noticed two girls following me. I noticed that it was Nikki and Heather, two of the people who would bully me.

They ran up to me and said, "Where are you going?"

I looked straight ahead and said, "To school."

Nikki said, "Why, it's not like you have any friends there. No one likes you why bother going." I tried my best to ignore them and kept walking. They walked with me all the way to school saying things like if I left no one would notice.

When we finally got to school Heather yelled, "Have fun by yourself." With that they ran off and Ruby approched me.

She asked, "Are you ok?"

I said, "I'm fine. Come on we have to get to class."

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