《Eden Garter, Dragon Anomaly》Hinata's Uncertainty



This was the conversation Hinata had with Densetsu while waiting for Eden to wake up. Despite this, she was conflicted. Eden was the only male in her guild who she felt emotionally and mentally compatible with, but at the same time she was afraid of a relationship with him. Not for her sake, as she was fully confident in Katrina’s choosing of him, but for his sake.

It wasn’t the idea of physical contact which bothered her. She had been through years of therapy for it and was quite confident in herself. The real problem was her occasional knee-jerk retaliations to certain types of contact and her lack of confidence in her body. Although certain she had recovered enough mentally and open to Eden’s touch, she also felt she would be a terrible intimate partner when it came to down to sex.

The very prospect of forming a loving relationship with Eden only to disappoint him in bed, or worse, strike him, caused Hinata to be wary of seeing him as anything but a close friend. She was afraid not of the romantic aspect, but the physical aspect of their possible relationship.

Eden could live without sex, and she was happy to know this. But, even so, it would be cruel to deprive him of it. Humans had needs, after all.

Perhaps she was planning too far ahead, as usual. She knew she had a problem. Either over-thinking or under-thinking. These were her modes. Never a happy medium.

She really needed to work on that.

‘Test him...? How did I test him?’

As Hinata followed her companions through the hallways, she sunk into thought.

‘Oh, Eden... if only you knew what Katrina is trying to do with us. She sees you as an amazing person who would help me get over my fears.’


Should she show him her scars? If she did, would he look to her with sympathy and feel sorry for her?

Would he ignore them?

Would he... find them endearing?


No male thinks that way.

No male would find her ruined body endearing.... would they?

“Hinata, are you okay? We’re here.” Eden’s words snapped Hinata from her trance. In response she nodded, turning her attention towards a multi-paneled screen upon the ceiling.

Hinata found she had been guided by Opal’s hand the entire duration of their walk. Opal’s face revealed her concern and her grip only furthered this assumption.

With a sigh, Hinata sat next to Eden, taking notice of the sweet, buttery scent of popcorn in his lap. To her shock, he had gotten a jumbo size. Although the refreshments were free, she had no idea why he would decide on such a large portion.

“Eden... why did you....”

Hinata ceased her words upon realizing Eden had placed a drink in her armrest. On the cup was cursive writing.

This is yours. Opal said you liked strawberry-melon smoothies. My treat. The popcorn is for both of us. I hope you like a lot of butter.

Tears welled up in Hinata’s eyes. Not a single male in her guild had ever acted this way towards her. Eden was the most considerate person she had ever met.

Why was he going so far just for her? Was it because he felt sorry for her, or was it because he actually cared for her?

“Why...?” Hinata choked out, looking to Eden with confusion, her body tensing in uncertainty and her tail stiffening, “Why are you doing this for me?”

With a warm smile, Eden placed his hand on hers as he spoke, “Do I really need a reason for being kind to someone, especially when that someone has been through so much?”


Hinata now was slightly more convinced that Eden was far from a normal human. Although she was informed he was a starseed mix, his personality barely even resembled humanity at all. Compassion, selflessness, honor, love. He was the opposite of everything she knew about his specie in most cases. It was alien to her, but also quite exciting.

Perhaps Eden was the one human... the one male who could heal her heart. Or rather, perhaps they could heal together.

‘As the saying goes, two broken souls will either mend each other or fuck each other up beyond repair.....’

The question, though - was she willing to take that gamble?

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