《Not Your Ordinary Day in Centralville》Life as How I See It


Chapter 9: Life as How I See It

"Well, I… did I say that?" Nicole May asked nervously as she sweat-dropped and looked away from Naz.

"Yeah, come on, you know a single word can mean a lot… besides, you really should open up once in a while, you know," Naz replied as she quickly stood up and then sat on the table to elevate herself.

Nicole May, Natalie and Elizabeth were still at the library and lunch time was almost over. Elizabeth was lethargically watching Naz interrogate Nicole May. She felt as if she didn't have anything to contribute to the conversation, so she just kept quiet and listened to them. Then, Naz took off her headband and fixed her hair.

"Well, when I was younger, this is how my hair always looked like," Naz said as she pointed to her hair. Her hair was medium straight, also parted, leaving no bangs on her forehead. "Anyway, I don't know what this has to do with our topic, but I think I'm remembering something… when I was already in the adoption center, there was this girl. She was very quiet, and her left arm was bandaged… I tried talking to her, but she wouldn't even tell me her name. She didn't even want to talk to anyone, and she always sits in the corner of the room. Took me two days, I think, before she finally spoke to me. I forgot what her name was… but anyways, when she was starting to open up, there was this couple who seem to have known her but weren't her relatives. After that, they adopted her, and I never saw her again. And that was when I was still in New York."

Elizabeth looked at Nicole May, who kept quiet and was holding her left elbow with her right arm. Nicole May then looked at Naz hesitantly while Naz observed Nicole May's reaction to her story.

"Hey, Nicole May, you know, when I met you for the first time in this school, I had this feeling I've met you somewhere before…" Naz continued as she folded her arms across her chest.

"Huh, are you saying that Nicole May's the girl you met years ago?" Elizabeth asked while Naz and Nicole May turned to her.

"Well, it's possible, but only Nicole May can confirm that…" Naz said as she looked at Nicole May. "Hey come on, you gotta say something at least…"

"You… you're Natalie Lindberg… right?" Nicole May muttered slowly as she looked down, staring at her lap.

"Ehhh?!" Naz exclaimed surprisingly as she grabbed into Nicole May's shoulder and looked at her face. "Seriously, you're really the girl that I met at the center eight years ago?! How come you didn't tell me sooner or later?"

"What… how was I supposed to know you're the same person?" Nicole May muttered as she looked away from Naz. "While it's true I can remember people's names and faces at the age of three and retain that up to today, but if their looks change and even a slight change in their full name can make me think they're a different person…"

"Now it makes sense…" Elizabeth muttered to herself while she looked at Nicole May and Naz. "Rich kids are usually spoiled and annoying to be with… and they want to be the center of attention. But Nicole May is quite different from them. Hmm, so those rumors about the Rustfords adopting a child were true…"

"I don't really think all rich kids are spoiled or annoying…" Nicole May protested as she looked at Elizabeth glumly. "Usually, it's because their parents are too busy with their work, they don't put enough attention to their children and let the people they hire do the job for them. Don't mind me, that's just what I've observed."


"Either way, is your left arm doing well Nikki?" Naz asked while Nicole May turned to her. "Well, considering that was years ago… and I don't think you want to remember it either, but don't worry, we won't tell anyone else… right, Lizzie?"

"Hey, are you saying that I spread rumors in the campus?!" Elizabeth glared at Naz as she pouted.

"Well, no, I was referring to Avegaille… I don't think she should know this… yet…" Naz added as she sweat-dropped. Then, she turned to Nicole May again and quickly got off the table and started to hug her. "Either way, I always wanted a little sister just like you, Nikki~"

"Huh… isn't Nicole May the same age as us?" Elizabeth asked as she looked at Naz confusingly.

"Don't be ridiculous, I was four when I was at the center, and yeah, I just remembered that Nicole May was only three that time," Naz replied and grinned happily.

"I can't… breathe…" Nicole May groaned while Naz continued to hug her tight. She tried to push herself away from Naz until Naz loosen her grip and eventually, she got off from the hug. "Geez, you seriously could have killed me there…"

"Sorry Nikki… Anyway, Lizzie, I'm pretty sure there are some other students there who are a year younger than us but still in the same grade as we are…" Naz continued as she winked at Elizabeth.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it…" Elizabeth murmured as she stood up from her seat. Then, she turned to Nicole May. "Lunch time's almost over, are you going to your class now?"

