《Eden Garter, Dragon Anomaly》Target


[Act 1 Begin]


The odd hybrid, known only as Katrina, approached her fellow compatriot, her stag beetle-shaped two feet clacking against the gray tiles of the floor, the lights reflecting against her florescent red, carapace like skin as she approached him.

The white-cloaked figure approached her, a smile on his pure-white, perfectly-formed face, his blue eyes sparkling.

“So... who may this universe’s Glypher be, my old friend?” Katrina spoke, her glowing, jungle green eyes meeting the handsome white-cloaked figure before her.

An illusionary image appeared of their target, his long, black hair splayed out upon the bed and his green eyes gazing towards his journal.

Motioning to her, the white-cloaked figure spoke, “Believe it or not, Katrina, it’s a human this time. A young man named Eden Hikaru Garter. I have already sent the package to him as per orders.”

The cloaked figure placed a red-plated digital bio card into Katrina’s hands, sporting all information collected on the one known as Eden. With a curious glance, she took it.

“Let us see....,” Katrina spoke in curiosity, pressing a button on the card, “Religious data... raised Christian, considering Native American shamanic traditions. Frowns upon homosexuality and interspecies but trying to change beliefs due to a spiritual awakening two years prior followed by meeting an African American woman known as Krystal Clay. Has practiced astral projection, has visited up to the fifth dimension and has an affinity for dragons. Possesses a heavily keen intuition and vast amount of empathy.”

With a sigh, the white-clocked figure turned towards Katrina, his expression becoming dismal at his next words, “Katrina... Krystal is....”

“I assumed so,” Katrina sighed, slowly fidgeting with her skin-tight black bio-wrap, looking towards the ground.

Katrina saw this as an incredibly delicate situation. The fact that the fourth member of the ground team would be dealing with not only entering a new world, but also grieving a loved one made the situation far less than ideal. It left her to ponder what would be the best method to deal with it. From his profile, Opal and Densetsu would likely only cause him further pain. Hinata, on the other hand, would be a fantastic ice-breaker.


‘A scarred body and mind for a scarred heart...’

Extending his hand, the white-cloaked figure pressed yet another button, revealing what truly weighed on Katrina’s mind, her eyes widening at what she saw.

Her seal-shaped nose twitching, Katrina placed her hand to her mouth, her tone a gasp, “Dragon Gene... a class-nine Glyph Impact.”

“You have a chance this time, Karina,” the white-cloaked figure to spoke her, smiling towards as he gave a thumbs-up, “In fact, you all do. This is going to be an easy mission with a great captain.”

As if to question her comrade, Katrina’s eyes narrowed in emotional turmoil as she spoke, “So... do you mean.... a chance to win, or a chance to.... well...”


The response caused Katrina to give a somber chuckle. This was followed by a dismissive wave towards her ally, “I suppose I should inform Hinata of this, then...”

“What about Opal and yourself?”

The white-cloaked figure’s question was met with a head-shake from Katrina, ironic smile forming on her crab-shaped lips as she spoke, “I am fine on my own. After all....”

The white-cloaked figure gave an annoyed huff. This was followed by the crossing of his arms as he chastised her, “You have a chance with this one, Katrina. It would be nice if you let down your armor and tried to take it.”

“Hmph. Are your words metaphorical or literal this time?” Katrina’s question was met the white-cloaked figure’s compassionate, “Both.”

Both.... of course it was both. He always spoke in double-meanings. Katrina had no idea why it would be a good idea to “drop her armor” with a human. Humans judged more than they accepted.

Both... it had never been both before. At least, not the case of the lattermost question.

It would be best to contact Hinata.

It would be best to keep her armor on.

It would be best to never drop her armor.

Or would it?

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