《Stars' Boundless Domain》Chapter 4 – The School Test


“What does a guardian do exactly?”

Lios asked after being asked if he wanted Aquill and Mere to be his Guardians.

Once he woke up, he was in an unfamiliar room and Mere and Aquill were there and explained what were Aquill ideas for Lios future.

“Well, we guarantee your safety, are responsible for you and we will pay your expenses in case it’s needed.”

Aquill explained.

“Then yes, I agree to Miss Mere and Mister Aquill being my guardians”

Lios lightly bowed to Mere and Aquill once for each.

“The school test will begin soon, Aria, our daughter, will be guiding you there, since she is already a student she won’t be going to do the test with you, but I’m sure you will pass.”

Mere said and lightly smiled to Aquill.

While walking down a street Lios followed a girl a little bit older than him, she was the daughter of Mere and Aquill, Aria.

She was wearing a light blue frilly dress with dark blue ribbons, just like her mother she had dark green eyes and blonde hair.

Lios was wearing something different this time, a white shirt with a black vest and brown pants, Mere insisted on him wearing those clothes, saying she went out to buy them before he woke up.

They soon got to the school.

Aria started talking for the first time after they left home.

“Lios, I will be waiting for you near the exit for the exam, they will test your aptitude for cultivation, your cultivation technique and which faction you will belong to, there are a few things that I should explain, each person has a cultivation technique that they own, they were born with it, the name of the cultivation technique will appear when it is appraised.”


Aria stopped speaking and turned to Lios.

“Do you understand everything that I explained until now?”


Lios Answered.

“Good, I will continue to explain then, there are 4 factions, the faction of time, the faction of power, the faction of life and the faction of the wheel-less. Those who are in the faction of time are those that have an affinity with the wheel of time, the same is for the faction of power and the faction of life, they each receive different teaching based on their affinities, the faction of the wheel-less is a bit different, for those that have more than one affinity or have the affinity of the wheel-less they will go to the faction of the wheel-less, those who are from that faction are called the wheel-less, because of that it is the faction of the wheel-less, the wheel-less are those that receive the title of genius because they mostly have more than one affinity they have more expansive powers, I belong to the faction of life, and that is everything that I should explain to you, the rest the teachers will explain in case you meet the requirements.”

“Thanks for explaining to me miss Aria.”

“It’s nothing, you should hurry up to the exam site”

Aria watched as Lios entered the school and soon followed to where the participants would exit with a displeased face.

“Why did mom and dad become his guardians?”

She murmured.

Lios found himself in a large room full of people, it seems they were all here to participate on the test.

The large room looked like an auditorium, there was a stage surrounded by a staircase, no-one got close to the steps of the staircase and there were quite a few adults that were sitting on the stage as if waiting for something, when suddenly an old man walked from behind the curtains of the stage, those adults got up from their chairs.


“I would like to welcome all those that are going to partake in the test for our school”

His voice could reach every corner of the room, it was a deep voice, like a voice from someone who had seen what the world has to offer.

“I would like to say that regardless of your potential you will be accepted in the school, but depending on it, it will change what class you will be assigned to. The ranks are from class A to class J so, good luck on the examination and good enrollment in Arcadia.”

The old man went back to behind the curtains, and so the examination began.

A line was formed, Lios was to the end of the line, one of the last.

Time passed and soon Lios turn came.

He went up the staircase and got on the stage, there was someone he thought was a teacher waiting for him there.

“I will guide you to the exam location.”

Said the teacher(?) in charge and he started walking, soon Lios followed without saying a word.

They went behind the curtains and the old man from before was waiting there with other elders.

“Say your name and age and enter the circle in the center”

As the teacher(?) said that Lios looked at the ground, there were strange runic markings on the floor and in the center there was a circle made of the same color of the runic symbols, inside the circle it was as if emptiness reigned there.

Lios gulped and then said his name.

“I’m Lios, 10 years old.”

And so, Lios went in, to the middle of the circle.

The circle started to shine, and soon did the runes they shined as if they would never stop shining, just like the stars in the sky.

Then, a text appeared in front of Lios.

Talent – A

Cultivation Technique – Myriad Star Ocean

Faction of Time – YES

Faction of Life – YES

Faction of Power – YES

Faction of the Wheel-less – YES

The group of elders suddenly exclaimed

“He has all faction lit up, a genius!”

“Moreover, his talent is A, a genius among geniuses!”

While that was happening Lios was reading carefully the name of his cultivation technique and lowly murmured.

“Myriad Star Ocean… It will be my partner from now on.”

The old man from before was fixedly staring at Lios, after Lios noticing his gaze, the old man stood up and walked to the front of Lios and said.

“My name is Greku, I am the principal of Arcadia, You will be under our care during 10 years, that is, until you’re 20, and we will be instructing you on your road of cultivation, we expect great results from you Lios.”

“I will be in your care from now on principal”

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