"I think I should," Nicole May replied while she stood up from her seat and closed the book in front of her. Then, she took her bag from the floor and placed the strap on her shoulder. "I'll see you guys… depends if we have classes together…"

"Aww damn, we have physical ed today," Naz groaned and pouted while looking at her schedule, which was in a small piece of paper. "Is that your next class?"

"No… and besides, I think it's inappropriate to put physical education right after lunch… you must have misread that," Nicole May muttered as she took the paper from Naz hand and put on her glasses on her face to read it. "You actually have Language Arts before Physical Education…"

"I dunno if it's coincidence that Naz and I almost have the same schedule…" Elizabeth remarked while she sighed and took Naz's arm. "Come on, let's go before we're both late for our class."

"You don't have to drag me around!" Naz complained while Nicole May handed back her schedule and Elizabeth started tugging her.

After the two of them left the library, Nicole May looked around the area and saw that the other students inside were leaving the library. She sighed to herself as she also left the library and wandered around the hallway. She spotted Miss Harrington having a conversation with Mrs. Stewart right outside the classroom. Miss Harrington noticed Nicole May immediately and quickly approached her.

"Miss Rustford, was it… where were you earlier?" Miss Harrington asked as she looked at Nicole May sternly.

"Miss Harrington, I… I can explain… I was supposed to head down to your class, but… I wasn't feeling too well…" Nicole May muttered nervously. Then, she saw Mrs. Stewart approaching the two of them and joined the conversation.

"Nicole May, do you know where Avegaille went? Like what Miss Harrington here said, she was absent in her class… as well as her next subjects after that," Mrs. Stewart added. She looked really worried and sighed after that.


"I really don't know, but I tried to catch up to her, I think I sort of made it worse… and I didn't want to talk any further and ran off… I don't know where she went after that…" Nicole May explained and she became even more nervous.

"Well, I'll have to talk to her later… if I can…" Mrs. Stewart muttered and sighed. Then, she turned to Miss Harrington. "Sorry for the trouble, Elaine. I'll be going now…"

"It's fine Amelia, I don't think these students are that excited anyway…" Miss Harrington said. She waved goodbye to her and then entered her classroom.

Then, Mrs. Stewart turned to Nicole May and placed her hand over Nicole May's shoulder. "Oh yeah, Nicole May, do you mind if we have a little talk? Don't worry, it's not about you cutting classes, it's something else…"

"Eh?" Nicole May slowly turned her head to look at Mrs. Stewart and pointed to herself.


Inside the principal's office, where Mrs. Stewart's desk was actually located, aside from the front desk area where Vivian was, Nicole May was sitting on one of the chairs in front of the principal's desk. Mrs. Stewart was behind her desk, sitting in front of Nicole May. She looked quite worried and started tapping the desk with her finger. Nicole May on the other hand, was quite nervous, as she had no idea of what Mrs. Stewart wanted to talk about with her.

"Nicole May…" Mrs. Stewart said, breaking the silence of the room. "You… were Avegaille's roommate when the two of you were still in Midway Academy, right?"

"Ah… yes…" Nicole May replied quickly as she looked at Mrs. Stewart for a while and then looked down.

"Hmm, to be honest, that question had nothing to do with what I really want to talk about…" Mrs. Stewart said and laughed nervously. She could still sense that Nicole May wasn't feeling comfortable with her. "You seem to be a bit nervous. I told you not to worry, right?"

"Yes… you did…" Nicole May muttered as she slowly lifted up her head and looked at Mrs. Stewart. "So, what is it that you want to talk about… is it about Avegaille?"

"Hmm, you can say that, I guess…" Mrs. Stewart said and sighed. "I really can't ask Jane to be here just to talk about her since I know she's busy, or tell Vivian stuff like this. Are you and Avegaille getting along quite well?"

"Not… really, I'm not sure if she already forgot, but back then, the two of us… couldn't stand each other and we always keep our distance even if we were in the same room…" Nicole May explained as she folded her arms across her chest. "Maybe I was influenced too much by those people. I really don't know why Avegaille uncovered their true intentions… if it was to help me or she just pulled that off as a slap in my face. I tried to change after that, but then, graduation was approaching fast… so I don't think she would have noticed either way."

