《[Hiatus, but this is my favorite, wait for it] Realithia Collection》Prologue - A glimpse of what is to come!


I'm currently inside an enclosed space. A white room with no exit. Strangely, it isn't dark but there are no light sources.

On the thick round table in the middle of the room with me on one side, there's a girl sitting right across in front of me.

I had already spoken with her earlier and I had learned about my surprising circumstances afterwards.

The girl named Rea stood up and approached me to the side.

With a grin clearly displayed on her face, she handed over something to me.

Upon seeing the strange object being handed to me, I hesitantly accepted it.

"...Hey, Miss Rea. What is this thing?"

"It's a book. I'm testing something so try opening it, 'kay~?"

A book, huh?

I try to examine the object sized like my own fist. I held it with my right hand.

Shaped like a cube, painted black all over without a single line or crack except for an out of place red, white and green dots on one side, heavier than it looks, metallic texture. No matter how I look around it, this thing is not a book nor is it going to open up.

My right wrist is hurting. I think this thing is heavier than gold if both are compared in the same size and shape. It feels like my palm is getting slashed with sharp blades when I hold it too.

But since Miss Rea said to try and open it, it should be possible to open. The problem is how...

I should try aski--

"-Is something wrong? You've been silent for a while now."

"Huh? Ahh! By the way, how am I supposed to open it?"

"Simple. See that red dot on one side of the book? Focus your gaze on it and imagine getting your soul sucked into it."

Did I just hear something dangerous? No, I'll just have to trust her.

"...Sounds scary, but I'll give it a try. What does this white dot do?"

"I'll tell you about that later."

"And what does this green dot do?"

"Actually... I don't know. It just appeared there when that guy went inside it and now I can't go in it anymore but I can still read it."

"Change? Go inside? Read?"

"You'll know what I'm talking about when you try opening it."

I found the red dot and focused on it just like what Rea said.

I hope this isn't some sort of tool that could have my thoughts trapped into this strange cube... Well, it's Rea so anything could happen.


I feel like my whole body is being sucked into the cube and.......



Prologue Alpha - The Origin

I saw a world where there is peace after many wars.

There is no sickness, no conflict, no jealousy and hatred.

The concept of "death" literally does not exist on this world. Everyone is enjoying their lives peacefully.

The humans in this world had already achieved the peak of science. They explored the entirety of the universe and discovered that humans are alone.

But mysteriously, they also reached the limit of humans that are allowed to exist.

No matter how they tried, they cannot create another human being. Be it by Natural creation or by Scientific such as Cloning or the like. No one can explain it, not even with science. It was like it was the will of the universe.

This solved the problem of overpopulation but problems arise as they just ignored it.

A man from another dimension came and killed a human from this world with an unexplainable method. A feat in which they thought was impossible, seeing that even being sucked into a black hole cannot kill them.

They were once again reminded of how harsh reality was.

They also realized that it is now possible to create another human.


Prologue Beta - A Glimpse into the future

This time, I saw a different world. It's like a fantasy world where swords and magic exist.

A man was on his way home. He just finished a dangerous mission.

Upon entering his home, he discovered that all of his loved ones has been killed in horrible ways.

What he didn't realize was that the killer was still there, just waiting for him.

He he turned around after he felt a presence behind him.

With its monstrous look, filled with sounds of machinery coming from inside, what greeted him was....





Now the scene is back to the previous Sci-fi world.


The boy shouted.

He had a nightmare.

He told his parents about it and went back to sleep. Not knowing that what he just saw is what will happen to him in the future.

The scenery changed.

Inside a certain research facility.

There is a child. A young girl, locked up inside a glass cage. Hmm, she looks familiar.

Her eyes were blank, seemingly staring into nothingness.

She was the clone of the man from another dimension. How they got his DNA is a real mystery.

The researchers taught her lots of things and morals, while at the same time studying her.


She and the Boy who had a nightmare were the only children currently existing in this world.

But they were one human too many. It triggered a disaster.

And then...

I saw the life of the boy up till his final moments.

[Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, epilogue]

In the end, he couldn't prevent the tragedy which he had a dream about.

.....and I have seen everything in his life.

I feel like my body is going up.



"It worked! Safe to use for others, check!"

......I'm back to reality and I'm standing in front of the girl called Rea while still holding the cube in the palm of my right hand.

What just happened...? I think I just heard Rea's voice earlier.



I remember now...

I saw this universe where people don't die, I also saw the journey of a boy, also that end where he went home and... wait a minute.

Now that I think about it, have I seen Rea somewhere before?

With a dumb look on my face, I asked Rea who was curiously looking at me like a child who saw candy for the first time.

"Rea, how much time did pass while I was in there?"


Oh, right. I forgot my manners. She doesn't like being called by her name without a "miss".

"Um... Miss Rea, how long was I gone?"

"*smile* *smile* Five seconds. Did you enjoy it?"

Said Rea with a smile on her face that says "So cool, isn't it?" which she would have probably said if she was currently speaking with a child.

Due to my current state of confusion I just replied,

"...Oh, okay."

"Really... What kind of reaction was that?"

She took the cube from my hand.

Her smiling face was instantly replaced with a poker face.

I think I hurt her feelings. Ahh, you want me to act surprised?

She then continued,

"Never mind. So, what do you think?"

"Except for the way the book functions, something seemed out of place in the story. Specifically, it's near the ending."

"Yes, you're right. But I can't seem to put my finger in it. I know it's there but I just don't know what it is..."


"I got this really strange feeling that something was wrong."

"Hey Miss Rea, you know..."

"What do you think?"

"I think it was so obvious what was wrong."

"Never mind the sci-fi beginning, why was there an unexplainable magical monster of science at the end?"

"Ohhh! You're right!"

After she said that in a sarcastic tone, I got the feeling that she was just pretending to be retarded.

"That was common sense! There isn't supposed to be that kind of monster anywhere in the story at all because those scientific BS was only available in the boy's old world!"

"Okay~! You pass! Next we will try to see if you can go inside the book for real this time!"


Huh? What did she say?



"...Please don't do that."(me)

"Please don't do that."



For just a moment, I felt an urge to punch her face.


"I'm sorry! I just wanted to tease you a bit. *smile*"

"...Okay. Tell me about this 'going inside the book' thing."

She pointed at the white dot on the cube she was holding.

"It's what this white dot does. Like an edit button or in this case, edit dot. You can freely go inside the world and time period the book takes place in. It's also possible to make changes in the story."

"And what about the green one?"

"I don't know. Nothing happens when I try it."

"So you want me to go inside and experience the hellish place to do things that will change the story, is that it?"


After carefully analyzing all the details, with the power of my ultra genius(not really) brain, I came up with a suitable reply for the girl speaking with me.

And my reply is,

"Thank you for all of your kindness and goodbye, please send me back home."


"But why would you want to change the story!? Just leave it be! It's not like it bothers you, right? Besides, you originally wanted my sister to go to that violent place! What if she was captured and had this and that done to her... No, I guess that's not possible anymore."

"What about our deal? Well it's not like you could go home without completing it anyway."

She's right. I shouldn't have been rash with my decisions. Not that I have any choice at that time anyway.

I have no regrets.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. I'll do it. But is such a thing really possible?"

"Yes! Trust me, you can get your sister back!"

Suddenly, I remembered all the events that lead up to my current situation.

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