《Mysteries of the Q Files - Roll of Fate》Prologue


Hey everyone, it’s Ruben again! So that last story from a few months back was a little dark and depressing. Like I said before, strange dreams. But I had to get them out! It’s been a while since I last had much of a chance to be Naomi and Trick in their adventures, but now things are coming to me. Honestly, it makes sense after everything they went through. But I can assure you now this mystery case will be much more upbeat and exciting! Also, they are in a bit of a better place, as you’ll see in the first chapter.

And one day I’ll be able to write these stories down with some greater consistency for you all. In the meantime, I think it’s better if I hold off on the author’s notes again, unless they are absolutely needed! But I will have some fun pictures to go with each chapter. I think you’ll really like where this one goes. Let us begin!

Last time, our intrepid heroes had defeated the Troll Lich King, with his cannon arm and army of undead trolls. It was a hard fought battle, but in the end with the magical Angels’ Wings Rod, wielded by the lovely half elf, priestess Izmerelda, our heroes triumphed! They purged the cursed treasury and looted it, discovering such wonderful, ancient relics like the Mithril Wristbands of Zarxzur, the Tome of Spells Moste Foule, and the long lost sword Foe Burner.

Richer than they could have hoped months ago, carrying items of untold glory and returning to an anxious kingdom, they could indeed be called heroes! Garfunkle the Dwarf bought the first round of drinks for everyone at the King’s personal tavern. Layzlie the Orc Bard, played a merry tune for everyone as they danced. The Dragonborn, Dragorick, was fawned over by women as he put away keg after keg. The human ranger, Swordalot, chatted with Izmerelda and the Drow Wizard, Akerbaza.


“I can’t wait to see what amazing spells are contained in this tome,” Akerbaza said happily.

“If you can find one that’ll get you a hot drow, it will have been worth it all,” Swordalot laughed. “Come, let’s enjoy Layzlie’s song! It’s not often that she plays for the public!”

As he started pulling the other two from their chairs, Izmerelda said, “When do you think we’ll be going on another quest?”

“Soon! I hope,” the drow wizard answered, still trying to read the ancient book as Swordalot threw him in the arms of a busty bar wench. “Why do you ask?”

“Well, you see,” Izemerelda began hesitantly. “I really want to take a trip to the beach.”

Little did they know then that desire would rule the fate of many...

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