《Dual Soul Vol.1》Ch.19: The Wraiths pt.2


“Eat this!” The punk yells out thrusting his water infused lance out towards Tri.

Water shoots out from the lance towards Tri as he raises his sword to block the attack. The attack hits pushing Tri back and knocking him to the ground as the punk rushes ahead wildly leaping up into the air.

“Now time to end this!” He says aiming down towards Tri.

“No, you don’t!” Tri yells out as he raises up his sword burning with an intense flame. “Eat this!”

The weapons clash and Tri pushes the punk into the air with the force of their attacks. He lands on the ground and stares at Tri hiding his amusement as Tri struggles to keep up with him.

“You’re still a greenhorn I take it.” He says happily. “To think a newbie could cause the professor so much trouble.”

“What was that?” Tri asks.

“Nothing for you to worry about because soon I’ll pry that Phantomizer off of you and you won’t have anything to do with us again.” He says happily.

Tri holds out his swords and waves his hand across the watch piece. “Metal!”

“We’ll see about that!” Tri yells as he rushes ahead.

The punk holds out his hand as water comes out from the lake. “Oh yeah, you don’t know what your doing do you!”

He shoots out the water as bullets that push Tri back as he forces himself to stand. “What?”

“These Elements are like magic, and with them, you can do some amazing things.” He says happily. “For me, I can manipulate water and bend it to my will, it’s an amazing ability don’t you see?”

“I get that your good, but if you're so good then why are you just a grunt?” Tri asks forcing himself to stand.



“I mean I’m just a speck who just happened to ruin your plans. So why would they send out the big boys, you’re just a hammer and I’m a nail.” Tri says leaping up into the air. “And unfortunately for you this nail’s bent!”

Tri’s body grows heavier and heavier as the punk forms a shield of water around him. “Metal Crash!”

Tri slams hard with the full might of his body down onto the watery shield smashing it apart as the punk is thrown back. As he lands, he swipes his hand over his watch piece with the red parts of his suit glowing.

“Flame!” The piece yells out.

“Burning Thrust!” Tri yells out.

With his sword engulfed in flames, he charges ahead and stabs at the punk only for a force to block his attack. An arm made of water holds Tri’s sword as steam comes off of the point of contact with Tri staring ahead dumbfounded.

“What’s this?” Tri asks.

“You’re such a fool.” He says seriously. “Did you really think just getting me mad would make me let my guard down?”

“Crap,” Tri says.

“I’ve been entrusted by my Boss with this task, and I will not allow anyone to belittle it or my station among the Wraiths.” He says seriously as more arms made of water emerge. “Don’t dare look down on the Wraiths, we’re the ones who’ll take this world!”

“The Wraiths?” Tri asks curiously.

The water fist hits Tri in the face knocking him away as another holds onto his sword. He lands on his back as more fists emerge and repeatedly punch Tri all over his body over and over and over again. The punk walks forward grabbing onto Tri’s sword as he moves ahead looking down on the weakened Tri.


“Look at you, did you seriously think you were a threat to us?” He says tossing away Tri’s sword. “Listen here, I’m doing you a favor by following the Boss’s orders and not the professors.”

Tri forces himself to raise up. “Listen I don’t care about that, but you’re the ones who’re causing the trouble in this city.”


“Are you the ones responsible?”

“Yeah, we caused it. The Phantoms showing up in this city, it’s all a test. We’re going to push humanity to the brink and cause a revolution.”

Tri’s body burns. “Causing revolution?”


“Is that what you call it!?” Tri yells out as the fire erupts across his body.

Tri calm down, your calling too much power. Your body can’t handle it! Edmond yells out as Tri stands.

“I don’t care, I’m going to destroy this guy,” Tri says seriously.

“Oh really? But you’ve been pushed back this entire fight.” He says seriously. “Do you seriously think….”

Tri pushes ahead and punches him in the face with a burning fist. “I won’t let you get away with it. Do you have any idea how much damage you idiots have caused!?”


“People have been hurt. People have almost died, and the Phantoms themselves, what about them!” Tri yells out grabbing his sword.

Tri… Edmond says.

The punk stands dropping his lance as he gathers water all around himself to form multiple fists of water. “Listen here, I’m going to….”

“Shut up!” Try yells out as he holds up his blade stepping forward to attack. “Burning Slash!”

With a single slash, a wave of flame shoots out from the blade the heat melting the concrete of the ground as it hits the punk. With a large explosion, the punk’s armor fades away and his limp body falls to the ground his watch ejecting the coin as it fades away into the air.

“Don’t think that people are just your lab rats,” Tri says his own armor fading away as he falls to the ground. “I… I feel warm.”

“Tri!” Saffy yells out rushing out of her hiding spot among the trees. “Tri are you okay?”

She reaches down and grabs him only for the heat off his body to push her away. “Ow!”

“I’m a little, tired. I’m going to take a nap for a minute.” Tri says falling to the ground.

“Tri!” Saffy yells out as she shakes him despite the odd heat from his body. “Tri wake up!”

As she shakes him the watch on his arm grows dim and Edmond’s coin turns from a silver to a rusty metal. I’m sorry… Tri. Edmond says as his voice fades away.

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