《Stars' Boundless Domain》Chapter 2 - Starfall


Where am I?

Who am I?

The wheel of time, Lios… what is that, my name?

I don’t need to know, just that I’m falling… falling?

To where?

Altrea, the world of the races, I shall start anew.

On that day, the world saw the first star-fall and amidst that was Lios, falling to the ground unaware of what was happening.

He woke up in a daze, in the middle of a forest with his head hurting. It didn’t seem to be dangerous where he fell, it was a simple forest, calm and with a light breeze, it seemed as if the forest was welcoming him with its arms open.

“Where… Altrea, is it? I just know my name and the name of where I am, things don’t seem to be in my favor, should I walk? but to where? to find what? with which purpose?”

Lios thoughts were a mess, but he soon became clear-headed, and reason started forming in his head.

“If I don’t know where to walk I should just follow the sun. If I don’t know what to find, something will surely be in my way. If there is no purpose in walking, there is no purpose in staying, as there will be no change in what is around me. Good, I seem to have found a way now”

Thus, he started walking, he walked until it was night, but he didn’t get tired, so he continued walking, walked day and night, until it became weeks, and soon it was months. Years followed by but he didn’t stop walking, and the forest never ceased.

He had a very firm mentality, as the only way he knew to move on was to keep walking, he closely held onto the hope that there would be something if he kept walking, and so he did, he walked for five years. Until, one day, he saw a tunnel, a tunnel made of trees which piqued his curiosity, it was in the direction that he was walking and the trees formed a barrier around it as there was no way around, only through.


He entered the tunnel, it was very dark and eerie, but nothing could seem to scare him, what scared him the most was to be alone in that forest one more second, so the thought of going back never travelled on his mind.

There was no light on the tunnel, it was completely dark, until a blinding light appeared, like the sun appearing suddenly on a dark sky. the light appeared and he couldn’t open his eyes, so in the end all he saw was darkness, he felt his way through the dark tunnel, until he didn’t feel anymore the tunnel, and he opened his eyes, on his front was a vast grassland and on his back the tunnel back to the forest, with resolute eyes he moved forward, because on that grassland there were humans, and more importantly a city.

People from all directions, except his, were running to the city like something exciting was happening, so he walked after this brief pause, without hurry, but fast, without being slow, but with calm.

“A city, according to my memories that I discovered over the years, a city should have a place that I can learn about this land and it’s costumes, I knew walking would lead someplace, it’s good to know that I just didn’t waste those five years”

Lios thought to himself while walking, he appeared to have 10 years. It was strange for a child to be alone in that age, and that made the people around him start staring at him, not knowing if they should call someone, but what made people stay away from him wasn’t his white hair and red eyes, nor his ominous clothes, but that he came from the tunnel, the tunnel that no one ever came back.

As he was approaching the city gates, a guard came talk to him

“hey, hey kid, don’t you think it’s better to wait for your father or mother before entering the city?”

The guard said before Lios could enter the city, and in that instant it was like all the fatigue and hunger he didn’t feel before affected him now.

Lios passed out, the last thing he could hear was the guard’s worried voice.

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