"Ah I see. Well, I think Avegaille was trying to help you out… I mean, Avegaille wanted to at least have a friend in that school even if she says the opposite and you were always with her even if the two of you kept your distances. She's always like that but she's still naïve though. Either way, she'll understand things if given enough time… Like this situation right now. I know Avegaille doesn't want me meddling in her life too much… I should at least respect that," Mrs. Stewart said and smiled at Nicole May. "Anyway, if you don't feel like attending classes, you can stay here… I could use some company."

"I suppose… I was wondering, do you and Avegaille argue a lot?" Nicole May asked, looking perplexedly at Mrs. Stewart. "Ah, well, I don't want to be nosy too much… but I was… just curious…"

"Not really, maybe some childish arguments here and there, but nothing too serious. Even if she's mad at me, she would apologize afterwards," Mrs. Stewart said and leaned her back against the chair. "She has cases of depression, but she forgets them after a while… her therapy and medication sometimes helps."

"Anyway, Mrs. Stewart, I'll stay here if it's fine with you… I don't think I'll miss too much if I don't attend my classes for the day, although… isn't cutting classes really a school offense?" Nicole May asked as she looked at Mrs. Stewart nervously.

"Hmm, while that's true, college students could actually choose not to attend some of their classes while being present in other classes… but this is middle school and rules should be implemented. Still, I'm not in the mood in terms of enforcing them strictly, it's just too uptight… I'm not that kind of person," Mrs. Stewart replied while she stood up. "Ah, it's just too conflicting… Anyway, I'll be checking classrooms for a while. You can read some of the books at the shelf near Vivian's desk if you want."

"Um, sure…" Nicole May nodded while she watched Mrs. Stewart leave the room and she quickly followed her afterwards.


Avegaille slowly opened her eyes as she sat up and looked around. She realized she was still in her room. She looked at the digital clock next to her bed, atop a small cabinet. It was almost six in the evening. Then, someone knocked on the door and Avegaille realized her room was still locked. She quickly got off her bed and rushed to the door to open it. Mrs. Stewart was at the door, looking at her worriedly.

"Avegaille, are you okay?" Mrs. Stewart asked while Avegaille stepped back and her mother went inside the room.

"Ah, Mom… I'm fine… sorry about earlier…" Avegaille muttered as she quickly hugged her mother. Then, she looked up at her mother. "Do you really like your job?"

"Well, with bigger responsibilities, it's a bit hard, but I'll get used to it eventually…" Mrs. Stewart replied. She smiled and gently stroked Avegaille's hair repeatedly. "Anyway, you seem to be doing well at school, I don't think I should worry too much, except for… what you did earlier."

"Eh, are you talking about me cutting classes?" Avegaille asked and pouted. She quickly let go of her mother and sat on her bed, and took a pillow to hug.

"Well, you're just lucky you're not the only one who was cutting classes that day…" Mrs. Stewart said while she approached Avegaille's study desk, pulled out the chair and sat down on it. "Either way, you two will have to pay the consequences… both of you will have detention after school until the end of next week."

"Huh… who's the other person…?" Avegaille asked as she looked confused while she turned to her mother.

"Oh, it's Nicole May," Mrs. Stewart replied and shrugged. "She kept insisting that she should be punished for her actions. Even though I told her I wasn't that type of person, I asked Vivian what type of punishment I should give… and Vivian also told me that you have to have the same punishment as her or else the students will raise some questions. Either way, I'll be in charge of detention, so there's nothing to worry about."

"You're really weird Mom…" Avegaille groaned while she plopped down on her bed and stared at the ceiling. "Although, why would Nicole May cut classes in her first week in a public school? I mean, isn't she concerned with getting perfect grades and having a perfect school record? She was always so uptight about that when we were still roommates."

"Well, you should give her a chance, Avegaille, I think she's a nice kid… you know, I mean, she's someone who has a higher financial status and yet she doesn't look down at others… if she wasn't like that before, she's trying to change because you helped her realize what's right," Mrs. Stewart said as she stood up from her seat and sat down on the bed, next to Avegaille.

"Yeah… I suppose… I don't remember much, but we did have fun working together on our last science project… and she's been too friendly with me in some instances now we're in the same school again," Avegaille muttered. Then, she covered her face with the pillow she was hugging earlier.

"Either way, I'll be making dinner… you should come downstairs, okay?" Mrs. Stewart said as she stood up from the bed.


It was already after school the next day. Most students were leaving school and all excited for the weekend. The furniture and things needed for the newspaper room wouldn't arrive until next week, as what Nicole May told everyone. Naz decided to have some fun at the mall and wanted Elizabeth to come along, but Elizabeth refused due to strict rules at her place. Nicole May and Avegaille were stuck staying at school for another hour to serve their detention. Both of them were currently at the principal's office, sitting on the chair in front of a table, which both were taken from a classroom. Mrs. Stewart felt that it would be more formal that way while she was reading a magazine at her desk. Then, she observed what Nicole May and Avegaille were doing. Nicole May was reading a book while Avegaille was drawing in one of her notebooks.

"I'll leave you guys for a while, I need to see if there's still some teachers left in the faculty and have a chat with them," Mrs. Stewart said as she stood up from her seat, and left the room. After hearing the door from outside close, Avegaille and Nicole May looked at each other.

"Hey… um… I'm sorry for, you know, shouting at you yesterday…" Avegaille muttered while she slowly turned away from Nicole May, trying to hide her embarrassment. She couldn't apologize to her earlier since she was always late for most of her classes and Nicole May was always at the front row. It could be also that she was somewhat trying to avoid Nicole May and waited until she could finally apologize to her properly.

"It's fine…" Nicole May said while turned back to the book she was reading. "Anyway, you seem to be in a good mood somewhat…"

"Eh… um, not really… the teachers were creaming me after every class, asking me why I skipped classes…" Avegaille groaned as she leaned her chin on the desk and sighed. "Not only I have to do this detention thing, but I also have a lot of extra homework for the weekend…"

"I could… help you out… if you want," Nicole May said as she turned to Avegaille while she closed the book she was reading and placed it on top of her desk.

"Hmm, I really think I should do this on my own… but two days to finish four subjects, and adding those extra homework isn't really enough for me to complete it… I can only finish one homework per day… seeing as I either procrastinate or I fall asleep… or can't figure out what to do next," Avegaille continued to complain while she covered her ears with her hands.

"Avegaille… you… really should learn how to focus more…" Nicole May remarked as she sweat-dropped. Avegaille took her hands off her ears while she sat up and looked at Nicole May. "Anyways, I'm also stuck with extra homework, how about if we do it together? I mean… you know, at least that way, you can get all of your homework done and you can ask me about… anything."

"Like a study group sort of thing?" Avegaille asked confusingly. "Well, I suppose that could… work. Maybe your nagging might be useful for something after all…"

"Hey, I don't nag that much!" Nicole May protested and pouted at Avegaille.

"Haha, sorry, I really couldn't help it… you changed quite a lot since I last met you," Avegaille remarked and chuckled. "How far is your house from school? If it's too far, I think we have no choice but to do the study session at my house…"

"It is far from here… about five kilometers estimated… but yeah, if it's fine with you, I'll go to your house," Nicole May muttered while her face started to turn red. She quickly turned away before Avegaille could see her face.

"We can go to my house after this, and after I tell Mom about it… I really don't think she would mind," Avegaille continued. Then, she looked at the finished drawing in her notebook and wrote something on it. After that, she carefully tore the page.

"What are you doing?" Nicole May asked as she looked curiously at Avegaille.

"Ah, here, you can have this," Avegaille said sheepishly. She smiled and handed over the paper to Nicole May.

"Huh?" Nicole May took the paper and looked at it. Apparently, it was a sketch of her reading a book. Then, she read the note by the corner of the paper. "To Nicole May, the girl who's always reading a book… I hope that we can become best friends…"

Avegaille laughed nervously and blushed a bit after she heard Nicole May read out the note in the paper. Nicole May on the other hand, smiled and her face started to turn red again while looking at the paper. Both of them kept quiet for a while, and then looked at each other. Avegaille couldn't help but chuckle after seeing Nicole May's flustered look while Nicole May quickly turned away from Avegaille to hide her face.

"I'll… I'll be sure to keep it safe…" Nicole May muttered as she looked down at the paper and smiled.

"I know you will," Avegaille said and giggled happily.

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